Islamic Fundamentalism Interactive Lecture Notes Prior to World

Islamic Fundamentalism Interactive Lecture Notes
Prior to World War One, European Politics Played A Large Role In The
Middle East:
Impact on the Ottoman Empire:
Middle Eastern Independence:
These were the dates that all imperial influences of France, Britain,
and Russia left these Middle Eastern States.
• 1941 – Iran
• 1943 – Lebanon
• 1944 – Syria
• 1946 – Jordan
• 1947 – Egypt & Iraq
Cold War and the Middle East:
Following WWII, the United States and the Soviet Union
began a Nuclear Arms Race that was known as the Cold
The Middle East became a strategic area of interest because
of their oil reserves.
About two-thirds of world’s known oil reserved located in
Middle East
Reserves have been great source of wealth for Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, other countries
Most members of Organization of Petroleum Exporting
OPEC attempts to regulate production of oil exports to
maximize revenues
Oil revenues allowed Middle East governments to
modernize countries, promote industrialization, economic,
social development
Oil as source of conflict in Middle East:
• Some governments have used oil revenues to build up
military, maintain power, threaten neighbors
• Oil wealth has caused internal clashes within countries,
• Region’s strategic importance as source of oil has led
outside nations to become involved in Middle Eastern
affairs, politics
The Strength of Islamic Fundamentalism:
Fundamentalism-refers to a belief in a strict adherence to a
set of basic principles (often religious in nature), sometimes
as a reaction to perceived doctrinal compromises with
modern social and political life.
Religion defines political identity
Can be found in:
• India and Pakistan—Hindu v. Muslim, Kashmir
• Iraq and Iran—Sunni v. Shia
• Israel—United Jerusalem
• United States—Conservative movement
Islamic Fundamentalism:
Movement to reorder government, society according to
Islamic laws
Islamists believe Muslim countries have strayed from true
Islam, followed Western models of political, economic
Egypt, Iran, Iraq have seen growth of Islamism; has led to
conflicts within society, government
Some extremists have used violence to bring about changes,
have attacked regional governments, their allies, innocent
Over 1 billion Muslims worldwide
Only one of four Muslims is an Arab
Multiple interpretations of “jihad”
Triumphant beginning
Conflict with Christian powers
Domination of Muslims by others
“Muslim pride”
Pan-Arab (ummah) sentiment
Palestinian Liberation Organization
Yet much diversity within Islam—ummah unlikely
Iraq-Iran war (conflict between countries)
Nationalism still prevalent
Sectarianism: Shiites versus Sunnis
Traditionalists (Iran) versus secularists (Morocco)
Ethnic differences within Islam
Deep-seated anti-Western sentiments
• Ex: Iran Friday Prayers Chant
Fueled by Iraq war, Western support of autocratic and
repressive regimes in the Middle East, and IsraeliPalestinian conflict
Perceptions of Western secular threats to Islamic cultural
traditions and mores
People more open to Western culture than leaders (rural
History of Iraq:
British Control:
• This region was part of the Ottoman Empire in the 1500’s.
• During WWI, Great Britain set up the Kingdom of Iraq and
put a Pro-British ruler into power.
• In 1941, a group of Iraqi Nationalists that wanted to be
independent and began to revolt against the British
governing them with the help of the Nazi’s.
• This was during WWII and the British violently ended the
revolt in 1 month.
• Following this Britain also invaded Syria and Lebanon in
order to maintain order in the Middle East.
Baath Party and then Rise of Saddam Hussein:
• In the 1950’s this government was overthrown.
• After a series of other governmental changes the Ba’ath
Party too power in 1968.
• A Ba’ath leader named Saddam Hussein became the
• Saddam Hussein was a harsh ruler. He controlled the press,
restricted personal freedoms and killed numerous political
• Iraq was the second largest oil exporter in the world.
Iraq-Iran War: 1980-1988:
• Assassination attempt on Iraqi official named Tariq Aziz by a
Shiite extremist group backed by Iran named DAWA
• Contested rights to waterway called Shatt Al Arab along the
border of Iran and Iraq
• Saddam hoped to annex, or conquer, a part of Iran where
many Arabs lived
• But remember… there are deeper, more complicated issues
between Iraq and Iran
Saddam Hussein of Iraq was:
• Modern, western government
• Sold oil to US
• Secular, laws not based on Koran
• Sunni Arab
• Known support of terrorists (Abu Nidal)
• Wanted to make Iraq the leading state in the Middle East
Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was:
• Came to power through revolution in 1979
• Shiite Persian
Created Islamic theocracy
Held Americans hostage in US Embassy in Iran for 444 days
Supported Hezbollah, a known terrorist organization which
attacked Israel
In 1980 Iraq invaded Iran.
