Chapter 18 - PsychChapter18Psych

Chapter 18
Chapter 18
• Psychological Disorders
• Section 1
• Don’t try and diagnose
someone yourself, certain
behaviors do not make for a
psychological disorder
Psychological Disorders
• How does normal thoughts and
behavior differ from abnormal thoughts
and behaviors?
Cultural differences
• What difference does culture make in
abnormal and normal behavior?
• How close can you stand to someone
and have it be normal?
• Experiment- Find out what is the
distance for how close someone can be
to not invade your space
• Japan- 40 Inches Middle east 32
inches Ogallala?
Psychological disorder
• Behavior patterns or mental processes
that cause serious personal suffering or
interfere with a person’s ability to to
cope with every day life.
• How much of the population have a
• Up to 1/3
• Any given month 13% of the population
is showing signs of a disorder.
What is abnormal or normal
• Usually differences are in the
exaggeration of certain
behaviors that leads to being
classified as abnormal
• Example- Laughing and
laughing at funerals- others
Symptoms of disorders
• diagnoses are not always
simple or straightforward
What a Psychologist would
look for when diagnosing
1. Typicality
• to what degree is it typical or
• Just because it is not typical
does not mean it’s abnormal
• Examples:
What would be other
Plastic Surgery
What you wear or don’t wear
What you eat or don’t eat
What is your past time
2. Maladaptivity
• Behavior impairs a persons
ability to function adequately
in everyday life
• Examples
• If it is severe enough or last
long enough then treatment
will be needed.
• Examples:
4. Socially Unacceptable
• Must take into culture beliefs
• what is unacceptable to
some may not be to others.
• Examples:
Classifying Disorders
• Diagnostic and statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders
18 Categories
• Page 414-book
Section 2
• Anxiety Disorders
When have you been
• Big game
• Test
• Meeting someone
• Anxiety is among the most
common of the disorders in
the United States.
• general state of dread or
uneasiness that occurs in
response to a danger or a
• Nervousness, inability to
relax, concern about losing
Physical symptoms
• trembling, sweating, rapid
pulse, flushed face, feelings
of faintness or lightheadedness
Types of Disorders
• 1. Phobic Disorder
• Phobia Greek word for fear
• Irrational fear of a particular
object or situation
• must lead to behavior that
interferes with a persons normal
List of phobias
• What type would be phobias
that could lead to disrupting
a persons life
• What is the difference
between a phobia and a
• Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing.
Acarophobia- Fear of itching or of the insects that
cause itching.
Acerophobia- Fear of sourness.
Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.
Acousticophobia- Fear of noise.
Acrophobia- Fear of heights.
Aerophobia- Fear of drafts, air swallowing, or
airbourne noxious substances.
Aeroacrophobia- Fear of open high places.
Aeronausiphobia- Fear of vomiting secondary to
Agateophobia- Fear of insanity.
Agliophobia- Fear of pain.
Agoraphobia- Fear of open spaces or of being in
crowded, public places like markets. Fear of
leaving a safe place
Social Phobia
• Fear of social situations
2. Panic Disorder and
Panic attack
• relative short period of intense fear
of discomfort
• shortness of breath, shaking,
dizziness, rapid heart rate,
sweating nausea or other physical
• Lasts from a few minutes to a few
• fear of being in a place or
• makes up 50 -80 % of all
3. General Anxiety Disorder
• unrealistic worry about life
circumstances that last for at
least 6 months
• very hard to distinguishes
between other anxiety
4. Obsessive Compulsive
• unwanted thoughts, ideas, or
mental images that occur
over and over again
• often senseless or repulsive
Compulsions• repetitive rituals behaviors, often
involving checking or cleaning
• number of times he chews his food
• touching a toilet seat
• washing hands
• Arranging things
How far will you go in touching “dirty”
Do you know how dirty money really is?
Everyone touch an object?
Everyone lick an object?
5. Stress Disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder
• PTSD- video
• feelings of anxiety that are
caused by experience so
traumatic that it produces
stress in almost everyone
• flashbacks, nightmares
• numbness of feelings
• avoidance of stimuli that
caused the trauma
• increased tension
• may last for months or
Acute Stress disorder
• Same as PTSD but for a
much shorter more intense
period of time.
How to explain disorders?
Psychological views
Psychoanalytic theory
• hidden or repressed urges
that have been repressed
from childhood.
Learning Theory
• phobias are conditioned or
learned during childhood.
• People learn to reduce their
anxiety by avoiding the
situation that causes the
Biological Views
• heredity may play a role
• Twin studies
Interaction of factors
• Both probably play a role in
anxiety disorders
Section 3
Dissociate Disorders
• Separation of certain personality
components or mental processes from
conscious thought.
Normal activities
• Daydreaming
• get involved in something you lose track
of things.
• Miss a road sign because of
concentration on other things.
Dissociative Amnesia
• sudden loss of memory following a
stressful or traumatic event
• Does not result from a head injury but is
from the mind
Dissociative Fugue
• forgetting past events but also
characterized by sudden relocation and
taking on a new identity.
