Dynamic Leadership

Dynamic Leadership
Dynamic Leadership
Some people are born leaders, others are
thrown into a situation and expected to
What is the difference between a leader
and a dynamic leader?
"One's philosophy is not best expressed in
words; it is expressed in the choices one
In the long run, we shape our lives and we
shape ourselves. The process never ends
until we
die. And the choices we make are ultimately
our responsibility." –Eleanor Roosevelt
Character for Dynamic Leaders
Character Counts
• The Six Pillars of Character
– Trustworthiness
– Respect
– Responsibility
– Fairness
– Caring
– Citizenship
Character Counts
• Dynamic leaders are persons of good
– They know the difference between right and
wrong and always try to do what is right.
– They are good people, someone to look up
to and admire.
– They set a good example for everyone.
– They make the world a better place.
– They live according to the six pillars of
Key Elements of Character
• Consciousness- What you do as a
leader makes a difference and has an
• Choice- Each choice you make as a
leader reflects your view of what is right.
• Courage- Can you stand up for your
beliefs and do what needs to be done?
Character is the “secret ingredient” inside
the best leaders.
Character Counts
Character Contracts
Self-Test Rate Your Character
"In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.“
–Albert Einstein
Conflict Management
for Dynamic Leaders
Conflict Management
• Dynamic leaders know that conflict is a
natural part of working in groups.
• They learn and practice effective
strategies for managing conflict, including
ways to:
– Manage their own emotions
– Address their own conflicts
– Address others' conflicts
– Practice assertiveness
– Aid negotiation
– Promote mediation
Conflict Management
• Conflict is a natural part of working in groups,
because different people have different ideas
and viewpoints.
• Dynamic leaders know that conflict usually
doesn't go away by itself.
• Dynamic leader’s help members learn to:
• Practice "cooling off" before speaking
• Reverse roles to see the other person's point of
• Realize it's only fair for both parties to tell their
side of the story
• Look at conflicts as problems, then solve them
Key Elements
• Self-Understanding- Recognize the "triggers"
that provoke an emotional response.
• Assertiveness- be strong without being mean.
• Problem-Solving Skills- Help others
approach conflicts with a problem-solving
mindset. problem-solving skills.)
• Mediation- help people in conflict talk with
each other, without taking sides or giving a
• Give Peace a Chance- create cooperative,
supportive interactions in the groups you lead.
Conflict Management
Learn the Lingo
"You cannot teach people anything, you can
only help them discover it within
Peer Education for Dynamic Leaders
Peer Education
• Peers have power! Young people depend on
friends for information, advice, and role
• Dynamic leaders use peer power in positive
ways. They use peer education to make a
• Peer educators use information and positive
attitudes to help other young people. Peer
– Gather accurate information about concerns and
– Learn where young people can find out more and get
help with problems
– Train to teach peers about issues
– Help peers make positive choices
Peer Education
• Dynamic leaders help solve problems through peer
• Peer education is the process of providing information
to, teaching, or instructing a person or group equal in
ability, age, rank, and/or qualifications; for example,
teens teaching teens. Peers listen to peers, and
dynamic leaders can encourage and support positive
choices among young people.
• Here are steps in peer education.
– Choose a concern or issue that is important to you.
– Learn about the issue and analyze related information.
– Reach other youth with accurate, useful information about the
issue. Be creative in the ways you inform, support, advise,
persuade, and empower peers. Give people information and
skills to make their own positive choices.
Key Elements in Peer Education
• Information- Learn how to find reliable,
accurate information.
• Analysis- Learn to analyze information and
information sources. Decide what is true and
most important for young people to know.
• Positive Choices- Set a good example by
making positive choices. Live by the principles
you want others to adopt.
• Presentation- Successful peer education
involves more than slick speeches.
• Follow Up- Behaviors don't change overnight,
continue to encourage and support peers as
they choose positive attitudes and actions.
Peer Education
Leading Questions
"Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more
precious, than to be able to decide."
–Napoleon I
Problem Solving for Dynamic Leaders
Problem Solving
• Dynamic leaders know how to solve
• They face up to challenges and identify
effective solutions.
• "When life gives you lemons, make
lemonade!" Lemons are like the "sour"
problems of life.
• Dynamic leaders use problem-solving
skills to turn those lemons into sweet
success; like lemonade!
Problem Solving
Problem Solving Steps
• D Define the problem
• E Examine alternatives
• C Consider how choices relate to goals
• I Identify acceptable choices
• D Decide on one choice
• E Evaluate results*
Problem Solving
• Two kinds of thinking are used to solve
– Creative thinking is finding all possible ideas
and making up new ones.