Saddam Hussein was worried that the Shia Islamic
revolution that was taking place in Iran would spill over into
Saddam Hussein decided to take advantage of the chaos in
Iran and invade without being noticed.
The Iranians fought back and the Iraq/Iran war continued
until 1988. Both countries suffered.
This was a war between a Saddam Hussein led Iraq vs.
Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iranian Army.
Iraq Invaded Iran in 1980.
At the time Iran was a bitter enemy of the U.S. with Iran
taking U.S. Hostages in 1979. This was protest against U.S.
involvement in the Iranian Government. So the U.S.
supported Iraq in the war.
Iraq used Chemical Weapons against Iran on several
The war ended in a ceasefire in 1988.
Horrific trench warfare, massive casualties (over 1 million)
Allegations of Iraqi use of chemical weapons on both
Iranians and Iraqi Kurds
US quietly and secretly supported both sides…
Ended as a stalemate, although Saddam claimed victory
(built the “Hands of Victory” monument pictured on right)
Massive war debts for Iraq and Iran
Genocide in Iraq:
• Horrific trench warfare, massive casualties (over 1 million)
• Allegations of Iraqi use of chemical weapons on both
Iranians and Iraqi Kurds
• US quietly and secretly supported both sides…
• Ended as a stalemate, although Saddam claimed victory
(built the “Hands of Victory” monument pictured on right)
• Massive war debts for Iraq and Iran
• Ali Hassan al-Majid, aka "Chemical Ali”, commander of the
north at that time , Saddam’s First Cousin
Who were the Kurds?
• Sunni Muslims
• Own Language & Culture
• Live in areas of Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Syria and Armenia. (
• About 5 million currently live in Iraq
 Kurds over the past 90 years
• struggle and rebellion against governments that have tried
1. assimilate them
2. at times marginalize them
War broke out in 1974-75
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP)
Vs. the Iraqi Army
1975 the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK)
1980 The start of the Iraq-Iran war
Hussein support from the United States
Iran support Kurdish parties (weapons and $)
Operation al-Anfal:
• Used chemical weapons on villages too difficult to for troops
to reach.
• Halabja-March 16, 1988--(largest chemical attack on civilians
in history)
• 3,200-5,000 died
• 7,000-10,000 wounded
• Diseases and birth defects for years to 15 million land mines
throughout countryside
• 90% of villages & 15-20 cities/towns destroyed
• 1.5 million Kurdish peasants interned in camps
• follow
After the Kurdish Genocide:
The toppling of Hussein's regime = KDP and PUK buried their
 Gains
o Helped draft the country's new constitution
o Protected their distinctive identity
o Got a share of the country's resources and revenues
o Guarantees Kurds a certain degree of autonomy
 Kurdistan (state within a state)
– Intelligence service
– Army
– Government
– Judiciary
– Holds its elections separately
– Sixteen countries = diplomatic ties
– Safety and stability = investment and trade
June 2006 Iraqi Special Tribunal announced
established under Iraqi law to try Iraqi nationals or residents
accused of
– Genocide
– Crimes against humanity
– War crimes
– or other serious crimes committed between 1968
and 2003.
Iraqi Special Tribunal
– Panel of the five Trial Judges
– Conduct hearings
– Pronounce judgments
– Impose the sentences without using a jury
August 21, 2006 Saddam Hussein and six co- defendants =
face trial
December 2006 Saddam was put on trial for the genocide
during Operation Anfal.
December 30, 2006 Saddam Hussein was executed for his
role in an unrelated massacre. The trial for the Anfal
campaign was still underway
January 8, 2007 remaining charges against Saddam Hussein
were dropped
June 23 2007: Ali Hassan al-Majid and two co-defendants =
sentenced to death by hanging
Another two co-defendants = sentenced to life
One was acquitted on prosecution's demand
First Persian Gulf War:
• On August 2, 1990, Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein,
ordered his army to invade Kuwait.
