The Banks Association of Turkey Turkish Banking System Ersin Özince Chairman London, October 2005 TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Outline Economic outlook • • • • Economic policy framework Main features of the economy Main targets of the economic policy Short term outcomes • Expectations for the near future Turkish banking system • • • • • TBA Main issues affecting banks Operational environment Towards stronger banking system Short-term outcomes and selected indicators Expectations for the near future Turkish Banking System October 2005 Economic outlook TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Economic Policy Framework •Turkey is an open economy •Capital flows are free •No exchange rate restriction, under floating exchange rate regime •Signed the “Customs Union” with the EU in 1995 •The EU’s economic criteria regarded as the nominal anchor •Turkey is closer to EU membership •The stand-by agreement with the IMF extended until 2008 TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Main features of the economy •Population of 72 million with GNP USD 325 billion and income per capita USD 4,500 •Long term average growth rate is about 5 percent •Domestic consumption with 70 percent of total demand is the main force behind the growth •Services and industry have shares of 58 percent and 30 percent •Unemployment rate is about 10 percent •Foreign trade volume amounts to 55 percent of GNP. Exports and imports amount to USD 70 billion and USD 110 billion •The main trade partner is EU with 50 percent share TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Main targets of economic policy •Setting stable rules and institutions eliminating discretionary measures for well functioning market economy •Undertaking fiscal responsibility, focusing to reduce debt to GNP ratio through primary surplus •Channelling sources to private sector, sustaining stable growth at annual rate of 5 percent, focusing on reducing inflation and reaching price stability •Improving fiscal transparency and ensuring better management in the public sector, increasing role of private sector and foreign capital inflows TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Main targets of economic policy •Strengthening financial sector •Reaching sustainable stability through structural reforms; social security, widening tax base, bankruptcy law, central bank and regulatory and supervisory institutions’ autonomy •Meeting EU main economic criteria by 2008 •Leading Turkey to become a global player •Stronger institutions and rules for market economy TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Short-term outcomes •Quick recovery in growth led by private sector •Strong fiscal adjustment, sharp decline in inflation •Less pressure from the Government on the financial markets due to decline in gıvernment deficit •Stability sustained in money and capital markets; a substantial fall in the cost of borrowing and real interest rates •Strong TL demand and strengthened financial institutions TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Short-term outcomes •Rapid growth in CB reserves and improvement in fx position •Jump in lending to private sector and consumer loans •Expanding volume of foreign trade •Widening current account deficit •Foreign investors’ interest on TL assets as well as the banking sector •Acceleration in privatisation •Strengthening rating outlooks from B- to BBTBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Expectations for the near future Should current program successfully implemented, macroeconomic aggregates are likely to approach to Maastricht criteria in a few years. Thus, an atmosphere for well functioning of market economy is likely to be further improved. TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 According to the Government programme public sector deficit targeted to receed to 3% of GDP by 2008 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 95 . . . . '00 . Turkey TBA . . . '05 . . '08 EU-15 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Inflation is down 4 percent in 2008 Inflation 100 75 50 25 0 95 . . . . '00 . Turkey TBA . . . '05 '08 EU-15 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Government debt is likely to meet EU level in 2008 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 95 . . . . '00 . Turkey TBA . . . '05 . . '08 EU-15 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Turkish Banking System TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Main issues affecting banks •Since 2002, banks have been operating in a considerably less risky atmosphere •Decline in inflation and strong demand for TL stimulated the competition and restructuring the balance sheet •Governments pressures on financial markets lessened •Regulation likely to meet the international standarts, notably to EU directives •Supervision strengthened •Better expectations and vital activity stimulated consumer business •Foreign investors’ interest intensified •Basel II road map was announced TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Operational environment •Banks subject to Banking Act in their universal activities and to Capital Market Act in capital market activities •Banking Regulation and Supervisory Board is an autonomous authority of the banking sector since 2000. •No discretionary regulation for foreign banks operating in Turkey •Regulatory capital for establishment of a bank is currently about USD 15 million •Financial sector is small and has low degree of deepening •Despite gradual