Center Websites: Pre-K thorough 2 Encyclopedia Britannica Britannica Website - look at the early childhood section PBS Kids – Between the Lions Stories, videos, and games on letters, sounds, and objects Chilloa Foreign languages for kids - Has activities for five different languages including English and Spanish. Includes worksheets in the different languages Clic Clic Clic Cuentos Interactivos Website in Spanish. Ivan y Navi is for 3 to 6 year olds while El Mundo Al Reves is for 6 to 8 year olds Literacy Center – Early Childhood Network Early Childhood education network has English, Spanish, German and French language activities. Also has worksheets to print out for practice. RIF Reading to Learn Learning to Read - a website that is in both English and Spanish. Students can read, sing, play, doodle, and explore, in both Spanish and English Center Websites 3 – 5 In Search of the Ways of Knowing Trail Interactive site that gives information about Central Africa Amazon Interactive website that gives information about the Amazon Scholastic – Global Trek Globe Trekker allows user to choose the place they are going and gives them specific information about the country. It also allows the user to save their notes in an on-line journal IXL – Math Practice Math site where students can practice math activities National Georgraphic - Maps National Geographic site that shows how to use maps. Fun games. Astronomy for Kids Astronomy site with games and very good pictures. Good information for students to learn about space. Extra information: ZamZar site to convert UTube videos TumbleBooks ooks.asp This is a site that has e-books as well as games and activities that relate to these books. If you work for FWISD ask you librarian for the log in information. If you do not work for FWISD go to the Benbook Library page and use their TumbleBooks site. These books can be read to the students or you can turn off the reading. Pro Computing Interactive Websites Choose Interactive websites on the left. There are lots of sites broken down by subject. There are also activities in Spanish. Teaching Books This site is provided to FWISD by Region XI. You choose your school to log in and your email address. If you belong to a district that is not FWISD check with Region XI for your login information in order to access this site. Teaching Books is an online database that includes thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in the K–12 environment, with every resource selected to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.