• At the time Kuwait produced over ten percent of the world's
• Saudi Arabia feared an Iraqi invasion and promoted United
Nations (which meant U.S.) Intervention.
• The War itself only lasted a little over a month. (Jan to Feb
of 1991)
• Retreating Iraqi’s set fire to oil wells in Kuwait, because
their view was that U.S. interests were only based on oil in
the Middle East.
• In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait.
• Western world leaders were afraid to have Saddam Hussein
in control of such a large share of the world’s oil.
• Western world leaders also thought Iraq had weapons of
mass destruction (WMD’s) (chemical and biological
An alliance of countries (including U. S. and Great Britain)
forced the Iraqis out of Kuwait
Results of First Persian Gulf War:
• Saddam Hussein remained in power in Iraq.
• Because Saddam refused to accept U. N. terms for peace,
the U. N. placed an embargo on Iraq.
• Iraq’s economy suffered as a result of the embargo.
• 600 oil fields in Kuwait were set on fire with devastating
environmental effects.
Second Gulf War After September 11, 2011:
• United States identifies Iraq as a threat
• Broke cease fire agreement 17 times
• Repeatedly kicked weapons inspectors out of Iraq
• Police once held inspectors in parking lot for 2 days at
• US points to evidence that Saddam is developing Weapons
of Mass Destruction (WMD’s)
• Could be used against Israel or sold to terrorists
• President Bush declares Saddam Hussein a threat to the
safety of the United States
• Issues Feb. 2003 as deadline for Saddam to step down from
• Deadline ignored
• United States identifies Iraq as a threat
– Reasons given for invasion of Iraq:
– Fear of “Weapons of Mass Destruction”
– (Destroy them before they can be used on the U.S.)
– Saddam Hussein’s “human rights” abuses
– To spread Democracy and improve the life of the
Iraqi people
Saddam Hussein captured
Tried and executed
4,287 US troops killed
Over 30,000 US troops wounded
Over 60,000 Iraqi’s killed
$657 Billion so far
March 2003: U.S. invades Iraq
– 78,000 troops
Saddam’s government quickly collapses
– US confident that end of war is near
Without clear authority- violence breaks out
– Looting
– Ethnic violence
– Not enough US troops to control the situation
– Police were disbanded
1st resistance: Political
– Former Iraqi Army soldiers trying to re-gain control
2 resistance: religious
– Al-Qaeda comes to Iraq
Iran helps Shia insurgence with weapons
Method: Guerilla Warfare
– Ambush
– I.E.D.’s
168,000 by 2007
– Attempting to provide stability in order to establish
a Democratic government
– Training a national army/ police force
Patrols through cities
Leading raids on suspected insurgents
New Government:
• Should Iraq be divided up into 3 separate nations?
– Problem:
• North (Kurds): Oil. Water resources
• Sunni (North): No water or oil resources
• Shia (South): Oil/ water resources.
Connection to Iran
• Dec. 2005: Parliamentary elections successfully held
– Democracy is established
Meanwhile, coalition worked to create new, democratic government
in Iraq
• 2004, power transferred to Iraqis
• 2005, Iraqis voted in country’s first multiparty election in
fifty years
– Later approved new constitution to make Iraq
Islamic federal democracy
• Continued violence, potential for civil war made country’s
future highly uncertain
• In 2003, nearly 85% of American citizens, and Congress,
supported the invasion of Iraq.
• In 2009, about 20% of American citizens support the current
invasion of Iraq.
• Why the change?
• No WMDs were ever found.
• Iraqi suicide bombers (loyal to Saddam Hussein) continue to
interfere with any progress the U.S. makes in Iraq.
• Fewer Iraqi citizens support us than in 2003. (Don’t see
enough progress)
• The new democratic Iraqi gov’t continues to have problems.
• As of 2009, a majority of American citizens see the Iraq War
as a waste of the last 6+ years, a waste of the 4,000
American soldiers killed, believe Iraq has nothing to do with
the “War on Terror,” and believe we should remove our
soldiers from the country immediately.
• However, others say one of the main reasons we have not
had another Sept. 11th attack is because we removed
Saddam Hussein from power before he had the chance to
harm the United States, and believe that we should stay in
Iraq until it is safe – no matter how long that takes.
