Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter March, 2013 Page 1 of 5 Grace Hills Baptist Church PO Box 807 4320 Pumping Station Road Appomattox, Virginia 24522-0807 434-352-8847, fax: 352-8849 To view the newsletter in color, please visit our website: On Facebook: If you do not wish to be on our mailing list, or if someone would like to be added, please let us know! If you would like to receive our newsletter via the internet instead of by snail mail, please advise. (You need the capability to open Microsoft Office 2007 documents [.docx] or Adobe [.pdf]) Nancy Williams, Choir Director Our Handbell Choir practices on Thursday nights at 5:45 pm Susie Thomas, Pianist If you love to sing, our Adult Choir would love to have you sing with them. Practice is every Thursday night at 7:00 pm Music Notes for March We are in need of substitute bell ringers. If you would like to come to some beginning ringer classes this spring and then "pinch hit" with the handbell choir whenever we have a gap in rehearsal, we would like to hear from you. What a great way to learn- by assisting the experienced group as they rehearse. Substitute ringers get to try a variety of positions and bells- bass bells with solid sounds and tiny treble bells that "tinkle". Please speak to me at church or email me at if you are interested in becoming a substitute ringer for us. Getting new choir singers makes me very happy. Right now I need a couple of altos to assist the alto section. Altos are very special people- uniquely gifted and generally happy! If you have ever sung alto or would like to learn, come to see me or e-mail at the above address. Keep singing! Nancy Williams March, 2013 Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter Page 2 of 5 Military List - We forever thank you and honor you for your service! Major Franklin Jennings, Jr. Stephen Faircloth Marshall Woods Trip Green Greg Hamlett Tyler Paulette F. C. and Tracy Carter James Ryan Boone Appomattox Health & Rehab: Margaret Megginson, Neil Rogers Babcock Manor: Joyce Webb, Barbara Amick, Kyle Coleman Bentley Commons: George & Florence Richards The Carrington: Alma Williams Heritage Green: Vicki Jamerson Valley View Retirement Community: Rebecca Dickerson At Home: Merlie Reynolds, Sarah Burke, Jim Childress, Kay Wilson, Beth Payne, Ward Brockett, Betty Jo Wallwork, Beverly Tyler, David Martin, Thelma Trent, Nathan Norman Continuing Care List... Appomattox Health and Rehab. -- The monthly birthday party at the AH&R center is now held on the first Thursday of each month at 10am Prayer We will hold the 55th Prayer Walk on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30pm. Come praise God and pray for our church and nation. Lend strength to our prayers by adding yours. Thank God for your blessings. --Prayer Ministry Committee: Sharon Cottingham, Beverly Carter, Amy Peterson, Kathy Faircloth. & Bolling Carter, Chair Your Hospitality Committee (The menu is subject to change) Co-Chairs - June Chenault, Ellen Jamerson Winnie Diser, Jean LeGrand, Jerry Mitchell, and Steve Giuliano March 13 Menu: St. Patrick’s Day theme (green & white) Grilled Pork Roast Apples Greenbeans, Macaroni & cheese Rolls Dessert March 24: We need a volunteer group to plan and prepare a meal. Contact Ellen or June if your group can help out! Our WMU Annual Meeting will be held on March 19 at New Hope. The evening will begin with food at 6:00 pm provided by the New Hope ladies. Our theme is "Missions through the Decades" and everyone is encouraged to wear clothing from one of the decades from 1888 to 2013. There will be a costume contest before the meeting at 7:00pm. An Annie Armstrong re-enactor will be our guest speaker. It will be an evening to remember so put it on your calendar. Please let Linda Jo Mays know if you plan to go. Quilting Group The Quilting Group will meet on the second and fourth Wednesday at 10am in the GHBC Fellowship Hall. We have an exciting new project, so anyone who can help will be welcome. Anyone interested in textile arts and sewing is invited to attend. Bring your sewing accessories and supplies and join in one of our projects! Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter Walking Group March, 2013 Page 3 of 5 The Walking Group ‘s activities will continue its normal schedule this month. Walk together or alone--at your own pace-- on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays—except holidays! Meet in the GHBC Family Life Center at 8:15am to walk off those extra calories before they become extra pounds! Keep healthy and don’t let the cold weather make you vegetate. GHBC Seniors The Senior Luncheon - Get out your green! The Senior Luncheon will celeberate St. Patrick’s Day with a Salad and Potato Bar on Monday, March March 4th at 11:30am. A State Trooper will be here to inform us how to keep ourselves and our homes safe. Please give the committee some questions you would like for the trooper to answer. Please bring a dessert. Kelly’s Kaps Group: Volunteer Services at UVA is in need of baby caps. If anyone is interested in crocheting or knitting infant hats to donate please contact Amy Peterson. Our Easter Egg Hunt will take place Sunday, March 24th directly following the worship service for all children through 5th grade. If you would like to invite a friend, grandchildren or any other kids from the community, please let me know so that I can guarantee there is enough lunch for everyone. Thanks, Jamie Davis 664-7227/ The Grace Hills Relay for Life team is sponsoring a Spring Craft Show on Saturday, March 23rd from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are interested in donating an item for the bake sale, please see June Chenault. The GHBC Relay for Life team will sponsor an Easter Bunny Brunch on March 23rd from 9:00 to 11:00 in the Fellowship Hall. A suggested donation of $3 per child and $4 per adult will go to the American Cancer Society. This is a great picture opportunity, so bring your camera! \ Congratulations to Adam for completing the class portion of his Doctor of Ministry Degree. During the next several months, he will be focusing on completing the final requirement of this program. This requires completing an extensive final written project and presenting his work before a committee. The deacons will be providing special assistance to Adam during this time. Your deacon or any current deacon will be pleased to assist you in