(843) 782-0031

Colleton County High School
Personal Health
Instructor: Marcus C. Fields
Email: Mfields@mail.colleton.k12.sc.us
(843) 782-0031
You are starting a new course in health. As we approach different health topics, we will consider the implications of
decisions and behaviors for students’ physical health, mental and emotional health, and social health. These three
health elements and the way that they are interconnected constitute the health triangle. One of the goals of this
course is to help students gain knowledge and skills that will support their efforts to create and maintain a balanced
health triangle. I hope that this course will prove to be fun and informative for you.
The health textbook will remain in the classroom; however, you can access an online edition by following the steps
High School
Glencoe 2005
Click Online Student Edition
User Name-HEALTH05
Student Expectations
 Have a positive attitude
 Be in your seat when the bell rings
 Bring required materials to class (pencil, paper, notebook, etc…)
 Raise your hand when you would like to speak
 Show respect to each other and the teacher
 Assignments should be completed and turned in on time
Your grade will be based on the following:
- Major (Tests, Exams, Projects) – 50%
- Intermediate (Homework, class work) – 30%
- Minor (Quizzes) – 20%
If you miss an assignment, you are responsible for making up the work. You will have the number of days you
were out to turn in your make up work (i.e. you are absent for 3 days, you will have 3 days to make up your work).
Health Notebook
You will be required to keep a Health notebook in order to stay up-to-date with assignments and information. This
will help you to have all of your work and notes in one place in order to assist you in studying for tests or quizzes.
There will be a NOTEBOOK TEST at the end of the quarter to assess your notebook.
Consequences for Misbehavior
1. A verbal warning
2. Demerit will be issued
3. Phone call home
4. Referral and sent to an Administrator
 Severe behavior problems may alter the above consequences, and may require a conference between
teacher, student, parent, and possibly administrator.
Rules and Procedures
 You will have three restroom passes for the quarter. PLEASE use the restroom before class.
 Since we have a class set of books, you will not be permitted to take the books out of the classroom unless
it is signed out with me.
 Cell phones need to be turned off and kept away in my class
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Living a Healthy Life
 Your Health and Wellness
 Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle
 Your Behavior and Reducing Health Risks
Chapter 18: Endocrine and Reproductive Systems
 The Endocrine System
 The Male Reproductive System
 The Female Reproductive System
Chapter 19: Prenatal Development and Birth
 The Beginning of the Life Cycle
 Prenatal Care
 Heredity and Genetics
 Infancy and Childhood
Chapter 20: Adolescence and the Life Cycle
 Lesson 1: Adolescence- Understanding Growth and Change
 Lesson 2: Moving Toward Adulthood
 Lesson 3: Marriage and Parenting
 Lesson 4: Health Through the Life Span
Chapter 24: Communicable Diseases
 What are Communicable Diseases?
 Preventing Communicable Diseases
 Common Communicable Diseases
Chapter 26: Noncommunicable Diseases and Disabilities
 Cardiovascular Diseases
 Cancer
 Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, and Arthritis
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________
Parent’s Signature: _____________________________________________________________