• New location as well
Dissociative Identity Disorder
• Multiple personalities.-video
• Personalities may not be aware of each
• Vid 1 vid 2 vid 3
• may change physical as well as
personality traits.
• Roles as an individual
Depersonalization Disorder
• Detachment from ones mental
processes or body.
Section 4
Somatoform disorders
• refers to the expression of psychological
distress through physical symptoms.
• Pain or paralysis
Many are mistreated as really
physical not mental problems
Conversion Disorder
• loss of a physical function for which
there is no medical reason
• Hypochondria
• an unhealthy fear of having or belief that
one has a serious disease
Section 5
• Mood disorders
Major depression
• most common disorder
Must have 5 of the 9
characteristics to be classified
major depression.
• Depressed mood for most of the day
• loss of interest or pleasure in most
• loss or gain of weight
• sleeping more of less then usual
• speeding up or slowing down of
physical or emotional reactions
• fatigue or loss of energy
• feeling of worthlessness of guilt
• reduced ability or concentrate or make
• recurrent thoughts of suicide
Bipolar Disorder
• (manic Depression)
• Video-
• extreme periods of hyperactivity and happy
• inflated self esteem
• inability to sleep
• pressure to keep talking and changing
subjects often
• racing thoughts
• difficulty concentrating
• Accompanied by extreme times of depression
• Bipolar- Frontline #1
Section 6
• Schizophrenia
• considered the most serious of the
• loss of contact with reality
• appears in early adulthood
• difficult to treat-overview
• Video-Heather
• Gerald-
• hallucination, delusions and thought
auditory voices
Delusions of grandeur
• They are someone famous, or important
Delusions of persecution
• someone is always after them
Organization problems
• Skip from topic to topic
Catatonic stupor
• immobile, expressionless, comalike
Types of
• Paranoid Schizophrenia
• Disorganized Schizophrenia
• Catatonic schizophrenia
Section 7
Personality Disorders
• Personality- Page 430
Inflexible traits that disrupt
social life or work and or
stress the affected individual
These tend to be a part of the
persons personality not
something separate like a
phobia or schizophrenia
Paranoid Personality Disorder
• Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a
distrust of others and a constant suspicion that
people around you have sinister motives. People with
this disorder tend to have excessive trust in their own
knowledge and abilities and usually avoid close
relationships. They search for hidden meanings in
everything and read hostile intentions into the actions
of others. They are quick to challenge the loyalties of
friends and loved ones and often appear cold and
distant. They usually shift blame to other people and
tend to carry long grudges.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Unwillingness to forgive perceived insults
Excessive sensitivity to setbacks
Distrustfulness and excessive self-reliance
Projection of blame onto others
Consumed by anticipation of betrayal
Combative and tenacious adherence to
personal rights
• Relentlessly suspicious
Schizoid Personality Disorder
• People with schizoid personality disorder
avoid relationships and do not show much
emotion. Unlike avoidants, schizoids
genuinely prefer to be alone and do not
secretly wish for popularity. They tend to seek
jobs that require little social contact. Their
social skills are often weak and they do not
show a need for attention or acceptance.
They are perceived by others as humorless
and distant and often are termed "loners."
Schizoid Personality Disorder
• Weak interpersonal skills
• Difficulty expressing anger, even when
• "Loner" mentality; avoidance of social
• Appear to others as remote, aloof, and
• Unresponsive to praise or criticism
• A common misconception is that antisocial
personality disorder refers to people who have poor
social skills. The opposite is often the case. Instead,
antisocial personality disorder is characterized by a
lack of conscience. People with this disorder are
prone to criminal behavior, believing that their
victims are weak and deserving of being taken
advantage of. Antisocials tend to lie and steal.
Often, they are careless with money and take action
without thinking about consequences. They are
often agressive and are much more concerned with
their own needs than the needs of others.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
• Disregard for the feelings of others
• Impulsive and irresponsible decisionmaking
• Lack of remorse for harm done to others
• Lying, stealing, other criminal behaviors
• Disregard for the safety of self and
Avoidant Personality Disorder
• Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by
extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often
feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out
jobs with little contact with others. Avoidants are
fearful of being rejected and worry about embarassing
themselves in front of others. They exaggerate the
potential difficulties of new situations to rationalize
avoiding them. Often, they will create fantasy worlds to
substitute for the real one. Unlike schizoid personality
disorder, avoidants yearn for social relations yet feel
they are unable to obtain them. They are frequently
depressed and have low self-confidence
Avoidant Personality Disorder
• Social inhibition; retreating from others in
anticipation of rejection
• Preoccupation with being rejected or
criticized in social situations
• Fear of embarrassment results in avoidance
of new activities
• Poor self-image; feelings of social ineptitude
• Desire for improved social relations
• Appear to others as self-involved and
• Creation of elaborate fantasy lives
• Narcissistic personality disorder is
characterized by self-centeredness. Like
histrionic disorder, people with this disorder
seek attention and praise. They exaggerate
their achievements, expecting others to
recongize them as being superior. They tend
to be choosy about picking friends, since they
believe that not just anyone is worthy of being
their friend. Narcissists tend to make good
first impressions, yet have difficulty
maintaining long-lasting relationships. They
are generally uninterested in the feelings of
others and may take advantage of them.