improvement, deposits have very short term maturity TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 •Traditionally banks occupy majority, 95 % of financial sector •Financial services subject to various heavy tax burdens increasing intermediation cost dramatically, although some positive steps taken recently •The share of fx or fx denominated items in the balance sheet still high albeit shrinking recently •High techonology utilization on services TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Towards stronger banking system •An independent regulatory and supervisory body was founded •Weak banks were eliminated, remaining banks were recapitilized and restructured •Regulation changed in line with the international standards; Reporting, auditing and transparency improved Prudential regulations on related party loans, fx position and equity participations, provisioning tightened Supervision incorporated market risk •Banking Act is on the pipe-line TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Banking Law No. 5387 (adopted by the Parliament ) General Legal Grounds • Enhanced legal structure for changing and developing banking activities and risks • Dynamic structure for bank supervision and auditing activities • Harmonization of the Banking Law with EU directives, international principles and standards TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Scope of the Banking Law • • • • deposit banks contribution banks development and investment banks financial holding companies • • Title of special finance institutions is changed as contribution banks, The scope of the Banking Law is enlarged to cover financial holding companies, Banks Association of Turkey, Turkish Association of Contribution Banks, Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA), Saving Deposits Insurance Fund (SDIF) and their activities, Provisions related to supervision and audit of support services institutions and valuation and rating institutions by BRSA are brought . • TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Definitions • In harmony with international banking terminology the definitions in the Law are redefined, the new definitions added TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Permissions for establishment and operation - fields of banking activities are classified in line with the EU directive - the principles and procedures that are applicable for permission applications and granting permissions are determined extensively as a part of prudential supervision - the conditions sought for the bank founders are harmonized with EU directives and BIS principles - principle is brought to give legal reasons for refusal of applications for authorization - the paid-up capital requirement is increased to min. TRY 30 million for credit institutions, TRY 20 million for development and investment banks. TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Corporate governance • In parallel to international principles, the provisions related to corporate governance principles are set out TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Supervision and Audit • integrity of on-site supervision and audit activities • independent audit, internal audit, internal control and risk management in line with the international practices • principles of on-site supervision and audit to be determined by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BRSA) • all activities including IT systems subject to audit process • risk-based approach in bank supervision • audit performed in a consolidated and coordinated manner TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Protective Provisions • All the limitations and standard ratios shall be considered on a consolidated basis • Shareholders equity shall not be less than the paid-in capital. • In case the limits and standard ratios set in the Law are reached or exceeded, the relevant bank shall promptly inform the BRSA • Provision related to the minimum liquidity regulation to be set by BRSA is brought • Loan definition is broadened (bails, avals, receivables incurred from reverse repurchasing transactions, financial leasing receivables) TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Legal Obligations • Banking secrecy • Customer rights • Ethical principles TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Limits • Limits on loans to a real person or legal entity or a risk group are fully harmonized with the EU directives • Banks are prevented to transfer their funds to close the budget deficits of their funds and foundations • Provisions dealing with donation limits and hidden transfer of earnings are added TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Deposit Insurance In conformity to the practices in the EU; the deposit banks are required, • to take out insurance cover only for the part of the deposits held with them subject to insurance. • to pay saving deposits insurance premiums over the sum insured as above TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Measures against systemic risk • In case of determination of a systemic risk danger as a result of joint evaluation by the Fund (SDIF), the Treasury Undersecretariat and the Central Bank under coordination by the BRSA, the Council of Ministers is authorized to identify, take and impose extraordinary measures and actions TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Exclusion from the banking system • BRSA has administrative and financial autonomy so as to ensure exclusion from the banking system of the institutions which