Current 142,000 troops will be reduced to 25-30,000 by end
of 2010.
• Iraqi Army / police will take on more responsibility
• US troops will be based outside of cities
• For support of Iraqi troops
US troops will leave Iraq by end of 2011
Saddam Hussein captured
• Tried and executed
4,287 US troops killed
Over 30,000 US troops wounded
Over 60,000 Iraqi’s killed
$657 Billion so far
Costs to America:
History of Iran:
• Historically known as Persia until 1935, when Reza Shah
Pahlavi asked for the country to be called by its native name
• Iran means “Land of the Aryans”
• Persia derived from ancient Greek name for Iran, Persis
– Name comes from a region in southern Iran called
• North: former Soviet Republics
• South: Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman
• East: Afghanistan, Pakistan
• West: Turkey, Iraq
• Major Cities: Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad, Esfahan, Shiraz
• In 1921, an Iranian military officer took power claimed the
old Persian title of “Shah”, or king.
• In 1941 the Shah’s son took control who was an ally to the
United States and Britain.
• He also wanted to modernize Iran.
• During WWII, Iran was an ally of the Nazi’s.
• So the USSR and Britain invaded the country in 1942 in order
to secure oil fields.
• Following WWII, the Soviet Union refused to leave Iran until
1946, when the United States threatened to invade Iran and
remove the Soviets by force.
Ruled Iran from the crowning of Reza Shah Pahlavi in 1925
to the overthrow of Reza Shah Pahlavi's son Mohammad
Reza Pahlavi in the Iranian Revolution of 1979.
By the mid-1930s Reza Shah's dictatorial style of rule caused
dissatisfaction among some groups
Dynasty collapsed following widespread uprisings in 1978
and 1979.
Its collapse marks a break in the ancient tradition of Iranian
1953 CIA Coup of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran
Shah Reza Pahlavi (r. 1941 – 1977)
 Institutes Western reforms & ties with the West .
But, the majority of his people live in poverty.
Brutal suppression of dissidents  SAVAK
 Land reform – 90% of Iran’s peasants became land owners.
 Massive government-financed heavy industry projects.
 Granted women more political power – the right to vote.
 Poured government money into education – especially in
rural areas where illiteracy was very high.
 Profit-sharing for industrial workers.
 Nationalization of forests and pasture lands
Iranian Revolution: 1979
 The Shah spent the oil profits for top of the line
American military hardware.
Little money to reinvest back into the Iranian economy.
Religious leaders angry with the Shah for too much
Government corruption.
The Shah’s constitutional violations of the basic human
rights of his citizens.
 The Shah spent the oil profits for top of the line
American military hardware.
Little money to reinvest back into the Iranian economy.
Religious leaders angry with the Shah for too much
Government corruption.
The Shah’s constitutional violations of the basic human
rights of his citizens.
Opponents of Shah:
 Oil field workers
 Students and other intellectuals
 Middle class businessmen
 Iranian nationalists
 Muslim clerics.
Effects of Iranian Revolution:
• Transformed Iran from a monarchy under Pahlavi dynasty to
an Islamic republic under Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the
leader of the revolution and founder of the Islamic Republic.
• It has been called the third great revolution in history
• Helped make Islamic fundamentalism a political force
• Constitution based on rule by Islamic jurists
– Khomeini—Supreme leader (lifetime appointment)
– President—Head of the Government
– Cabinet
– Supreme Court
– Legislation
• Shah fled Iran, took his money with him!
• Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran
• Iran became an Islamic theocracy, ruled by Sharia Law
• The new government was anti-American (“The Great
Satan”) and anti-Israeli
• Hostage crisis and the Iran-Iraq War
• Relations with the United States broke down.
• In 1979, a mob of Iranian students took American’s hostage.
• The Iranian government gave permission for the Americans
to be taken hostage.
• The Americans were held by force for over 1 year.
• Anti-Iranian feeling in US (sale of Iranian flags actually
• President Carter seen as having failed to gain release of
• Conservative Republican President Ronald Reagan won 1980
Presidential election in US
• Hostages released on Reagan’s inauguration in exchange for
$8 billion ($5 billion was used by Iran to pay debts to US
• Khomeini needed money with war against Iraq looming
1980s: Strained Relations with United States:
• 52 U.S. diplomats held hostage by group of Iranian terrorists
who took over American embassy in support of the Islamic
• 444 day hostage crisis ended in 1981
• The incident was seen by many as a blow against U.S.
influence in Iran and its support of the recently fallen Shah
of Iran, Pahlavi, who had recently been allowed into the
United States for cancer treatment.
