Food in Your Life
Unit #1
1. The Amazing World of Food
2. Diversity at the Table
3. The Food Supply
4. Food Science and Technology
Essential Question Journal Entry #U-1
• Focus on Food:
Write a journal entry about one of the topics below. This will help you prepare for the unit project at the end of this unit.
• Identify the foods you eat that may be grown locally.
• Describe how people can help the environment by purchasing locally grown foods.
Chapter #1
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-1
• Food and Happiness:
– Write about the relationship between food and happiness. Allow your writing to be spontaneous. Simply write your thoughts, ideas, memories, or experiences relating to food and happiness.
1. Explain what makes food powerful.
2. Describe the role of science in food.
3. Summarize the ways that food provides pleasure.
4. Describe the skills you can build as you learn about food.
Chapter #2
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-2
• Imagine:
– Imagine that you will write a narrative about your first encounter with a new food. The narrative will include details about the circumstances, your first reaction, and how the experience has affected your current feelings about the food. Create an outline for this narrative. Your outline should consist of three to five main points, each supported by two to three details.
Learning Targets
5. Explain culture and its relationship to food.
6. Summarize influences on cuisines and customs.
7. Identify similarities in global cuisines.
8. Explain food customs today.
9. Describe food customs in the
United States.
Chapter #3
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-3
• The Food Supply:
– Think about the origin of all of the items in your most recent meal. Where did each item come from? How many hands did it pass through from the source to your plate?
Learning Targets
10. Explain ecosystems and their relationship to food.
11. Describe the main sources of the
U.S. food supply and the steps food takes from farm to consumption.
12. Identify global food problems and explain their causes.
13. Explain global water problems.
14. Describe solutions to global food problems.
Chapter #4
Essential Question Journal Entry #C-4
• Technology and Your Diet:
– Write about the foods you have eaten today.
Which ones were stored in packages? How difficult would it have been for you to obtain the ingredients in those packaged foods and make them from scratch yourself? Does technology influence the amount and type of foods you eat?
15. Explain the relationship between science and technology.
16. Explain five ways technology affects food.
17. Identify three ways science improves health.
18. Name three ways cooks use technology in meal production.
• Kowtaluk, H. (2010). “Food for today.” Glencoe
McGraw-Hill; New York.
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