LITERACY Film Narrative Dramatic Conventions Can we use drama to think about character’s feelings? Can we explain what a speech and actions show about a persons character? Can we deduce information from clues? Can we write in role? Can we identify the use of scripts? Can we analyse broadcast material? Can we identify structure and language features? MATHS (Mr Higgs) FRENCH ICT Can we use movie making packages to produce and edit a short movie? Can we evaluate a movie and express ways of improving it? SCIENCE Can we explain the process of evaporation? Can we explain ‘disappearance’ of water in a range of situations? Can we explain that liquids other than water evaporate? Can we explain the process of condensation? Can we say the alphabet and begin to spell common words? Can we locate where French is spoken around the world? Can we research and present information about famous French people or places, past or present? “CHOCOLATE” Spring 1 2014 Can we multiply and divide any number from 1 to 10000 by 10 or 100 and understand the effect? Can we explain the values of Roman Numerals? Can we find angles in shapes? Can we select the correct sequence to carry out calculations needing more than one step? Can we use Venn and Carroll diagrams to sort objects and numbers? Can we tell the time using digital and analogue clocks using the 24-hour clock? Can we read timetables using the 24-hour clock? Can we calculate time intervals? Can we round and order decimal numbers? HISTORY Can we name the countries where chocolate comes from? Can we explain how cocoa is grown? Can we explain how beans are turned into bars? Can we sequence these instructions? Can we explain where chocolate originated from? PSHE Can we explain what Fair Trade is? Can we explain how Fair-trade impacts people who live and work in countries that produce cocoa beans? RE ART Can we explore ideas and collect materials and information to support our work? Can we investigate colour, shape and texture in materials and processes and use these to communicate ideas? Can we explain why some occasions are sacred to believers? Can we explain why and how Hindus celebrate, or otherwise mark, important times in the year and life? Can we explain the similarities and differences between various religions?