Administrative Assistant - Grace Hills Baptist Church

October, 2014
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Please address all mail to our PO Box 807, Appomattox, VA 24522. No mail should come to the street address.
Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter
Grace Hills Baptist Church
4320 Pumping Station Road
PO Box 807
Appomattox, Virginia 24522-0807
434-352-8847, fax: 352-8849 *
(Please phone before faxing to insure manual connection.)
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October is World Hunger Month. I still remember as a child getting my allowance each week. My parents expected
me to do what they did, giving 10% of my allowance to the church – even though it was only 50 cents or a dollar. I remember
filling out the envelope and turning it in each week during Sunday School. But it was more fun to also take out a few more cents
of my allowance to give to World Hunger. I had, after all, made my own World Hunger bank. It was an old Play-Doh can,
decorated with stickers and with a slot cut into the lid, and each October, I’d open it up to see how much I had saved to feed
other people.
Feeding the hungry is one of the basic practices of the Christian faith. Jesus himself fed the hungry, miraculously
multiplying a humble lunch to feed a crowd of over 5000. He also expected his followers to feed the hungry: “I was hungry and
you gave me food…Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to
me.” (Matthew 25:35, 40) And that’s just what the early church did; in the earliest accounts of the book of Acts, we find the
church sharing meals. Even the first deacons were selected to ensure that needy widows would receive food every day.
We continue in this central practice of Christian faith when we observe World Hunger Month each October. This year,
we have two opportunities to physically play a part in feeding hungry people. Stop Hunger Now is a charity that provides meals
to schoolchildren and needy families around the world. On October 12, the Appomattox Baptist Association is packing meals at
the Red House Fire Department at 3PM; the following week, on October 19, Cadance Tyler and the congregation of Randolph
Memorial Baptist Church in Madison Heights are packing meals at the church at 2PM. Come live out your faith and plan to be
part of one (or both!) of these great events this month as we fight hunger in the name of Jesus our Lord.
In Christ,
Music Notes
October Music
Calling members of the Women’s Gospel Chorus: come to the sanctuary October 3 for rehearsal at
7:30 p.m. We plan to sing in worship on Sunday, October 5. October music will also include handbells
playing “Day by Day”, Bethany Hunter singing “You Gave”, and Henry Enochs doing the solo verse of the
anthem “O Great God”. We are so lucky to have women who will fill the choir loft for a special event, and
we are always grateful to have soloists. In September Adam Tyler sang a new solo for us (“Come to
Jesus”), Jayne Enochs presented “Talk About a Child” on baby dedication Sunday, and Phillip sang the solo
portion of “How Great Thou Art”. Soloists always add a lot of energy to our worship.
The choir has two new anthems for Advent. We are busy working on them, and the bells are
engaged with ringing Christmas music. On December 10 at noon, handbell choirs from Memorial
Methodist and Courthouse Presbyterian and Grace Hills will present a mid-day handbell concert at
Memorial. The concert will fit into your lunch break; it will last for 30 minutes.
Bells of the Blue Ridge will play a full holiday concert in Appomattox at Memorial. David Leckrone,
director of music at Memorial, is a regular ringer with Bells of Blue Ridge. I do not have the date or time,
but we will all listen for this event. These ringers are really fine, and their concerts in Lynchburg are
always packed houses.
Keep singing and ringing!
Nancy Williams
October, 2014
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Please address all mail to our PO Box 807, Appomattox, VA 24522. No mail should come to the street address.
Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter
Good Neighbor Yard Sale and Auction
to Be Held October 4
Lots of volunteers are needed on
October 3 and 4
to set up and conduct the Yard Sale and
Thanks to all of you who have already
indicated you can help. If you did not sign up
and can help, just show up! On Friday we will
be sorting the items in the storage unit.
On Saturday, we will be conducting the
sale-rain or shine. If you can bring a canopy
to use outside, please do so. If you still want
to donate items, call us or bring the items to
the church on October 3.
The Good Neighbor Information and
Help Center’s Yard Sale and Auction is
Saturday, October 4 from 8:00 AM until Noon
in the Grace Hills Baptist Church parking
Volunteers are asked to arrive by
In the event of rain, the sale will take
place in the church’s family life center.
