Section: 3.3 - Electron Configurations and Periodic - SCH4U-SRB

Section: 3.3 - Electron Configurations
and Periodic Trends
• Electron Configuration – a shorthand notation
that shows:
– The number of electrons
– The arrangement of electrons in orbitals
• An atom’s ground state electron configuration
determines most chemical properties
• Therefore we usually write electron
configurations for atoms in ground state
Fig. 3.19 - Atomic Orbitals and Relative
Writing Electron Configurations
• Using Boron as an example
# of electrons in each sublevel
1s 2s 2p
Letters represent orbital shape
Principal Quantum Number
(Energy Level)
We do not need spin numbers...they must be
opposite if they are in the same sublevel
Orbital Diagrams/Energy Level
• Use boxes or circles to represent each orbital
= empty orbital
= orbital with one electron (+1/2 spin)
= orbital with one electron (-1/2 spin)
= orbital with 2 electrons...with opposite spin
Completing Orbital Diagrams and
Writing Electron Configurations
• For Lithium
1s 2s
• For Nitrogen
1s 2s
• For Oxygen
1s 2s
* The text uses circles and places orbitals vertically from lowest to highest
Condensed Electron Configurations
• For atoms with a large number of electrons
• The configuration is very large
• For Potassium (Atomic # = 19)
• Condensed Form - Element symbol for previous
Noble Gas represents the orbitals up to that
point. Additional orbitals are added to it.
• For Potassium – previous Noble Gas is argon
Condensed Electron Configuraton
Electron Configurations for Period 4
• Notice that the 4s orbital has a lower energy
level than 3d orbitals
• Therefore 4s fills before 3d (Aufbau Principle)
Fig. 3.19 - Atomic Orbitals and Relative
Exceptions to the Aufbau Principle
• Some elements are more stable when they do
not follow the Aufbau Principle
• Eg. Cr is most stable when it have only 1
electron in 4s and 1 in each of the 3d orbitals
Patterns in Electron Configuration and
Periodic Table Location
Patterns in Electron Configuration and
Periodic Table Location
• For Main Group Elements – last number in the
group number = # of valance electrons
Eg. O is group # 16 – has 6 valance electrons
• The n value of the highest occupied energy
level is the period number
Eg. For Li – 1s22s1
Li is in period 2
For K – [Ar]4s1
K is in period 4
Patterns in Electron Configuration and
Periodic Table Location
• n2 = the total number of orbitals in that
energy level
For n = 2, there are n2 = 4 orbitals
(one 2s orbital and three 2p orbitals)
• 2n2 = the maximum number of electrons in an
energy level
For n = 2, there are 2n2 = 8 electrons max
Examining the Periodic Table
• Elements with similar properties in the
periodic table are filling the same subshell
• Look at the electron configuration for lead
– What does it look like?
– How does the electron configuration explain why
this transition metal can form both Pb2+ and Pb4+
• Magnetism
– Look at configuration for iron. What do you notice
about the d-orbital electrons?
Exceptions to the rules...
• Chromium
– Predicted
– Actual
(an s-orbital e- is promoted)
• Copper
– Predicted
– Actual
[Ar]4s13d10 (an s-orbital e- is promoted)