Goal 1~The Nation's Beginnings

Goal 1~The Nation’s Beginnings
Part 1: The Federalist Era- Ch. 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
Presidents of the Period and their Political Party Affiliation
 1. ______________________________________________ (none)
 2. _______________________________________________ (Federalist)
 3. ______________________________________________ (Democratic-Republican)
 4. ______________________________________________ (Democratic-Republican)
Issues Facing the New Government
 The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
________________________________of Confederation-too weak
The United States ______________________________________ (1787)
The Bill of Rights (1791)
 1st __________________ Amendments
 Guaranteed the _______________________ of individuals under the new government.
George Washington: An Executive Example
 Unanimously elected by the ____________________________________ as the first President of the United
States in 1789 (elected and inaugurated in the same year)
 Seen as a national ______________________ because of his leadership during the Revolutionary War
 Set many ______________________________________ for future leaders
Developed the ____________________________
Defined appointment powers
Expanded _____________________________________affairs
Became legislative leader
Washington's Cabinet
 Group of Presidential advisors
Secretary of the _____________________________- Alexander Hamilton
Secretary of ___________________________- Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of ____________________________-Henry Knox
_______________________________________- Edmund Randolph
**began with __________ positions, currently, there are ___________ cabinet positions!
Issues Facing the New Government
 The Judiciary Act
The Constitution required the establishment of ______________________________.
The Judiciary Act of 1789 established both the United States federal court system and the
____________________________ of the Supreme Court.
The first ____________________________ of the Supreme Court was ________________________,
who was appointed by George Washington.
Issues Facing the New Government
 Alexander Hamilton’s ________________________ Plan
The national __________________ was our nation’s biggest problem.
Pay all war debts
 _________________________ on ___________________________
 Led to the ___________________________________________________ in 1794
The Whiskey Rebellion proved that the Constitution was stronger than the
Articles of Confederation
 ____________________________-taxes on imports
Create national____________________________
 Large debate over power to create a national bank: was it written in law? Or was it implied in
 ________________________vs. ___________________interpretation of the law
Washington's Farewell
 Washington served ___________________ terms but refused another. He gave a farewell address in 1796 in
which he emphasized three key points:
Stay ___________________________ and avoid permanent alliances with other nations
__________________ government is based on religion and morality
Warned of the dangers of forming __________________________________
Federalist Era
 Political parties develop…
Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson hold _________________________ views of government
 _____________________________________: led by Alexander Hamilton; supported strong
National Government and believed in a laissez-faire approach to the economy
 _____________________________________________: led by Thomas Jefferson; supported
limited role of national government and wanted stronger state governments
First Political Parties
 Strong __________________________ government
 Power in the hands of the __________________________
 Believed that the nation’s economy should be based on ____________________________________
 Interpreted the Constitution __________________________________
 Favored ___________________________ rights
 Wanted power in the hands of the __________________________________ people
 Believed that the nation’s economy should be based on _______________________________________
 Interpreted the Constitution ________________________
Election of 1796
 ___________________________________-President
 ___________________________________-Vice President
 Both men were from ________________________________ political parties and did not see eye-to-eye
 This problem will be fixed by the_______________________ amendment
John Adams
 ____________________________ Affair
relationship between _________________________and U.S. is rough
Under the leadership of President Adams, the U.S. sends ambassadors to France to patch relations but
bribes and loans were demanded by the French; the U.S. became angered. The delegates returned home to
the U.S. and the American military began to prepare for a potential war.
The term XYZ refers to the unnamed French ____________________________________
Alien and Sedition Acts
 Federalists, under John Adams, passed laws to limit _______________________ of government by those
sensitive to the French and also further explained the rights of citizens and aliens.
 The Alien and Sedition Acts would have limited __________________________ of speech and allowed
_______________________________ of unpopular aliens
___________________________ and ________________________ issued resolutions to declare the
laws unconstitutional (written by _____________________ and _____________________________)
Presented the idea of _______________________________________, or to declare void.
Election of 1800
 _____________________________________________-Democratic Republican
 ______________________________________________-Democratic Republican
 _______________________________________________-Federalist
 Jefferson and Burr________________ with 73 electoral votes
The __________________________________selects Thomas Jefferson as the 3rd U.S. President
Aaron Burr, furious that he lost, will kill Alexander Hamilton in a duel, blaming him.
Thomas Jefferson
 The election of 1800 marked the first peaceful transfer of political power from one _______________ to another
in modern government. However, at the very end of John Adams’ term, he appointed_________________ to the
federal court system and Thomas Jefferson refused to recognize the judges.
Judicial Review
 The argument will travel to the Supreme Court. This case is___________________________________________.
Case declares part of the Judiciary Act unconstitutional and establishes the principal of
_________________________________ (court can declare laws unconstitutional)
Chief Justice _____________________________________ issues the decision on the “midnight judges.”
Western Expansion
 _______________________________________________________ (1803)
Was it constitutional?
 __________________million acres purchased from_________________ for $________ million
 ______________________ the size of the United States
 _____________________________ and ______________________ Expedition
William Clark and Meriwether Lewis
May 1804- September 1806
7,689 miles
Jefferson and Foreign Affairs
 U.S. remains ______________________during ongoing fights between __________________
 Great Britain began the practice of _____________________________, which angered Jefferson.
 _______________________________________- temporarily eased the tensions between the United States and
Great Britain
 _______________________ (1807) -stops trade with Britain (this hurt U.S. business more than Britain)
 “_______________________________” begin to emerge within Congress due to growing tensions.
Part 2: Foreign Affairs-Ch.2.4
James Madison
 Elected in 1808
 Principle ___________________________ of the U.S. Constitution
 There was still growing conflict in ________________________ and unrest within America.
Indian Conflicts
 Unfair treaties were being made with Native American groups over____________________ rights.
 The Battle of Tippecanoe (1811) between U.S. and Native Americans led by __________________________ in
present day Indiana.
The Native Americans were ___________________________.
U.S. troops were led by ____________________________________________, who became a national
War of 1812
 The War Hawks in Congress wanted to protect land rights and trading rights in the United States. They declare
war on Britain in June of 1812. Often times the War of 1812 is called the
 Causes
The British…
 Interfered with foreign_____________________
 ___________________________ American sailors
 Interfered with American _______________________________ out west
 Supported Native American_______________________ on American settlers
 Events
The British _____________________________ American ports
The British _____________________ part of Washington, including the _______________________, in
America saw some success along the ________________________________ in a few battles.
The _____________________________________ formally ends the war but there was no true “winner.”
U.S. wins the Battle of ___________________________ and Andrew Jackson becomes national hero
*battle takes place after the treaty ended the war*
“________________________________________________” was written by Francis Scott Key after the
Battle at Fort McHenry in Baltimore Harbor.
 After the War…
U.S. and G.B. returned to their original ________________________________________
U.S. won respect of other nations
U.S. ______________________________ grew
 The Era of Good Feelings
___________________________ lost creditability and the party __________________________
U.S. _______________________________________ grew
U.S. border with ________________________is established along the __________ parallel
It was understood that America needed a strong __________________________
Foreign Affairs
 ___________________________ Treaty (1795):
gave America rights to navigate the ______________________ River
 Signed with __________________
 __________________________ Treaty (1819):
The ________________ territory becomes part of the U.S. Established border between U.S. and
 Signed with _________________