Numerous items have been collected and will
be available for sale. Tables, chairs, clothing
for adults and children, bedroom furniture,
lamps, mirrors, pots and pans, dishes, linens,
golf and tennis sporting goods, tools, lamps,
jewelry, clothing, and miscellaneous goods of
all kinds will be available for sale. An auction
will be held beginning at noon for certain
items. Pass the word along to your friends and
neighbors that there will be lots of bargains.
Proceeds from the Yard Sale and Auction will
be used to support benevolent projects and
Church and Community participation is
Centra Mammography Unit – October 18.
Contact Lloyd and Shirley Walton for more
Sunday School Forever
Our open discussion/meeting for ideas to reach the unchurched in our community was quite successful on the
morning of August 31st. We had eight people to attend and spent our time proposing ideas. To summarize the
ideas, we carefully selected two areas to receive our attention. The decision to prioritize was followed by the
selection of Babcock Manor and Early Learning Center . We have already had a volunteer to lead the ministries at
Babcock Manor. We are talking to Miss Mary about collaboration during the Halloween Parade when children
and parents will be in attendance. We pray each Sunday School class will spend time determining how their class
can assist in these two areas as we pursue reaching the unchurched.
Sunday School will be here for generations to come. It may look somewhat different, but there will always be a
reason for Sunday School. A need to teach the Bible, bring people together and connect in fellowship with each
other is the same pattern Jesus demonstrated. Pray for teachers and class members as they seek to become
partners for reaching the unchurched. The old-fashion habit of inviting someone to come to church with you is
always in style. Use Wednesday night suppers to invite people. (Hospitality committee will need the count.)
Meet for coffee and donuts or ice-cream. Fellowship (relationships) is a fabulous technique. With the help of the
church, we can tweak and adjust to be more effective. What would make your class better and involve more
people? Let’s talk and pray about Sunday School experiences for the unchurched! Thanks.
In Christ,
October, 2014
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Please address all mail to our PO Box 807, Appomattox, VA 24522. No mail should come to the street address.
Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter
A wonderful hands-on mission opportunity awaits you--Stop Hunger
Now. You can participate on two dates--October 12 at 3:00 pm in Red
House at the fire department or October 19 with Randolph Memorial
Baptist Church in Madison Heights. It is great for all ages--children love
The Women's Get Away sponsored by WMUV will take place on
November 7-8 at Eagle Eyrie. The cost for commuters is only $20--it will
Friday evening and Saturday through lunch. If you can go either time, it
will be worth your effort. Always wonderful speakers and great small
groups. Please let Linda Jo Mays (352-5509) know if you can go---it will
be a blessing for you! We will be meeting at church and carpooling so put
it on your calendar!
The Youth Council is collecting items for college care packages for Patricia Garrett, Zach Perkins, and
Nathan Gilliam through October 4th. Please leave items in the designated boxes in the Fellowship Hall.
College Care Packages
Patricia Garrett – Sweet Briar College
Suggestions for Care Package: Notes of encouragement, Cliff bars, Stride 5 gum, Cheese-Its, granola bars, M&Ms, kettle
popcorn, Subway gift cards, cute socks, pony tail bands, blister band aids, and her school colors are pink and
Address: Sweet Briar College
Patricia Garrett
P.O. Box 313
134 Chapel Road
Sweet Briar VA 24595
Nathan Gilliam – Longwood University
Suggestions for Care Package: Notes of encouragement, Food Lion gift cards, Walmart gift cards, gum, gummies, M&M's,
tortilla chips, really anything - he is not picky
Address: Nathan Gilliam
105 H Lancer Circle
Farmville, VA 23901
Zach Perkins – Hampden Sydney College
Suggestions for Care Package: Notes of encouragement, Buffalo Wild Wings gift cards, Cookout gift cards, Applebee’s gift
cards, sunflower seeds, chips, popcorn, Goldfish, gum, or anything you want to send
Address: Zach Perkins
Box 1647 (do not use “P.O.”)