fail TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Short-term outcomes •Strengthened confidence in the banking sector and rating outlooks •Banks gradually adopting to changing environment; disinflation and recovery are likely support the sector •Full quarantee on deposits limited •Improvement in asset quality; NPLs’ contained and highly provisioned •Regulatory capital requirements met, economic and working capital began to rise •Earnings less dependent on windfall and inflationary gain from the Governmet securities as interest margin and income from fees and commission increased •Improving return on equity is likely to encourage capital growth TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Short-term outcomes •Higher lending tendency to private sector •Risks arising from fx and interest rates lowered but maturity gap is still important •Foreign banks’ share increasing •Concentration rise •Risk management improved •Foreign borrowing accelerated •Banks’ market capitalisation jumped TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Reduced pressure on financial sector; demand from nonbanks investors, notably from foreign investors As % GNP Domestic debt Domestic debt/M2YRF Deposit banks G-securities Non-banks residents G-securities Foreign investors G-securities 2002 2003 2004 2005* 55 106 14 11 1 54 118 27 14 1 52 110 27 15 3 52 104 27 13 5 * As of August TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Upward trend in TL deposits and loans, notably to households 27.12.02 26.12.03 31.12.04 02.09.05 As % of GNP Deposits TL deposits Loans/deposits Loans Consumer loans Credit cards TBA 52 22 38 20 1 1 Turkish Banking System 45 23 43 20 4 4 46 26 52 24 4 4 October 2005 48 29 59 28 5 3 Substantial change in the structure of financial assets; share of TL monetary assets and equities up Financial assets As % of GNP 2002 Monetary assets TL Fx Securities (private sector) Equity Securities (public sector) Bonds Treasury bills Investment funds Total TBA 2003 2004 2005 II 50 23 26 21 21 55 41 14 2 43 24 19 27 27 55 47 7 4 43 25 18 31 31 53 45 7 4 44 28 16 31 31 53 45 7 4 127 128 131 132 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Total assets grew rapidly in USD terms but remained almost the same as % of GNP 300 Total assets USD billion % 250 80 200 60 150 40 100 20 50 0 0 99 '00 '01 Total assets TBA '02 '03 '04 '05 J As % of GNP Turkish Banking System October 2005 Dramatic decline in number of banks Number of banks 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 80 85 90 95 Total TBA 99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 J Private dep banks Turkish Banking System October 2005 Number of branches began to rise in private banks Number of branches 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 80 TBA 85 90 95 99 '00 '01 Turkish Banking System '02 '03 '04 '05 J October 2005 A steady increase in number of employees, notably in private banks Number of employees 200 thousands 180 160 140 120 100 80 TBA 85 90 95 99 '00 '01 Turkish Banking System '02 '03 '04 '05 J October 2005 Asset size getting larger Bank total asset size USD billion/number 40+ 30-40 20-30 10-20 5-10 1-5 0,5-1 - 0,5 Total TBA 99 '01 '02 '03 04 05 J 1 1 1 6 19 11 43 82 1 5 2 10 4 28 50 Turkish Banking System 1 5 1 12 5 26 50 1 2 4 1 13 3 26 50 2 4 4 11 1 25 48 October 2005 1 2 2 2 5 10 2 24 48 Large banks increase their market share Concentration 80 First five* Asset Deposits Loans First ten* Asset Deposits Loans * according to asset size TBA 90 '00 05 J 63 69 71 54 59 57 48 51 42 61 65 54 82 88 90 75 85 78 69 72 71 84 89 78 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Structure of the banking system Market structure June 2005 Banks Emloyment Brances Assets Loans Deposits % share % share % share Deposit banks State owned Private Fund Foreign Non-deposit taking banks 35 3 19 1 12 13 125.416 39.080 79.870 401 6.065 4.471 6.034 2.039 3.786 1 208 19 96,5 32,5 60,1 0,5 3,4 3,5 94,1 19,9 69,3 0 4,8 5,9 100 39,5 57,1 0 3,4 0 Total 48 129.887 6.053 100 100 100 TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Higher share of loans in the total assets Breakdown of assets 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% '99 '00 Liquid a TBA '01 '02 Securities Loans '03 Permanent a Turkish Banking System '04 '05 J Others October 2005 Breakdown of loans (%) Exports Working Consumers Housing Automobile Credit cards Investment Others Total TBA 2002 2004 19 16 5 1 1 9 8 41 100 14 19 13 3 4 14 6 27 100 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Rising shares of TL deposits and equity in liabilities Breakdown of liabilities 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% '99 '00 '01 TL de p. Share holde rs e quity TBA '02 '03 Fx de p. Othe rs Non-de pos its funds Turkish Banking System '04 '05 J October 2005 Increase in TL assets in total assets and.. TL, fx assets in total assets 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% '99 '00 '01 '02 TL TBA '03 '04 '05 J Fx Turkish Banking System October 2005 ...TL sources in total liabilities TL, fx liabilities in total liabilities 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% '99 '00 '01 '02 TL TBA '03 '04 '05 J Fx Turkish Banking System October 2005 Rather stable fx position; met the requirements Fx position* (Fx assets-fx liabilities) 5 USD Billion 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 88 90 95 Sector '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 June Including fx indexed * excluding fx indexed assets and liabilities TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Stronger