UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE GRADUATE DIVISION REPORT OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE Ph.D. DEGREE IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS Fall 2014 catalog year and beyond This is to certify that (name): SID: has completed all departmental or program degree requirements as stated below: I. Admission Deficiencies (if any were present at time of admission, please indicate how they were met): II. Core Requirements (indicate quarter taken): A. Economic Theory: Students must earn a B or better average in both the 200ABC and 201ABC sequences. Course Grade Quarter ECON 200A ECON 200B ECON 200C ECON 201A ECON 201B ECON 201C B. Quantitative Methods: Students must earn a B or better average in the sequence. Course Grade ECON 205A ECON 205B ECON 205C Quarter C. Colloquium Requirement: Must enroll in ECON 289A each quarter of their first year and ECON 289B each quarter from the second year and beyond. Please explain any EXCEPTIONS below: III. Research Requirements A. Research Paper – must be submitted by the fall term of the 4th year. B. Presentation of Thesis Research – must be completed by the fall term of the 5th year. IV. Field Requirements – All students must: A. Complete course work in a major field consisting of three courses. B. Take five additional field courses. 1. Advanced Econometrics: Must complete ECON 285E and 285F, plus one from: ECON 285G, 285I, 285J or 285K. 2. Advanced Macroeconomic Theory: ECON 282E, 282F and 282G. 3. Advanced Microeconomic Theory: Must complete three of the following: ECON 283E, 283F. 283G, 283I, 283J or 283K. 4. Advanced Political Economy: ECON 202A is recommended. Students must complete three of the following: ECON 272A, 272B, 272C, 271 or 279. 5. Development Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 260, 261, 262, 265 or 266. 6. Economic History: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 212, 213, 223 or 224. 7. International Trade Theory/International Finance: ECON 234, ECON 235, ECON 236/POSC 215, and ECON 237. 8. Labor Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 240, 241, 243 or 244. 9. Money, Credit, and Business Cycles: ECON 250, 251 and 254. 10. Resource and Environmental Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 207, 208, 209 or 210. 11. Public Economics: ECON 246 and 247. ECON-PHD (10/2014) A. Major Field: Course Grade Quarter B. Additional Field (5 courses) Course Grade Quarter III. Cumulative and Comprehensive Examinations: Microeconomic Theory: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Macroeconomic Theory: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Major Field: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Graduate Advisor Signature ECON-PHD (10/2014) Date UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, RIVERSIDE GRADUATE DIVISION REPORT OF DEPARTMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE Ph.D. DEGREE IN THE FIELD OF ECONOMICS Fall 2010 catalog year – Fall 2013 catalog year This is to certify that (name): SID: has completed all departmental or program degree requirements as stated below: I. Admission Deficiencies (if any were present at time of admission, please indicate how they were met): II. Core Requirements (indicate quarter taken): A. Economic Theory: Students must earn a B or better average in both the 200ABC and 201ABC sequences. Must earn a Bor better in ECON 212 or 213. Course Grade Quarter ECON 200A ECON 200B ECON 200C ECON 201A ECON 201B ECON 201C ECON 212 or 213 B. Quantitative Methods: Students must earn a B or better average in the sequence. Course Grade ECON 205A ECON 205B ECON 205C Quarter C. Colloquium Requirement: Must enroll in ECON 289 each quarter of residence. Please explain any EXCEPTIONS below: *In addition, students must give a presentation on their thesis research within one year of proceeding to candidacy or by the Fall term of their fourth year, whichever comes first. III. Field Requirements – All students must: C. Complete course work in a major field consisting of three courses. D. Take four additional field courses. 1. Advanced Econometrics: Must complete ECON 285E and 285F, plus one from: ECON 285G, 285I, 285J or 285K. 2. Advanced Macroeconomic Theory: ECON 282E, 282F and 282G. 3. Advanced Microeconomic Theory: Must complete three of the following: ECON 283E, 283F. 283G, 283I, 283J or 283K. 4. Advanced Political Economy: ECON 202A is recommended. Students must complete three of the following: ECON 272A, 272B, 272C, 271 or 279. 5. Development Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 260, 261, 262, 265 or 266. 6. Economic History: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 212, 213, 223 or 224. 7. International Trade Theory: ECON 234 and 235. 8. Labor Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 240, 241, 243 or 244. 9. Money, Credit, and Business Cycles: ECON 250, 251 and 254. 10. Resource and Environmental Economics: Students must complete three of the following: ECON 207, 208, 209 or 210. 11. Public Economics: ECON 246 and 247. ECON-PHD (10/2014) A. Major Field: Course Grade Quarter B. Additional Field Courses: Course Grade Quarter III. Cumulative and Comprehensive Examinations: Microeconomic Theory: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Macroeconomic Theory: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Major Field: Date passed (mm/dd/yy): Graduate Advisor Signature ECON-PHD (10/2014) Date