• Requires excessive praise and
• Takes advantage of others
• Grandiose sense of self-importance
• Lack of empathy
• Lying, to self and others
• Obsessed with fantasies of fame,
power, or beauty
Difficulty making decisions
Feelings of helplessness when alone
Suicidal thoughts upon rejection
Deeply hurt by mild criticism or
• Unable to meet ordinary demands of life
• Dependent personality disorder is characterized by a
need to be taken care of. People with this disorder
tend to cling to people and fear losing them. They may
become suicidal when a break-up is imminent. They
tend to let others make important decisions for them
and often jump from relationship to relationship.
Dependents often remain in abusive relationships.
Over-sensitivity to disapproval is common.
Dependents often feel helpless and depressed.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
• People with histrionic personality disorder are
constant attention seekers. They need to be the
center of attention all the time, often interrupting
others in order to dominate the conversation. They
use grandiose language to discribe everyday events
and seek constant praise. They may dress
provacatively or exaggerate illnesses in order to gain
attention. Histrionics also tend to exaggerate
friendships and relationships, believing that everyone
loves them. They are often manipulative.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Needs to be the center of attention
Dresses or acts provocatively
Rapidly-shifting and shallow emotions
Exaggerates friendships
Overly-dramatic, occasionally theatrical
• easily influenced; highly suggestible
Borderline Personality Disorder
• Borderline personality disorder is
characterized by mood instability and poor
self-image. People with this disorder are
prone to constant mood swings and bouts of
anger. Often, they will take their anger out on
themselves, causing injury to their own body.
Suicidal threats and actions are not
uncommon. Borderlines think in very black
and white terms and often form intense,
conflict-ridden relationships. They are quick
to anger when their expectations are not met.
Borderline Personality Disorder
• Self-injury or attempted suicide
• Strong feelings of anger, anxiety, or
depression that last for several hours
• Impulsive behavior
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Feelings of low self-worth
• Unstable relationships with friends,
family, and boyfriends/girlfriends
Personality Disorder
• While Obsessive-Compulsive personality disorder (OCDP)
sounds similar in name to obsessive-compulsive anxiety
disorder, the two are markedly different disorders. People
with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are overly
focused on orderliness and perfection. Their need to do
everything "right" often interferes with their productivity.
They tend to get caught up in the details and miss the
bigger picture. They set unreasonably high standards for
themselves and others, and tend to be very critical of others
when they do not live up to these high standards. They
avoid working in teams, believing others to be too careless
or incompetent. They avoid making decisions because they
fear making mistakes and are rarely generous with their
time or money. They often have difficulty expressing
Personality Disorder
• Need for perfection and excessive
• Preoccupation with orderliness
• Inflexibility
• Lack of generosity
• Hyper-focus on details and rules
• Excessive devotion to work
The difference between substance abuse and
addiction is very slight. Substance abuse means
using an illegal substance or using a legal
substance in the wrong way. Addiction begins as
abuse, or using a substance like marijuana or
cocaine. You can abuse a drug (or alcohol) without
having an addiction. For example, just because
Sara smoked weed a few times doesn't mean that
she has an addiction, but it does mean that she's
abusing a drug — and that could lead to an
• Addiction means a person has no
control over whether he or she uses a
drug or drinks. Someone who's addicted
to cocaine has grown so used to the
drug that he or she has to have it.
Addiction can be physical,
psychological, or both
• Physical addiction is when a person's body
actually becomes dependent on a particular
substance (even smoking is physically
addictive). It also means building tolerance
to that substance, so that a person needs a
larger dose than ever before to get the same
effects. Someone who is physically addicted
and stops using a substance like drugs,
alcohol, or cigarettes may experience
withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms
of withdrawal are diarrhea, shaking, and
generally feeling awful
• Psychological addiction happens
when the cravings for a drug are
psychological or emotional.
• People who are psychologically
addicted feel overcome by the desire to
have a drug. They may lie or steal to get
• Signs of Addiction
• The most obvious sign of an addiction is
the need to have a particular drug or
substance. However, many other signs
can suggest a possible addiction, such
as changes in mood or weight loss or
gain. (These also are signs of other
conditions, too, though, such as
depression or eating disorders.)
• Psychological signals:
• use of drugs or alcohol as a way to forget problems
or to relax
• withdrawal or keeping secrets from family and friends
• loss of interest in activities that used to be important
• problems with schoolwork, such as slipping grades or
• changes in friendships, such as hanging out only with
friends who use drugs
• spending a lot of time figuring out how to get drugs
• stealing or selling belongings to be able to afford
• failed attempts to stop taking drugs or drinking
• anxiety, anger, or depression
• mood swings
Physical signals
• changes in sleeping habits
• feeling shaky or sick when trying to stop
• needing to take more of the substance
to get the same effect
• changes in eating habits, including
weight loss or gain
Other Addictions
• What are things that people can
become addicted to?
• 1.
• 2.
• 3.
• 4.
• 5.
• 6.
Addictions treatment
Other disorders
• Gender Identity Disorder
• Sleep Disorders
• Impulsive- control Disorder• Kleptomania, Pyromania