– Critical thinking is analyzing and evaluating
ideas to see if they will work for the current
• Both kinds of thinking are important and
help solve problems.
Key Elements in Problem Solving
• Awareness- Motivate them to care about the
problem and take steps toward the vision.
• Clear Definition- Write out an exact statement
of the problem. Make sure every member
understands what the problem is…and what it
is not.
• Vision- Work with the group to agree on a
vision of what the situation will be like when the
problem is solved.
• Alternatives- Lead members to generate as
many ideas as possible for solving the
problem. Encourage creativity and "outside the
box" thinking.
Key Elements in Problem Solving
• Analysis- Give each alternative fair
consideration. Identify positives and
negatives for each choice. See if you can
combine the best parts of two or more
alternatives to create a workable solution.
• Decision Making- Together, choose the
best available solution to the problem.
Use a decision-making process (like
voting, consensus, chance, etc.) that fits
the group and the situation.
• Action- Use the FCCLA Planning
Process to carry out your decision.
Problem Solving
Problem Solving Worksheet
"Leadership does not rest within a person. It
is a relationship among people."
– Robert B. Woyach
Relationships for Dynamic Leaders
• Dynamic leaders know how to forge
relationships that work.
• They realize they don't have to be friends with
everybody, but they do need to establish
strong working relationships with a variety of
• A dynamic person stranded alone on an island
can't be a leader—there's no one to lead!
• People are important to leaders because
people make it possible to shape ideas, find
solutions, and work toward goals.
• Leaders can't be best friends with everyone. There
may even be people in the group that they don't
especially like.
• But as dynamic leaders, they set aside those feelings
for the good of the group. They develop positive
relationships by:
– Getting to know members and what makes them "tick"
– Listening to everyone's ideas with an open mind and a
courteous ear
– Being willing to compromise
– Offering honest, constructive criticism in private
– Giving honest and generous encouragement and praise
in public
– Being fair and consistent
– Thinking before speaking.
• Dynamic leaders build relationships that
work by:
– Giving others credit for their suggestions
– Addressing problems between people
– Encouraging and praising in public
– Criticizing in private
– Asking opinions
– Informing members of progress
– Not playing favorites.
Key Elements in Relationships
• Communication- build relationships with
others through sincere smiles, handshakes,
eye contact, warm greetings, honest feedback,
and effective listening.
• Delegation- Delegation is more than handing
a job over to someone else. It includes
matching tasks to talents, providing guidelines,
clarifying authority, and following up.
• Diversity Magnetism- Recognize the strength
that results when people with different ideas,
experiences, abilities, cultures, and genders
work together.
Key Elements in Relationships
• Give and Take- Strive for balance between
what you give to and get from your
leadership relationships.
• Chosen Associations- To be dynamic,
associate with other dynamic people. The
best associations involve people who have
the same desire to succeed and are willing
to speak their minds, express their opinions,
and avoid just agreeing with everyone's
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping
together is progress. Working together is
—Henry Ford
Team Building for Dynamic Leaders
Team Building
• Dynamic leaders know how to build
groups into teams.
• They understand that they cannot do it
alone, and need a good group of people
to help them accomplish their goal.
• They help individuals understand the
purpose of the team and what they are
trying to achieve.
Team Building
TEAM = Together Everyone Accomplishes
• A team is more than just a group of
people. Members of a team:
– Share a goal
– Cooperate
– Accept one another
– Accept differences
– Are united
Team Building
• Dynamic leaders set the stage for team
success by providing information and a
positive atmosphere.
• They also are an effective team member
who participates and fulfills
• Dynamic leaders know how to share the
leadership and allow members to
contribute their skills and take the lead
Team Building
• Stages for Success
– Forming: learning about one another and
defining the shared vision.
– Norming: Choosing ways to work together
and figuring out group roles.
– Storming: working through disagreements
– Performing: working smoothly together
• Dynamic leaders guide their team through
these stages.
Key Elements of Team Building
• Connection- it’s not enough to call your
group a “team.”
• Common Purpose- what is the shared
• Commitment- committed to working
together to achieve success.
• Community- atmosphere based on trust,
encouragement, and cooperation.
• Communication- do you need rules? Ex:
no interruptions
Key Elements of Team Building
• Conflict Management- how do you handle
your differences?
• Celebrations- celebrate your