capital; thanks to the restructuring program and economic recovery Shareholders' equity 40 USD billion % 20 30 15 20 10 10 5 0 0 '99 '03 Shareholders' equity TBA As % of t assets State-owned Turkish Banking System '04 05 J Private October 2005 Working capital improved rapidly 20 Free capital* USD billion 15 10 5 0 -5 99 '00 '01 Sector '02 State-owned '03 '04 '05 J Private * Shareholders' equity+current year net income-permanent assets TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 More radical reporting for NPLs, higher provisions and strong demand for loans NPLs 7 USD billions % 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 92 93 94 95 Before provisions TBA 96 97 98 99 After provisions '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 J As % of total assets (net) Turkish Banking System October 2005 Permanent assets share in total assets coming down Permanent assets* As % of total assets % 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 '99 '00 '01 '02 Sector State-owned '03 '04 '05 J Private * Fixed assets+equity participations+subsidiaries+NPLs TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Recovery in profitability Return on assets (%) 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 '99 '00 '01 Sector State-owned '02 '03 '04 '05 J Private Figures in 2001-2004 are according to inflation accounting TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 From losses to sustained profitability; likely to encourage investors 60 Return on equity (%) % 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 '99 '00 '01 Sector '02 '03 State-owned '04 '05 J Private Figures in 2002-2004 are according to inflation accounting TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Sustained improvement in efficiency Selected efficiency ratios, sector 2002 2003 2004 2005 June Net interest margin/total assets Expenses/total assets Retun on banking activities %2.75 %4.56 -%1.81 %3.90 %4.27 -%0.36 %4.87 %3.59 %1.27 %4.38 %3.42 %0.96 Expenses/Income (ecluding divident) Expenses/Income (including divident) %65.35 %63.23 %53.36 %52.45 %48.70 %47.55 %50.34 %49.02 %1.65 %1.11 %3.22 %2.25 %2.97 %2.11 %3.56 %2.50 %13.66 %9.17 %22.65 %15.79 %19.81 %14.05 %25.58 %17.96 Return on assets (before tax) Return on assets (after tax) Return on shareholders' equity (before tax) Return on shareholders' equity (after tax) * 2005 June simply annualized TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Selected ratios Sector 03 02 Capital adequacy Share holders' equity As % of risk weighted assets As % of total assets Free capital As % of total assets TBA 04 05 J 24 12 2 31 14 6 29 15 8 26 14 7 Asset quality (%) Securities portfolio Loans/total assets Non performing loans (ap)/total loans Provisions for NPL Permanent assets/total assets 41 27 6.6 64 10 43 28 1.4 89 8 40 34 0.7 88 7 39 37 0.6 88 7 Liqudity (%) Liquid assets/total assets Liquid assets/short term liabilities 34 75 39 81 37 84 38 80 Turkish Banking System October 2005 Positive developments in the banking system positively reacted by the investors Market capitilization of financial institutions (shares are traded ISE, (USD million) 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 01 TBA 02 03 04 05 Turkish Banking System June October 2005 Rapidly growing numbers of credit and debit cards Selected inditacors Thousands 2002 ATMs POS machines Credit cards (1000) Debit cards (1000) TBA 12 496 16 35 Turkish Banking System 2003 2004 13 662 20 40 14 912 27 43 October 2005 Expectations for the near future •Larger and deeper financial markets •Lengthening the maturities •Higher lending to private sector •Sufficient earnings to feed capital •Decline in margin with widening business activity •Positive atmosphere for foreign investors •Intense competition on behalf of depositors and borrowers •Improvement in transparency and accounting rules for better financial system TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 250 Total Assets USD billion % 100 200 80 150 60 100 40 50 20 0 0 80 TBA 85 90 95 '00 '01 '02 Total assets As per. of GNP Turkish Banking System '03 '04 October 2005 Substantial growth during the last years Selected figures of deposit banks 80 USD Shareholders' equity per bank Assets over branch 16 2.854 Assets over employees TBA 00 136 Turkish Banking System 05 II 101 873 18.963 40.427 898 2.044 October 2005 Still low degree of banking on the basis of inhabitants Selected figures of deposit banks (for inhabitants) 80 00 05 II Number of banks (for 1000 inha) 1.111 1.105 2.051 Number of branches 7.471 8.636 11.899 Number of employees 356 409 602 Assets (USD) 382 2.196 3.397 TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 Approaching the emerging markets average, substantially low compared to developed countries Selected financial indicators (2003, as % of GDP) World avg. Bank assets* Capital markets Shares Bills and bonds State Private Total 112 230 86 144 56 88 342 EU Emerging markets 173 233 74 159 60 99 405 78 84 47 37 23 15 162 Turkey 72 86 29 57 57 0 158 Source: Global Financial Stability Report, Spt 2004 TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005 High growth potantial compared to EU-15 EU 15 and Turkey; selected indicators As % of GDP, 2003 EU-15* Banking system Assets Deposits Loans Housing loans Total consumer loans Income per capita (euro) Assets per capita (euro) Capital markets Equities Bonds and bills Turkey 281 98 128 40 8 73 47 20 1 4 24.324 68.361 2.999 2.010 74 159 29 57 * Average TBA Turkish Banking System October 2005