In Iran, the crisis is thought to have strengthened the
political hold of radical anti-American forces who supported
the hostage taking.
The crisis also marked the beginning of American legal
action, or sanctions, that weakened economic ties between
Iran and America.
Iran Since the Death of Khomeini:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
 Born 1956
 Engineer, Party: Alliance of Builders of Islamic Iran
 Elected mayor of Tehran in 2003
 Won ~60% of the popular vote in 2005 presidential election
 Outspoken and often controversial for his views on Israel,
the US, Great Britain, and human rights
 Iran’s government has supported many hard-line policies.
 For example: call for the destruction of Israel
 For example: supported terrorist groups
• Afghanistan is a land-locked country with very high
• The Khyber Pass is a narrow passage through the Hindu
Kush Mountains that lie between Afghanistan and Pakistan.
• Merchants, warriors, and missionaries have long used the
Khyber Pass to reach India.
Characteristics of the People of Afghanistan (Demographics):
History of Afghanistan:
• Afghanistan was made up little tribes, but these tribes
united to fight off Alexander the Great in 327 BC.
• Then in 642 AD, the Islamic Empire swept in and took
control of western Afghanistan, converting much of the
population to Islam.
• Then in 1826, British and Russian forces fought each other,
in Afghanistan. The citizens of Afghanistan fought against
the British troops three times, and on August 19, 1919,
defeated the British for the last time, and British troops left
the country.
• From there, political unrest dictated Afghanistan life, with
several powers coming and going until 1979.
Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan:
• -The Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 in order to
support the Communist Party’s push for power in the
• The opposing side was an Islamic Fundamentalist, Osama
Bin Laden being one of them, group that was supported by
the United States and Western Allies.
• In 1979, (around the same time as the Iranian Revolution
discussed earlier), The Soviet Union sent troops to
Afghanistan to help the communist government there in a
civil war.
• This led to a long war between Soviet troops and Afghan
rebels (Mujahedeen).
• The United States was supporting the Afghan rebels.
• In 1989, an alliance of Afghan rebel groups took power and
the Soviet troops left.
• Then the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to set up a proMoscow government.
• For the next 9 years, a civil war broke out with different
tribes of Afghanistan against and with the Soviet forces.
• The Soviets pulled out in 1989, but they left a pro-Moscow
government who fell with the Soviet Union in 1992.
• Over 1 million Afghans were killed. 5 million Afghans fled to
Pakistan and Iran.
• Another 2 million Afghans were displaced within the
• In the 1980s, one out of two refugees in the world was an
• Vital parts of the Afghan economy were destroyed including
Irrigations systems to provide water for farming
• In 1989, the Soviet finally withdrew from Afghanistan
Rise of the Taliban:
• In 1995, the Taliban, promising traditional, Islamic values
came into power, imposing strict Islamic law, including
revoking many women’s rights.
• Turmoil in Afghanistan continued and in the mid-1990’s a
radical Muslim group called the Taliban arose.
• The Taliban took over most of Afghanistan and ruled strictly.
The Taliban forced women to wear veils and stop working
outside the home.
• Taliban came to power in most Afghanistan by 1996.
• Osama bin Laden moved his terrorist activities there.
• Used mountain hideouts as a base of operations for his
terrorist network called al-Qaeda.
• Prior to 2001, the Taliban, led by Mullah Mohammad Omar,
ruled Afghanistan under Islamic law.
• During this time, women had virtually no rights and received
no education.
• Watching television and listening to music were forbidden,
as were playing games and sports.
• The United States entered Afghanistan in October 2001 and
replaced the Taliban with an elected president.
• While the Taliban lost some power and the people regained
some rights, the Taliban has not gone away.
Instead, it has worked to regain power by promising to help
Afghanistan’s poorest people and aligning itself with
warlords, al-Qaida, and other militant groups to gain
financial support and recruit new fighters.
• Taliban rules: Women
• Must always be escorted in public by male relative
and wearing burqa.
