Cell Project Packet

NAME: ____________________________
 Entire project is due _______________________________________________________
 Planning sheet is due one week from today _____________________________________
How will my project be graded?
 Please see the attached scoring rubric
Details of Project:
 Choose only ONE column. (You complete one or the other).
Pick 1 of the following
Pick 3 of the following
 3D model of the cell
 Illustrate and color cell analogy
 Create a PowerPoint
 Create a brochure for a plant/animal cell
 Tri-Fold Display board of cell
 Wanted Poster for one (1) organelle
 Build a 3D Cell City
 Classified ad selling an organelle
 Create a mobile of a cell
 Create a catalog of the
organelles and functions
 My Pick 1 Project is ___________________________________
 My Pick 3 Projects are:
o ________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________
o ________________________________________________
 On the following pages, each project is described in detail.
** Go to gaggle to retrieve the full electronic list of websites **
Extra Credit Opportunity:
 Choose an organelle from your cell that interests you and find research it
 Write a paragraph summary about the organelle, be sure to answer the following:
o What is the main job of the organelle?
o Who discovered the organelle? Is there any fascinating information about the
o Are there any experiments being done to find out more about the organelle?
 What is the experiment about? How did they do it? What did they learn?
 Be sure to include the reference to where the information came from:
o Name of the organization. Date site was visited. <Internet Address>
o Author. Book Title. Page where information was found. Date book was published.
 How many points can I get?
o The extra credit is worth no more than 10 points; however you cannot receive any
more than the maximum points total for this project.
NAME: ____________________________
Detailed Information about each choice:
 3D Cell Model
o All models must be made of materials that will not spoil or fall apart
o All models must have the organelles labeled
o All models must list the function of each organelle
o Animal Cells must have at least 7 labeled organelles, Plant Cells must have at least 10
labeled organelles
o Cell organelles must be in the correct location
o Cell type must be identified- Animal or Plant
 PowerPoint
o Pick either an animal or plant cell
o Create a Power Point that lists the cell organelles and their functions
o Animal Cells must have at least 7 organelles, Plant Cells must have at least 10 organelles
 Tri-Fold Display Board
o Create a display board (science fair board) of either an animal or plant cell
o Animal Cells must have at least 7 organelles, Plant Cells must have at least 10 organelles
 Catalog
o Create a catalog of cell organelles
o Describe the function of each organelle
o Tell whether it is found in a plant cell, animal cell, or both
o Place a cost on each
o Include a title page/cover
o Include a table of contents
 3D Cell City Model
o Design and create a model illustrating how a cell is like a schook, factory, farm or city.
o All parts must be labels
o Must include 7-10 cell parts
o Must have an analogy sheet
o Pick either a plant or animal cell
 Mobile
o http://slsd.jcs.nasa.gov/bso/resources/classroom/activitiesOutrageousOrganelles.pdf
o The mobile must have a key to identify parts
o Pick either animal or plant cell – must have 7-10 organelles present
 Illustrate and color cell analogy
o Design and create a poster illustrating how a cell is like a school, factory, or farm
o Cell type must be identified- Animal or Plant
o Label at least 8 organelles
 Create a brochure for a plant or animal cell
o Design and create a brochure of either a plant or animal cell
NAME: ____________________________
o Animal Cells brochures must have at least 7 organelles explained
o Plant Cells brochures must have at least 10 organelles explained
 Wanted Poster for one (1) organelle
o Design and create a “wanted poster” for one cell organelle
o Describe why that organelle is wanted
o Offer a reward for finding or returning the organelle
o Explain if the organelle is found in a plant cell, animal cell, or both
 Classified ad selling an organelle
o Design and create an advertisement for “selling” a cell organelle
o Describe the organelle and its function(s)
o State the cost for buying it
o State how to contact you to buy it (can be made up)
o Explain if the organelle is found in a plant cell, animal cell, or both
All projects should:
1) Be neat
2) Be colored
3) Be the students own work- Plagiarism results in automatic failure
4) Be on time
What organelles should I include on my project?
Cell Membrane
Golgi Complex
Endoplasmic Reticulum
*Cell Wall
The grading rubric will be handed out separate.