World Literature Fall 2014-2015 Final Exam Study Guide Your exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions. Use the following tips and guidelines to help you study. Section 1: Reading Comprehension on new passages (skill based): 55 questions total Passage 1 Short Story (11 questions) Words in context Summarization: Paragraphs __ and __ are mainly about.., Which of these is the best plot summary of the story Reading comprehension fact and inference Setting Significance of event: In paragraph __, why is it significant that… Conflict: Which sentence best emphasizes the conflict faced by Reader’s conclusion from author’s word choice: In paragraph __, the author uses the words “___” and “____” to emphasize Passage 2 Editing (4 questions) Spelling Part of speech Except vs. accept Support statement Passage 3 Short Story (11 questions) Words in context Summarization: Which aspect of the selection affected the narrator most Reading comprehension fact and inference Theme Author’s word choice: In paragraph __, the author uses the word “_____” to help the reader understand that she was Passage 4 Excerpt from Short Story (9 questions) Flashback Conflict: What is the principal source of the conflict in this narrative Reading comprehension fact and inference Imagery: Which senses are evoked by the images Significance of title: Passage 5 Excerpt (7 questions) Narrator view point/inference meaning: The narrator most probably views ______ as Symbolism Flashback Passage 6 Poem (3 questions) Inference meaning Symbolism: (line 15) represents the narrator’s Passage 7 Non-fiction excerpt (10 questions) Reading comprehension fact and inference : What can you learn about the author from this selection Generalization/Summarization: What generalization can you make about the author, based on the evidence in the selection Section 2: Vocabulary : 10 questions total Vocabulary Cumulative from all words this semester, but heavy focus on lists 5 and 6. Section 3: Content we studied this semester: 30 questions total Passage 8 Short story (5 questions) Magical Realism: From the preceding passage, you can tell that the story is an example of magical realism because Point of View: How would the passage be different if it were told from the old man’s point of view Words in context Magical Realism and specifically “The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World” (2 questions) Which of the following is an element of magical realism? Purpose and message of the short story The Art of Translation/ The Thousand and One Nights (5 questions) Characteristics of a frame narrative Characteristics of a folk tale Study of translation Study of Arabian Nights Philosophy and Spirituality Unit (18 questions) Existentialism and Camus’ “The Guest” (7 questions) The Bhagavad-Gita (3 questions) Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching and Confucius’ The Analects (4 questions) Chinese poetry/ sensory details (1 question – skill based) Zen Parables (3 questions)