Focus: What is William Golding saying about human nature? EQ: Do

Focus: What is William Golding saying about human nature?
EQ: Do people change based on outside forces or are they born a certain way?
William Golding seems to be saying two different things about what happened to the boys in the novel and
those in real life. First, he seems to say that all children have the capacity for evil born in them. Second, he seems to say
that the presence or absence of adults makes the difference of whether or not children act out in an evil manner.
After reading articles related to the subject, you will weigh the arguments on both sides, decide which side you
feel is more convincing, and write a 5-paragraph essay (2 quotes each) in which you convince the reader that your side is
Lack of Parental Guidance (Nurture)
William Golding—“Why Boys Become Vicious”
Born that Way (Nature)
William Golding—“Why Boys Become Vicious”
Summary statement:
Summary statement:
Quote 1:
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 2:
Simone Weichselbaum —“Who’s Watching the Kids in
Benedict Carey—“For the Worst of Us, the Diagnosis
May Be 'Evil’”
Summary statement:
Summary statement:
Quote 1:
Quote 1:
Quote 2:
Quote 2:
Okay, you have all of the evidence. Now, you need to decide which side represents the stronger argument. Which one
is more convincing? Which will, honestly, be easier for you to write because the evidence makes more sense to you?
[Insert final Jeopardy music here while you look back at the graphic organizer you completed yesterday.]
Time’s up. You’re 100% sure about your decision? Okay, good!
Now that you know which side you will argue, you need to develop a strong thesis statement. Remember, your thesis
guides the entire paper. If the thesis is weak, chances are the rest of your paper will be too.
Developing the thesis (your argument):
1. What is the topic?
2. What is your specific take/angle on the topic? (i.e. What is the conclusion you want your audience to draw
about the topic?
3. From these questions, you will write a working thesis and refine it.
Let’s use a different topic to walk you through this. Let’s work through this together.
1. What is the topic?
Let’s choose childhood obesity.
2. What is your specific take/angle on the topic? (i.e. What is the conclusion you want your audience to draw
about the topic?
There are two major contributing factors: poor diet and lack of exercise. Just like our topic, the real answer could
be a combination of the two. However, you need to argue for just one of these.
After looking through my evidence and the quotes pulled from my articles, I’m going to argue that poor diet is more
3. Let’s work on turning this into a thesis.
1st attempt: Poor diet causes childhood obesity.
Okay, that is true and it gets your point across, but you need to incorporate more.
2nd attempt: While there are several contributing factors to childhood obesity, poor diet is the biggest cause.
This is much better, but it could still be fine-tuned a little more. There are really two areas that could be improved: 1)
We could choose a better word than “biggest.” 2) We could make it seem more timely. After all, if this isn’t an issue
that applies to people today, why would anyone care about it?
3rd attempt: While there are several contributing factors to the current childhood obesity epidemic, poor diet is the major
Okay. Now that you understand the steps, you need to write the thesis statement for your in-class essay: think of it as a