Unit 4 Weather and Climate 4.4 Lesson 4 Severe Weather and Weather Safety p. 194 - 205 Essential Question: How can humans protect themselves from hazardous weather? Vocabulary: thunderstorm – a usually brief, heavy storm that consists of rain, strong winds, lightning, and thunder lightning – an electric discharge that takes place between two oppositely charged surfaces, such as between a cloud and the ground, between two clouds, or between two parts of the same cloud thunder – the sound caused by the rapid expansion of air along an electrical strike hurricane – a severe storm that develops over tropical oceans and whose strong winds of more than 119 km/h spiral in toward the intensely low-pressure storm center storm surge – a local rise in sea level near the shore that is caused by strong winds from a storm, such as those from a hurricane tornado – a destructive , rotating column of air that has very high wind speed, and that may be visible as a funnelshaped cloud *watch – a weather update given when the conditions are ideal for severe weather *warning – a weather update given when severe weather has been spotted or is expected within 24 hours Lesson 4 Severe Weather and Weather Safety A. What do we know about thunderstorms? 1. Thunderstorms Form From Rising Air 2. Lightning is a Discharge of Electrical Energy 3. Thunder is a Result of Rapidly Expanding Air B. What do we know about thunderstorms? 1. Hurricanes Need Water to Form and Grow 2. Hurricanes Can Cause Extensive Damage C. What do we know about tornadoes? 1. Most Tornadoes Happen in the Midwest 2. Tornadoes Can Cause Extensive Damage D. What can people do to prepare for severe weather? 1. Plan Ahead 2. Listen for Storm Updates 3. Follow Flood Safety Rules E. What can people do to stay safe during thunderstorms? F. How can people stay safe during a tornado? G. How can people stay safe during a hurricane? H. How can people protect their skin from the Sun? 1. Know the Sun’s Hazards 2. Wear Sunscreen and Protective Clothing I. How can people protect themselves from summer heat? 1. Limit Outdoor Activities 2. Drink Water