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Annals of Botany 88 483-497 2001 Hui X, Chen J Annals of Botany 94 377-384 2004 Molano-Flores B Annals of Botany 88 387-391 2001 Nomura M, Itioka T Applied Entomological Zoology 37 286-289 2002 Vickerman DB, Trumble JT Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 42 64-73 1999 Thomson VP et al. Austral Ecology 26 489–499 2001 Gras EK et al. Australian Journal of Botany 53 33-44 2005 Furlan CM et al. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 32 53-63 2004 Ossipov V et al. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 29 223-240 2001 Kursar TA, Coley PD Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 31 929-949 2003 Darrow K, Bowers MD Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 25 1-11 1997 Castellanos I, Espinosa-Garcia FJ Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 25 591-602 1997 Vasconcelos HL, Casimiro AB Biotropica 29 84-92 1997 Michelangeli FA Biotropica 35 181-188 2003 Letournearu DK, Barbosa P Biotropica 31 295-302 1999 Tutin CEG et al. Biotropica 36 641-646 2004 Steinbauer MJ et al. Bulletin of Entomological Research 88 641-651 1998 Hebling MJA et al. Bulletin of Entomological Research 86 253-256 1996 1501Wang M, Lincoln DE Canadian Journal of Botany 82 1508 2004 1281Roth S et al. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27 1290 1997 1055Kleiner KW et al. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 28 1067 1998 Fortin M, Mauffette Y Canadian Journal of Forest Resources 32 379–389 2002 1961Jones TH et al. Canadian Journal of Forest Restoration 32 1969 2002 Salminen J-P, Lempa K Chemoecology 12 203-211 2002 Narberhaus I et al. Chemoecology 15 121-125 2005 Ikonen A et al. Chemoecology 12 125-131 2002 van Dam NM et al. Ecological Entomology 26 578-586 2001 Kaitaniemi P et al. Ecological Entomology 29 437–446 2004 Steinbauer MJ et al. Ecological Entomology 23 201-206 1998 Gruner DS et al. Ecological Entomology 30 428–443 2005 Handley R et al. Ecological Entomology 30 284–292 2005 Bazin A et al. Ecological Entomology 27 271-278 2002 van Dam NM, Hare JD Ecological Entomology 23 22-32 1998 Hartley SE, Gardner SM Ecological Entomology 20 396-399 1995 Osier T et al. Ecological Entomology 25 197-207 2000 Stamp NE, Bowers MD Ecological Entomology 25 486-492 2000 Forkner RE et al. Ecological Entomology 29 174-187 2004 Rodriguez-Saona C, Thaler JS Ecological Entomology 30 156-163 2005 Mody K, Linsenmair KE Ecological Entomoloy 29 217–225 2004 Itino T, Itioka T Ecological Research 16 765–774 2001 2302Ruohomaki K et al. Ecology 77 2311 1996 Kinney KK et al. Ecology 78 215–230 1997 2072Bryant JP et al. Ecology 74 2084 1993 Nichols-Orians CM Ecology 72 1609- 1991 1623 Dudt JF, Shure DJ Ecology 75 86-98 1994 Lindroth RL et al. Ecology 74 763-777 1993 Letournearu, D.K. Ecology 79 593–603 1998 2117– Frank Kersch M, FONSECA CR Ecology 86 2126 2005 2032– Adler LS et al. Ecology 82 2044 2001 Glawe GA et al. Ecology 84 79–90 2003 Mutikainen P et al. Ecology 81 49–65 2000 2676– Hunter MD, Forkner RE Ecology 80 2682 1999 1399– Goverde M et al. Ecology 83 1411 2002 Shure DJ et al. Ecology 79 604–617 1998 Singer MS et al. Ecology 85 2747– 2004 2753 Shure DL, Wilson LA Ecology 74 55-67 1993 1588– Forkner RE, Hunter MD Ecology 81 1600 2000 1804– Agrawal AA Ecology 81 1813 2000 Zangerl AR, Berenbaum MR Ecology 74 47-54 1993 1696Ayres MP et al. Ecology 78 1712 1997 Fortin M, Mauffette Y Ecoscience 8 164-172 2001 Stamp NE, Osier TL Ecoscience 4 286-295 1997 Höglund S, Larsson S Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 115 89-96 2005 McAuslane HJ, Alborn HT Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 97 283–291 2000 Cogni R et al. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107 125–131 2003 Brennan EB, Weinbaum SA Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 100 179–185 2001 Stamp NE, Osier TL Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 88 81–96 1998 Lower SS, Orians CM Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 107 69-79 2003 Foss LK, Rieske LK Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 108 87-93 2003 Glynn C et al. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 113 1-14 2004 Bartlet E et al. Entomologia experimentalis et applicata 91 163-167 1999 Johns CV et al. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 108 169-178 2003 Vasconcelos HL, Cherrett JM Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 78 215-220 1996 McCloud ES, Berenbaum M Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 93 233-247 1999 Zvereva EL et al. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 89 297-303 1998 Scheirs J, De Bruyn L Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 113 109-116 2004 Fordyce JA Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 100 339–346 2001 Rodriguez-Saona CR, Trumble JT Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 90 131-140 1999 Reitz SR, Trumble JT Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 84 9-16 1997 1609Sanders NJ et al. Environmental Entomology 33 1616 2004 Traw MB, Dawson TE Environmental Entomology 31 714Ð722 2002 Williams et al. Environmental Entomology 26 1312- 1997 1322 Berdegue M et al. Environmental Entomology 26 912-919 1997 1242Borowicz VA et al. Environmental Entomology 32 1250 2003 Rieske LK et al. Environmental Entomology 32 359-365 2003 Haddad NM, Hicks WM Environmental Entomology 29 299-303 2000 Cardoza YJ et al. Environmental Entomology 32 220-228 2003 Rieske LK et al. Forest Ecology and Management 160 177-187 2002 Rieske LK Forest Ecology and Management 168 91-99 2002 Goverde M et al. Functional Ecology 13 801-810 1999 Oliveira PS et al. Functional Ecology 13 623-631 1999 Behmer ST et al. Functional Ecology 19 55-66 2005 Cuautle M, Rico-Gray V Functional Ecology 17 417–423 2003 Wainhouse D et al. Functional Ecology 12 561–572 1998 Buse A et al. Functional Ecology 12 742-749 1998 Woodrow IE et al. Functional Plant Biology 29 103-110 2002 Williams RS et al. Global Change Biology 4 235-246 1998 Agrell J et al. Global Change Biology 11 588-599 2005 1240Veteli TO et al. Global Change Biology 8 1252 2002 Goverde M, Erhardt A Global Change Biology 9 74-83 2003 Williams RS et al. Global Change Biology 3 501-511 1997 Lindroth RL et al. Global Change Biology 3 279-289 1997 Smith PHD, Jone TH Global Change Biology 4 287-291 1998 Newsham KK et al. Global Change Biology 5 881-890 1999 Cornelissen TA et al. Global Change Biology 10 27-36 2003 Roth S et al. Global Change Biology 4 419-430 1998 1899– Hattenschwiler S, Schafellner C Global Change Biology 10 1908 2004 Valverde PL et al. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 14 424-432 2001 4500Bi JL et al. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 45 4504 1997 1905Riis L et al. Journal of Economic Entomology 96 1914 2003 Vilarino MD et al. Journal of Applied Entomology 129 233–238 2005 4185Reddy GVP et al. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 4191 2004 Gaston KJ et al. Journal of Animal Ecology 73 911–924 2004 Hebling MJA et al. Journal of Applied Entomology 124 33-35 2000 Trewhella KE et al. Journal of Applied Entomology 121 129-136 1997 Auslandera M et al. Journal of Arid Environments 55 405–416 2003 1143Rossi AM et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 1152 2004 Pisani JM, Distel RA Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 23-36 1998 Rieske LK, Raffa KF Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 501-523 1998 Barrett RDH, Agrawal AA Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 37-51 2004 1475Hare JD Journal of Chemical Ecology 31 1491 2005 1445Ballhorn DJ et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31 1473 2005 1827Zalucki MP, Malcolm SB Journal of Chemical Ecology 25 1842 1999 2309Agrell J et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 2324 2004 1677Lindroth RL, Kinney KK Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 1695 1998 2499Dyer LA et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 2514 2003 Bernays EA et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 26 547-563 2000 1979Eck G et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 1996 2001 Gill RIS et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 779-793 2003 1315Manninen A-M et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 1331 1998 1677Lindroth RL, Kinney KK Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 1695 1998 1687Hemming JDC, Lindroth, RL Journal of Chemical Ecology 25 1714 1999 1771Marsaro AL et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 1780 2004 2257Lahtinen M et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 30 2268 2004 Panzuto M et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 28 145-160 2002 1177Nichols-Orians C Journal of Chemical Ecology 17 1195 1991 1811Nichols-Orians C Journal of Chemical Ecology 17 1819 1991 1493Macel M et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31 1508 2005 Gill RIS et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 779-793 2003 1595Ruuhola T et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 1615 2001 1417Agerbirk N et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 29 1433 2003 1509Piubelli GC et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 31 1525 2005 1289Osier TL, Lindroth RL Journal of Chemical Ecology 27 1313 2001 2117Aerts RJ, Mordue (Luntz) J Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 2132 1997 2285Agrawal AA et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 25 2304 1999 2367Stamp NE, Bowers MD Journal of Chemical Ecology 26 2386 2000 995Nozzolillo C et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 1002 1997 1641Gutierrez C et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 1650 1997 Crone EE, Jones CG Journal of Chemical Ecology 25 635-656 1999 Yusuf SW, Collins GG Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 417-424 1998 2313Zou J, Cates RG Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 2326 1997 Roseland CR, Grosz TJ Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 517-542 1997 1225Jimenez A et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 1234 1997 Musetti L, Neal JJ Journal of Chemical Ecology 23 Cipollini Jr DF, Redman AM Journal of Chemical Ecology 25 271-281 1999 Yasui H et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 803-813 1998 1997 1529Van Dam NM, Hare JD Journal of Chemical Ecology 24 1549 1998 2443– Calas D et al. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 2454 2006 Beninger CW et al. 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