Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences Organic chemistry (MGOC-101) Alkenes Supervision: Prof.Dr.Shehata El-Sewedy Dr. Fatma Ahmed Outcomes By the end of this lecture, the students will be able to 1-Recognize formula of alkenes 2-Known nomenclature of alkenes 3- learn to preparation of alkenes 4-Differentiate between reaction of alkenes Alkenes 1-Alkenes are fully unsaturated hydrocarbons 2-General formula C2H2n 3-Double bonds (-C=C-) 4-Straight or branched chain. Nomenclature 1-Common name Alkyl +ene (Prefix) 2-IUPAC name 1-Select the long continuous chain which contain c=c as parent name (alkyl+ene) or (prefix+ene) 2-Number the chain from side which give lowest number for c=c 3-Priority of numbering must be considered 4-The position of C=C must write 5-The name& position of substituent must write 6-For similar substituent add di, tri or tetra EX: √√√ XXX √√√ xxx Preparation of alkene Dehydration of alcohol Reaction of alkene (1) Addition of Hydrogen Halides to Alkenes C C + HX C C H X Eample CH3CH CHCH3 + HCl 2-Butene CH3CH2CHCH3 Cl 2-Chlorobutane Addition to an Unsymmetrically substituted alkenes according for Markovnikov’s CH3CH CH2 + HBr CH3 CH CH2 + CH3 CH CH2 H Br Br H (80%) Markovnikov’s Rule: In the addition of HX to an alkene, the H attaches to the carbon with fewer alkyl groups and X attaches to the carbon with more alkyl groups. (20%) CH3 H3C C + > CH3 CH3 CH3 + + + > CH3 H3C C > H C H H Tertiary(3 ) > Secondary(2 ) > primary(1 ) > Methyl Explanation for “Markovnikov’s rule” CH3 CH3 C CH2 + HCl CH3 + C CH3 CH3 The stabilities of carbocation: (I) > (II) CH3 CH2 H (I) + C CH2 H Cl CH3 CH3 Cl CH3 CH3 C CH2 Cl H C CH2 H Cl (II) Electrophilic addition to an unsymmetrically substituted alkene give the more highly substituted carbocation. (2) Addition of Halogen to Alkenes (CH3)2CHCH CHCH3 + Br2 CCl4 (CH3)2CHCH Br CHCH3 Br Vicinal dihalide (3) Oxidative cleavage of alkenes: Ozonolysis of Alkenes CH3 CH3 C CHCH3 1) O3 2) H2O, Zn CH3 CH3 C O+O C H CH3 Quiz time Complete How can you prepare the following compound? , 2-Chlorobutane ,Vicinal dihalide Write the chemical formula for the following compounds? Write the nomenclature for the following compounds? Show more stable compound of (I) & (II) and why? Student Question Write the nomenclature for the following compounds? How can you prepare the following compound? , 2-Chlorobutane ,Vicinal dihalide Write the chemical formula for the following compounds? Complete Assignments Group A and Group B Application of Alkenes in plastic synthesis Aya Salah- Omnia Gamal- Hanan Farg-Sarah Fasal Hashem Uses of propene in industry Mohamad El Saber Saad Mohamad El-sawi Mohamad Ahmad Fouad Mohamad Moawad El hussein Mohsen -Adel Ahmed Mahmoud Abd El- Mageed carbocations Mana Allah Gamal- Malak Atef-Yasmine Abd ElHameed Effect of Benzene on human Health Haidy Adel- Ali Hassan Hossam Hassan- Yehia Hamdy Youssef Ali Recommended textbooks: 1-Raymond Chang. Chemistry: An introduction to organic chemistry. 10th ed. 2009 2008 2-Zumdehl. Organic Chemistry; study guide and solution manual. 2008