needs you may have or know of during this time. Please feel free to contact the pastor and/or any of the following individuals: Richard Carter Janice Marston Thomas Nolen Bobby Wingfield Linda Mays John Harrison Lara Peterson Bill Slagle Gene Booze 352-7849 352-5378 942-7653 248-5502 352-5509 352-2245 993-9119 352-7716 352-5438 Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter March, 2013 Page 4 of 5 Grace Hills Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program The Exercise classes are going full steam ahead. onTuesday and Thursday mornings at 10am. Be prepared for Shorts and tank tops. We look forward to seeing you Classes are being held every Tues. & Thurs. in March, except March 12, 14 & 28. $20.00 per 4-week sessionl Participants’ first 4-week session is always FREE. •Ask us about Free available scholarships. We want to offer everyone the opportunity to participate NOTE: No class on 3/28…it will move to 3/27 at 10am HAPPENINGS AT THE GOOD NEIGHBOR CENTER MARCH, 2013 - As spring nears, most of us are thinking of the bright sunny days and look forward to getting outside more. We encourage you to join with those who are helping at the Good Neighbor information and Help Center! We are open on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:30-4:30 PM and Saturday mornings from 10:00 AM until noon. Free blood pressure screenings are available each day the center is open. During the past month we have been keeping in contact with some of those we have helped. We continue to check on the Carpenter family who came to the center for help several months ago. They are still doing well and express their appreciation for the care they have experienced. Mrs. Carpenter asked about finding a tutor for her kindergarten-aged son. This would be several days after school or on Saturdays. Please let one of the Good Neighbor Team know if you are interested in assisting with this need. The individual who elects to serve as a tutor could be either volunteer or paid. The Good Neighbor Information and Help Center recently joined the Appomattox Chamber of Commerce. The picture included in this article was taken on the day of the ribbon-cutting. The Chamber is already displaying our poster and distributing brochures. We have been able to set up a transportation group to transport persons from Grace Hills who need assistance to travel to local medical and therapy appointments. If you can help periodically or are willing to work with this group, please contact Lloyd Walton. If you need a ride, please contact Lloyd or see one of the posters in the fellowship hall which lists the names and phone numbers of volunteers who are willing to help. Remember to check out the website at Sections of the site are still under construction. We seek your suggestions on information which would be useful. We ask that you continue to keep the work of the Good Neighbor Help and Information Center in your prayers. Thanks to those who are volunteering. Please tell your friends and neighbors, we are here to help. We can also use additional people to staff the center, meet transportation requests of clients, or do simple handyman chores. We also thank those who are remembering the center through designated offerings. We’d love to have you stop by the center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-4:30 PM and on Saturdays from 10:00 AM until noon. Your Good Neighbor Team – 434-664-2121 Grace Hills Baptist Church Newsletter March, 2013 March Nursery Schedule Page 5 of 5 March 3 – Becky Burke & Ashley Walker March 10 – Lauren Moore & Pat Torrence March 17 – Martha Ramsey & Mary Bryant March 24 – Misty & Thomas Nolen March 31 – Ellen Jamerson & Paige Nolen March Children’s Worship March 3 – “Jesus Stills the Storm” – Charlie & Amy Peterson March 10 – “Down Through the Roof” – Jamie Davis March 17 – “Martha and Mary’s Dinner Guest” – Greer Harris March 24 – “Jesus Enters Jerusalem” – Reneé Wingfield March 21 – “Easter” – Mary Dickerson Grace Hills Early Learning Center contact information: (434-352-2273, fax: 434-352-4422) The children have been working hard on their snow dances. ..we just need a few more inches! We welcomed several new children this month and our current enrollment is 78. Thank you to Janice Marston for donating books to our center. The children love books! Reminder Don’t forget to regularly review and update your personal information that is on file at the church whenever something changes for you and your family. Phone numbers, mailing/residence addresses, e-mail addresses, emergency contact information for yourself and your family, changes of family member status, and special achievements, etc. Let us know of anything you would like kept on file at the church that would help your pastor, deacon and staff know you and your family better. The information is not shared outside the church without your permission. There are forms in the church lobby for this purpose, but you can send an email or a written note just as well at any time. Newsletter Information Due Date Information submitted after the due date.delays processing and distribution The next Newsletter Information Deadline is Wednesday, March 20, 2013 at 5pm. Please have any information to be included in the next Newsletter to the GHBC Office by 5pm on the deadline day! All Member/Committee/Class input is welcome! Remember your church activity and related digital pictures are also welcome for inclusion. Email them to with the caption you desire. Calendar information for the next month is due by 5pm on the last working day before the Church Council meeting for the month prior to the event, so it can be presented at Church Council. Please remember to tell the Office when a meeting is scheduled or changed before the Bulletin due date. Bulletin information is due in the GHBC office by 5pm, every Wednesday. Times VA news must be in the GHBC office by 12pm Friday every week. ABA Newsletter articles must be in the GHBC office by 5pm the 15th of every month. Newsletter Information must be in the GHBC Office by 5pm on the Wednesday before the last Sunday of the month, unless that Sunday is a holiday or very close to the end of the month—then, the info. would be due 5pm Wednesday--2 weeks before the last Sunday. Please make all submissions separately and in writing for each publication (bulletin, calendar, newsletter, etc.) Email is preferred. Thanks for your cooperation!