
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Bucknell Greeting
James Orbison, Dean
College of Engineering
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Are Ye Able?
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Coach Snyder!
We need you.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Are Ye Able?
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Logistics, Socials,
and Computers
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Evening Social Activities
Campus Tour, Picnic & Movie (Ed & Bill)
Baseball or Walking Tour
“Flight of the Phoenix” Movie (Hanyak)
Concert in Park & The Freez
Workshop Banquet
Lewisburg Farmer’s Market
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Your Notebook Computer
An Active Learning Exercise (5 minutes)
Login to Windows:
• username:
• password:
• Access the Project Catalyst web site.
• Access your Bucknell network file space.
Your coach can assist you.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Why, What, and Where?
Another Active Learning Exercise (15 minutes)
• Learn how to use the Team 360 Assessment Tool.
• Get to know your Catalyst teammates and coach.
• Decide on a one-word name for your team.
• Write team color and name on 3x5 card and give to Hanyak.
Do the Why, What, and Where Survey in Team 360
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Team 360 Assessment Survey
• Access the Catalyst web site and then Team 360.
• Login as a student using your email address and password.
• Access Take Surveys from the left menu column in Team 360.
• Do the Why, What, and Where Survey in Team 360.
• Access View Reports in Team 360 and display survey results.
• Consult with your teammates and decide on a 1-word team name.
• Provide your team color and name to Coach Hanyak on 3x5 card.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Team 360 Assessment Survey
• Access the Catalyst web site and then Team 360.
• Find your Team 360 email address and password in your notebook.
• Login as a student using your email address and password.
• Access Take Surveys from the left menu column in Team 360.
• Do the Why, What, and Where Survey in Team 360.
• Access View Reports in Team 360 and display survey results.
• Consult with your teammates and decide on a 1-word team name.
• Provide your team color and name to Coach Hanyak on 3x5 card.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Tell me and I will forget;
Show me and I may remember;
Involve me and I will understand.
--- Chinese Proverb
Active Learning in the Classroom!
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Your Workshop Project
Prepare an oral presentation to describe a portion of
your course that you desire to make more active.
Use the information on the gold sheet as a guide for
building your presentation.
A presentation is 8-10 minutes in length followed
by 5 minutes of questions and comments. It will be
given on Friday morning to a group of about eight
participants and two coaches.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Guidelines for Your Presentation:
1. Describe a portion of your course that you desire to make
more active.
2. List the learning outcomes associated with that portion of
your course.
3. Determine where you will be on the Active Learning
4. Describe how you will assess your instructional activities.
5. Describe how you will evaluate your course outcomes.
6. Consider four additional issues in preparing your module.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Personal Workshop Journal
• Ask that you keep a workshop journal for the week.
• Suggest that you make daily entries into your journal.
• Reflect on what you have learned that day in your journal.
• Record your ideas and questions about your workshop project.
• Ask your coach the next day to address your questions and ideas.
• Share your ideas and questions with other workshop participants.
• Use your journal to prepare for your Friday morning presentation.
• Provide a copy of your journal to us on Friday ( voluntary ).
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Our Expectations of You
• Access the web links in the Workshop Schedule page often.
• Learn about instructional design and best instructional practices.
• Learn about teamwork and problem-based learning.
• Learn about problem-solving methodology and instructional tech.
• Design an instructional project for one of your courses.
• Present you design to some coaches and participants on Friday.
• Participate in the active learning experiences and have FUN.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Teaching Concept Pre-Inventory
• Access the Catalyst web site and then Team 360.
• Find your Team 360 email address and password in your handout.
• Login as a student using your email address and password.
• Access Take Surveys from the left menu column in Team 360.
• Take the Teaching Concept Pre-Inventory Survey in Team 360.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Teaching Concept Pre-Inventory
• Access Team 360 and login, if you have not done so already.
• Take the Teaching Concept Pre-Inventory Survey in Team 360.
You have 5 minutes to complete this exercise.
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Identify the Problem
Coach Ed Mastascusa
Electrical Engineering Department
Coach Bill Snyder
Chemical Engineering Department
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Best Instructional Practices
Coach Tim Raymond
Chemical Engineering Department
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
War Stories
Coach Mike Prince
Coach Bill Snyder
Coach Tim Raymond
Chemical Engineering Department
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Coach Mike Hanyak
Chemical Engineering Department
Coach Dan Hyde
Computer Science Department
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Problem-Based Learning
Coach Mike Prince
Chemical Engineering Department
Coach Margot Vigeant
Chemical Engineering Department
Coach Ed Mastascusa
Electrical Engineering Department
How to Engineer Engineering Education
A Catalyst Workshop for Change
Classroom Assessment Techniques
Coach Mike Hanyak
Chemical Engineering Department
and the rest of the
Project Catalyst Team
College of Engineering
Kolb Learning Style Inventory
Access Kolb LSI from the Project Catalyst web page.
2. Enter a personal user name:
like joe_sample
Enter a personal password:
must be 6 characters
Enter the organizational password:
5. Take the 12-question inventory.
Print your summary report twice, as follows:
find page that has your user name, like joe_sample.
use the right mouse button and select print.
send your report to the Danalob-lp1 laser printer.
don’t forget; print it twice, give 2nd copy to Snyder.