The Pennsylvania Colony

The Pennsylvania
By Colton Wigen, Grace Waters, and Nicholas Duong
Quaker Apple Cookies
The unique Quaker Apple Cookies are made from
organic home-made apple sauce, locally grown
wheat and rye with brown sugar! The Widget
Company will truly love the Quaker Apple Cookies
made and grown locally in Pennsylvania!
Colony History
• Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn
• Penn’s goal was to create a colony that had freedom of
religion for Quakers
• He wanted to keep Quakers from Ridicule
• Our colony is the third richest there is which makes it a
great place to sell big batches of your cookies
People of Pennsylvania
 People in the colony of Pennsylvania were different from the
way we live our lives today
 Iron ore, lumber, textiles, furs and shipbuilding were some of
the many items that the colonist uses as trade
 The people in Pennsylvania were privileged considering the
colony was the richest of all the 13 colony's
 The colony of Pennsylvania had a assortment of nationality
such as African Americans, Scotch-Irish, Germans, English
 With our diversity we will be able to sell to all walks of life
Pennsylvania’s soil was fertile and was ideal for farming
The Pennsylvania colony had mountains, plateaus, and lowlands
Pennsylvania’s geography was similar to each the southern and New
England colonies' geography sharing common traits
Warm summers and temperate winters were ideal for growing crops
and agriculture in Pennsylvania
The colony of Pennsylvania had the geography traits of both
New England and the southern colonies with mountains and plateaus
and fertile soil. The climate of Pennsylvania had mildly warm summers
and temperate winters. This combination of traits will greatly help the
widget company to participate in Pennsylvania’s thriving agricultural
industry and make a wealthy profit.
Colony Economy
• Our Pennsylvania colony is the richest colony in the new world
• We like to be somewhat independent with our economy, we
love to trade
• With all this money in the colony the widget company can sell
as many cookies as your want and our colony won’t run out of
• The Quakers are a Christian sect which have pushed for social reforms and
follow no rituals or sacraments, Quakers were harassed in England and
relocated to the colonies to seek refuge from the Christian society
• The Quakers (The Society of Friends) helped establish a liberal government
with no churches funded by taxes
• William Penn promoted religious tolerance and equality which led to a more
religiously diverse Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania isn’t dominated by any religion giving way for a more
religiously diverse community. The majority population of Pennsylvania are
Quakers, Jews, Lutherans, and Catholics. The most prominent religion was
the Quaker religion. The Quaker religion and its followers are very friendly
and believe in an orderly and peaceful society. Your widget company will be
greeted with friendship and kindness.
Colony Politics and Government
• Our colony is still loyal to the king
• We are currently getting land grants from the
• This will help the widget company sell because
we will be able to spread these cookies all over
the world starting with the king
Native American Relationships
with Pennsylvania
Native American Relationship
• William Penn – known as the founder of the Pennsylvania – was friendly with the
Native Americans in the Middle Colonies and was a well known Quaker
• William Penn paid a grand total of 1200 pounds and multiple trade offers with
Native Americans to gather enough land for the Pennsylvania Colony to prosper
• The Iroquois ceded land to William Penn
• William Penn signed many treaties with the Native American tribes in the
Middle Colonies for land and peace
The Native Americans of Pennsylvania are friendly and have signed several
treaties with William Penn for land and peace between the Native Americans and
the colonists of Pennsylvania. One of the Native American tribes local to
Pennsylvania are the Iroquois tribe. William Penn established a peaceful
relationship between the Native Americans and the Colonists. Your widget
company will not see any interference by the Native Americans, feel free to trade
the Indian tribes for unique Native American items.
Overall the widget company should come to
Pennsylvania because the Quaker apple cookie
people will benefit form this cookie no matter
what the nationality is, also being the most
wealthy colony helps us sell a plethora of these
cookies. These along with many other reasons
make Pennsylvania the ideal place for the widget
company to settle this product!
I endorse the Quaker
Apple Cookies for
their great taste and
correlation to the
Quaker religion!
We will now do a small
cooking show regarding
the Quaker Apple Cookies
• David White, . "The 13 American Colonies." Social Studies for Kids. Social Studies
for Kids Copyright, n.d. Web. 14 Oct 2014.
• Kelly, Martin. "Pennsylvania Colony.", 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 1
Jan. 2014.
• Linda Alchin, . "Pennsylvania Colony." Siteseen Ltd. Web. 14
Oct 2014. <>.
• The Independence Hall Association , . "The Middle Colonies." The Middle
Colonies. Web. 14 Oct 2014. <>.
• Tuomi J. Forrest, . "William Penn." William Penn and the Indians. Visionary
Proprietor , 10 17 2014. Web. 17 Oct 2014.
• Tuomi J. Forrest, . "William Penn.“ Penn in the U.S. Capitol. Visionary Proprietor ,
10 17 2014. Web. 17 Oct 2014.