80 Graham Circle Drive
Hampden-Sydney, VA 23943
October, 2014
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Please address all mail to our PO Box 807, Appomattox, VA 24522. No mail should come to the street address.
Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter
Military List –
Continuing Care List…
We forever thank you
And we honor you for your service!
Appomattox Health & Rehab: Margaret Megginson,
Babcock Manor: Joyce Webb, Kyle Coleman
Bentley Commons: George & Florence Richards
The Carrington: Alma Williams
Heritage Green: Vicki Jamerson
Leisure Park: Betty & John Roberts
Lynchburg Health & Rehab.: Barbara Amick
Masonic Home of VA: Sarah Burke
Valley View Retirement Community: Rebecca Dickerson
At Home: Merlie Reynolds, Jim Childress, Kay Wilson, Beth Payne,
Ward Brockett, Betty Jo Wallwork, Beverly Tyler, Thelma Trent,
Nathan Norman, Carolyne Kelly, Carter Cox, Wilsie Puckette, Gloria
McCormick, Mary Frances Bryant, Beth Kirby, Ginny Brown, Earl
Major Franklin Jennings, Jr.
Kathy Faircloth
Stephen Faircloth
Marshall Woods
Trip Green
Tyler Paulette
F.C. and Tracy Carter
James Ryan Boone
Anthony Daulton
Travis Beasley
Appomattox Health and Rehab. -- The monthly birthday
party at the AH&R center is now held the second Wednesday of
each month at 10:00am
Grace Hills Early Learning Center
Director: Mary Dickerson, Assistant: Kae Kessler
The children of Grace Hills Early Learning Center are settling into the new school year. Our current enrollment stands at 92
children. if you are in the church around 4pm each day, you will hear our 29 school age children in the Family Life Center.
If church members need the gym for an event during the week between 4pm and 5:30pm, let the church office know. We
are happy to move to another location.
The children enjoyed the first chapel of the year and “the man” joined in to sing. “The man” is Pastor Adam! We have also
started our weekly fun song singing and the children again were looking for “the man.”
The children are looking forward to a Halloween Parade on October 29 at 10:30am. We will parade around the parking lot
in our costumes. The church family is welcomed to join us.
Because of the large number of school age children using the bathrooms in the afternoon, the ELC has installed automatic
paper towel dispensers, toilet paper dispensers and soap dispensers in the two bathrooms outside the Family Life Center.
Happy Fall and Happy Halloween!
Mary Dickerson, Director
Don’t forget to regularly review and update your personal information that is on file at the church whenever something changes for you and your family. Phone numbers,
mailing/residence addresses, e-mail addresses, emergency contact information for yourself and your family, changes of family member status, and special achievements,
etc. Let us know of anything you would like kept on file at the church that would help your pastor, deacon and staff know you and your family better. The information is
not shared outside the church without your permission. There are forms in the church lobby for this purpose, but you can send an email or a written note just as well at
any time.
- Information submitted after the due date delays processing and distribution.
Information is to be submitted in final printed form, ready to be published.
Information Due Dates
The next Newsletter & Calendar Information Deadline is Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 5pm. Please have any information to be included in the next Newsletter
& Calendar to the GHBC Office by 5pm on the deadline day! All Member/Committee/Class input is welcome! Remember your church activity and related digital
pictures are also welcome for inclusion. Email them to with the caption you desire. Calendar information for the next month is due by 5pm on
the last working day before the Church Council meeting for the month prior to the event, so it can be presented at Church Council. Please remember to tell the Office
when a meeting is scheduled or changed before the Bulletin due date. Bulletin information is due in the GHBC office by 5pm, every Wednesday. Times VA news must be in
the GHBC office by 12pm Friday every week. ABA Newsletter articles must be in the GHBC office by 5pm the 15 th of every month. Newsletter Information must be in the GHBC
Office by 5pm on the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, unless that Sunday is a holiday or very close to the end of the month—then, the information
would be due 5pm Wednesday--2 weeks before the last Sunday.
Please make all submissions separately and in writing for each publication (bulletin, calendar, newsletter, etc.)
Email is preferred. Thanks for your cooperation