THE NARRATIVE ESSAY ASSIGNMENT CREATIVE WRITING VS. ACADEMIC WRITING Creative writing: Strives for beauty, art Tries to capture interest Uses flowing/creative language Judged by literary standards Read for personal enjoyment BUT . . . Academic writing: Has a goal (to persuade, inform, recommend, etc.) Places emphasis on information, not beauty Audience reads for information This course focuses on academic writing (essay writing). However, the narrative essay mixes creative writing features and academic writing features. Note: Love creative writing? Consider a creative writing class at BC! IS A NARRATIVE ESSAY DIFFERENT FROM OTHER ESSAYS? A narrative is like other essays: Still uses “hamburger form” An introduction Examples A conclusion Still needs a thesis statement A narrative is different from other essays: Tells a story Has characters, setting, conflict May have dialogue Is about YOU The narrative is still an essay, but it is the most creative assignment we will discuss in this course. TO HAVE A NARRATIVE, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 1 - A CONFLICT/ACTION If there isn’t conflict or action, you don’t have a story that will keep your reader’s attention. Note: When you look at the student sample narrative essay, see if you can find the central conflict/point of action. POTENTIAL CONFLICTS/ACTION First driving experience Skydiving experience A bad vacation A car wreck A bad experience with First day of school a pet Evacuating from a storm A surfing lesson that Losing/Finding went poorly something A good day fishing Meeting someone A bad date A “first” experience Losing a loved one 2 – NARROWED CONFLICT (IS ONE SPECIFIC MOMENT IN TIME) As with any topic, make sure your focus is very narrow. For example, you can’t write an essay about your entire freshman year of high school or a week-long vacation. Like an idea but it’s too large? Cut it! 3 – CHARACTERS, SETTING Make your story come alive! Add characters and lots of description so your reader connects with your narrative. You might even add dialogue. 4 – IS FOCUSED ON YOU I always have students who ask if they can write their narrative about someone else. Please write about yourself. NARRATIVE EXAMPLES Ready to see a few narrative essay examples? Reread Read the student essay “Skydive!” “Momma the Dentist and Me” in your Resourceful Reader. Read the student essay “A Second Date is out of the Question” RECAP A narrative essay needs: - Conflict/Point of action - Conflict/action that only covers 1 moment in time (narrowed topic) - Includes characters, setting - Focus on you