CSP Course Info Sheet - Ankeny Community School District

Computer Science Principles 2015-16
Syllabi contains important course information – you should read ALL of it.
Instructor: Joel Fox
Term: Fall 2015/Spring 2016
Credits: 1 Math Credit
email: joel.fox@ankenyschools.org
Office: Computer Lab and/or math classroom
Course Web Site: CourseSites
AHS Help: by apt and during seminar
Best way to advocate for help is to email
Computer Science Principles - 1 math credit (one semester) prerequisite: Algebra I.
Specific topic coverage includes
 Computing Basics: High Quality Design
Structured Design
Designing Computer Algorithms for selection and repetition
structures (making decisions and loops)
Designing Algorithms for Arrays and collections
Advanced Modularization Techniques
Working with Data of all types
Event Driven GUI Programming
Object-Oriented Programming
System Modeling with the UML (Class Diagrams and
Hiearchy Charts)
Utilize an IDE
Exposure will also be given to:
 21st Century communication and
employability skills
 Relational Databases
 File Handling and Applications
Internal and External architecture
of a computer
Follow up Courses: AP Computer Science, Visual C#, C++ Programming, Accounting, Web Design, Entrepreneurship
Detailed Course Standards: Can be found on CourseSites and School Web Page
Programming Logic and Design, 7th Edition, Joyce Farrell
Introduction to Programming with Greenfoot, Michael Kolling
Software (free)
Greenfoot download from
Flash drive or web
based storage (use
free services)
Software Note: Software is available for free. Greenfoot will run on Windows, Mac or UNIX based systems.
Software will also be available on some computers in the media center.
18 Week Grading Infinite Campus Summative Grading Categories
Exams, Summative Labs 45%
Semester Project 15%
Quizzes and Guided Projects/Labs 40%
Formative Labs/projects/assignments 0%
Computer Science Principles Syllabus Fall 2015
Note: This syllabus is subject to change as the need for clarification and adjustments arise. 7/6/2015 Page 1
Semester Grade
90% of your semester grade will be your 18 week grade
10% of your semester grade will be your final exam/project grade
Exams, summative labs and semester project
There will be 3 exams. You may use one sheet of notes for exams (front and back).
You will have summative labs throughout the semester. These will usually be the Programming Exercises at the end
of each chapter. You will have one summative semester project worth 10 – 15% of your grade.
Quizzes and Guided Labs
Quizzes will be 10 question quizzes covering the vocabulary for each unit. They will be taken online. Each quiz may
automatically be taken twice if completed prior to the cut-off date. You may use your note packets for quizzes. .
The number of labs and projects and will vary depending upon individual needs.
Labs, Lectures and Activities are designed to support learning the course objectives. Many are formative
assessments and will not be placed in the gradebook. You are expected to participate in and complete all labs
and activities unless otherwise noted. This is to prepare you for the summative assessments. Lesson packets will
be provided and they must be completed if you wish to take advantage of any type of reassessment. If lesson
packets are not completed prior to a quiz or test do not expect an opportunity to retest.
This course follows the grading practice outlined by the Ankeny Community School District as posted on the
schools website. There is no extra credit. Opportunities for reassessment are available if an authentic need has
been shown.
Grading scale per the student handbook.
Minimum Percent 92.5 89.5 86.5 82.5 79.5 76.5 72.5 69.5 66.5 62.5 59.5 59 and below
Letter Grade
Warning: Incomplete grades do not affect your grade positively or negatively. Therefore if you have several
Incompletes you grade may be much worse than reflected on Infinite Campus. Be aware that any incomplete
grades will turn to an F at the end of the course.
Scoring Rubric for Labs and Projects
9-10 Exemplary Application to a Novel situation and/or evidence of advanced application in a unique program
(Semester Project or challenge project from a chapter)
7—8 Proficient Demonstrates thorough understanding consistently (across several exercises or programs using
industry standards)
6-6 Progressing Demonstrates a moderate understanding, but with gaps or inconsistency (often only in a single
program or activity)
1-4 Beginning Demonstrates little understanding independently (i.e. copies code but can’t modify or interpret the
I Incomplete- No Evidence (May turn into a failing grade if not completed)
Computer Science Principles Syllabus Fall 2015
Note: This syllabus is subject to change as the need for clarification and adjustments arise. 7/6/2015 Page 2
Additional Grading criteria for programs/pseudocode. Use this as a check list before submitting your summative
lab programs. More specific criteria may apply for certain units.
Your programming score will be based on the QUALITY of your solution to the programming assignment.
Simply producing the correct actions/output does NOT guarantee any points will be awarded.
Learner must submit ALL the files that are required in their solution to class website.
All programs must include Documentation
Programs should include test data when appropriate
Your solution must implement ALL written requirements / instructions / specifications.
Solution demonstrates understanding of current learning objectives.
Solution continues to use applicable skills and techniques from previous learning objectives.
Solution utilizes efficient code.
Solution follows industry standards and structured program design (i.e. modularization)
Solution submitted PRIOR TO expiration of due date/time.
Reassessment on labs may be available but only if you are completing all formative work. Ask for details if needed.
I will be available by appointment for help. However, email is the best way to let me know you may be struggling
and to get individual help. Study skills will be very important in this class. Use a planner for organization. Time
Management is essential. You must use all of your lab time efficiently. If you struggle I can help but you have to
talk to me and advocate for yourself!!!
This is not a course to miss frequently. We do much of the work in class during lab time. It is recommended that
you make up work within two days of being absent. Please make arrangements if you are gone or will be gone. Work
that is not completed will be given an Incomplete that will turn into a failing grade at the end of the semester if it
is not made up by the deadline. This is your responsibility.
My Personal Guidelines:
Five essential life skills – no matter where you are!!!!
 Honesty: Be honest in conversation, daily work, quizzes/tests, etc.
 Respect: Respect yourself, other people, personal property, other’s class time, your school and
community. (lunch room trays as an example)
 Positive Attitude: Attitude and effort are keys to success.
 Be Prepared: Do your homework, bring your supplies and be ready for class/work/family
events/dates/weddings/job interviews/etc….
 Relaxed environment: Please ask questions at any time.
On Line Resources: Check our CourseSites webpage for links to help and resources.
Computer Science Principles Syllabus Fall 2015
Note: This syllabus is subject to change as the need for clarification and adjustments arise. 7/6/2015 Page 3
Additional Course Expectations/Policies/Information --- READ!!
It is expected you are studying outside of class approximately 4 hours a week. However, the time
invested is not as important as the quality of the studying. Reduce all distractions when you study. No TV,
Gaming, Texting, Facebook, Tweeting, Email, etc. Classical music is the best for retaining concepts. Set a
timer to motivate yourself to get a task done in a specified amount of time.
Detailed power points of each chapter are provided. Use them.
Texting, emailing and surfing the web are not part of this course and should not be done in class.
You are free to listen to music as long as it is not a lecture day. The music should not be so loud that I
can’t get your attention.
Generally I will plan on 2 days of lecture per week and the other days are lab days. It is expected you are
listening and participating during lecture. I will strive to give you as much lab time as I can.
Lab time must be used wisely and efficiently. You will run out of time for practice and assessments if you
do not.
It is recommended you complete and study the note packets.
It is expected that you frequently access the course website for updates. You are responsible to know and
meet all due/cutoff dates and times. All communication for this course will be through the CourseSites
Website and/or through the email you provided me for CourseSites.
Facilitator reserves the right to make reasonable changes to any due/cutoff date and time.
All submissions may be shared with others.
Assignments/Labs may require extensive time to complete. PLAN AHEAD.
Cheating and dishonesty of any form will result in appropriate disciplinary action
Computer Science Principles Syllabus Fall 2015
Note: This syllabus is subject to change as the need for clarification and adjustments arise. 7/6/2015 Page 4