Personal Narrative Essay Name: Period: What is it? The point of a Narrative Essay is to tell a story. In this case, you will be telling us the story of “A Moment in Time.” This should be a life changing event. Think of a time when, after an important event, or a particularly difficult period, someone gave you life changing advice. You could also think of an event or milestone that was life changing. Either way, it needs to be something that changed you in a significant way. How do I decide? Think about times when you’ve been disappointed or had a great achievement. Did someone give you advice that helped you to mature or grow in some way? Have you ever gone through a really difficult time that changed your outlook on life? Have you ever met someone that changed the way you think about people or certain groups? All of these are “Moments in Time” that leave us changed forever. This is what your essay should be about. The requirements: This essay should reveal something significant about you. It should be at least five paragraphs with a clear introduction, body paragraphs with transitions, and a clear conclusion. Remember, a paragraph is 46 sentences. What you Need to Include in Your Essay: 1. Re-creation of the “Moment in Time” you’ve decided on (you are not describing the scene if you just say, “It was really important to me that he said I do my best.”) 2. Explanation of the significance of the event and the change it procured in your life. 3. Vivid descriptive language (we should be able to see the event in our minds). 4. Figurative Language (similes, metaphors, personification)