• Must not wear high heeled shoes (sound of
women’s footsteps excite men).
• Cannot speak in public
• Women cannot be seen from street—all ground
and first floor windows must be painted over.
• No photography of women
• Place names not to be women’s
• May not appear on balconies
• May not appear in the media
Long-Lasting Effects on Women:
 Although the new constitution guarantees equal rights an
opportunities for both men and women…that is not always
the case.
 Health care
 Child birth
 highest maternal death rate
in the world
 Male doctors
 Men & boys take precedence
in the few emergency rooms
that exist (very few hospitals after Taliban rule)
 Unequal opportunities: jobs, divorce, custody
 Taliban Insurgencies – harsh policies for women
 Afghanistan’s Human Rights Commission
 1,500 atrocities against women (2008)
 1/3 domestic violence cases
 200 forcibly married
 98 set themselves on fire
 100+ tried to commit suicide
by taking poison
Increasing number of women
taking drugs
Judgments against women (Jirgas)
New “Rape Law” against Shiite women
Al Qaeda and September 11, 2001:
• The September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were traced to
Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network based in
• Al-Qaeda cells operate in African countries as well.
• 1998 bombings occurred at the U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania leaving 200 dead and more
than 5,000 people injured.
• The U.S. responded with missile strikes against
terrorist facilities in Afghanistan and Sudan. Bin
Laden was based in Sudan from 1991-1996.
• The Destruction:
• Fuel—The flights were near their start, therefore
the tanks were full. Explosions and fires weakened
the skyscrapers, and both towers fell within two
• Pentagon damage confined to only one section of
the building.
• Human Death Toll: about 3,000
• All passengers
• WTC workers/visitors
• 340 NYC firefighters
• 60 NYC police officers
2001 Anthrax Scares:
• 5 deaths (including 2 postal workers)
• 17 infections
• Suspected perpetrator: Bruce Edward Irvins (died July 29,
2008 of suicide after he was informed he would be
prosecuted for murder), a microbiologist and vaccinologist
who was supposed to develop vaccines against anthrax.
• However, many people doubt the government’s conclusions
about Irvins. Some coworkers said they would have noticed
him develop the anthrax that was used.
• One historian believes the anthrax Irvins developed was
stolen by an al-Qaida sympathizer at George Mason
University because of lax security.
• We will probably never know.
• The cost of the cleanup to decontaminate buildings where
anthrax was found was about $1 billion.
Hunting Osama bin Laden:
• Osama bin Laden evaded capture for almost 10 years.
In the mean time the United States had engaged in wars in
Iraq (looking for weapons of mass destruction) and in
Afghanistan (against the Taliban who supported terrorism).
bin Laden was suspected of hiding out in the mountainous
regions of Afghanistan
Early on the CIA sought to identify al-Qaeda couriers
(messengers who pass information) who might have
contact with bin Laden.
Detainees in the CIA’s secret prison system revealed the
name of an al-Qaeda courier with the pseudonym Abu
Ahmed al-Kuwaiti.
When No. 3 al-Qaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was
captured by the CIA he admitted knowing al-Kuwaiti, but
said he was not operating in al-Qaeda. The CIA believed he
was protecting the courier.
In 2004, a top operative for al-Qaeda was captured in Iraq
named Hassan Ghul.
Ghul revealed to the CIA that al-Kuwaiti was indeed a key
courier in the al-Qaida organization close to operational
commander Faraj al-Libi.
In May 2005 Faraj al-Libi was captured by the CIA, but he
adamantly denied that al-Kuwaiti was the secret courier.
This convinced the CIA that he, as well as Khalid Sheikh
Mohammed was protecting the identity of the courier.
After years, detainees revealed the real name of the courier
al-Kuwaiti as Sheikh Abu Ahmed, a Pakistani born in Kuwait.
One detainee gave false information that Abu Ahmed was
wounded fleeing U.S. forces and died in his arms.
But in the middle of 2010 Abu Ahmed used the telephone
and his conversation was monitored by U.S. officials.
In August 2010 Abu Ahmed was tracked to the mysterious
compound in Abbottabad.
It had unusually high walls.
No one came or went.
There was no telephone or internet. U.S. authorities became
convinced that a high level terrorist was living there
Current Government in Afghanistan: