Network+ Guide to Networks Third Edition Chapter 4: Network Protocols Objectives Identify the characteristics of TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBIOS, and AppleTalk Understand how key network protocols correlate to layers of the OSI Model Identify the core protocols of the TCP/IP suite and describe their functions Network + 2 Objectives (continued) Understand the most popular protocol addressing schemes Describe the purpose and implementation of the domain name system Install protocols on Windows XP clients Network + 3 Introduction To Protocols • Protocol is a rule that governs how networks communicate • Define the standards for communication between network devices • Vary according to their speed, transmission efficiency, utilization of resources, ease of setup, compatibility, and ability to travel between different LANs Network + 4 Introduction To Protocols • Networks running more than one protocol are called multiprotocol networks Network + 5 Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) • TCP/IP is not simply one protocol, but rather a suite of specialized protocols—including TCP, IP, UDP, ARP, and many others—called sub protocols • Extremely popular because of low cost Network + 6 TCP/IP (continued) • Has ability to communicate between a multitude of dissimilar platforms • The core protocols are free and their code is available for anyone to read or modify • Its routable, because they carry Network layer addressing information that can be interpreted by a router Network + 7 TCP/IP (continued) • Has flexibility because it can run on virtually any combination of network operating systems or network media • TCP/IP Compared to the OSI Model • The TCP/IP suite of protocols can be divided into four layers that roughly correspond to the seven layers of the OSI Model Network + 8 TCP/IP (continued) • TCP/IP Compared to the OSI Model (continued) • Application layer • Applications gain access to the network through this layer, via protocols • Transport layer • Holds the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which provide flow control, error checking, and sequencing Network + 9 TCP/IP (continued) • TCP/IP Compared to the OSI Model (continued) • Internet layer • Holds the Internet Protocol (IP), Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).These protocols handle message routing, error reporting, delivery confirmation, and logical addressing • Network Interface Layer • This layer handles the formatting of data and transmission to the network wire Network + 10 TCP/IP (continued) • The TCP/IP Core Protocols • Certain sub protocols of the TCP/IP suite • Operate in the Transport or Network layers of the OSI Model Network + 11 TCP/IP (continued) • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) • Operates in the Transport layer of both the OSI and the TCP/IP Models and provides reliable data delivery services • TCP is a connection-oriented sub protocol Network + 12 TCP/IP (continued) • Fields belonging to a TCP segment are described in the following list: • Source port • Destination port • Sequence number Network + 13 TCP/IP (continued) • Acknowledgment number (ACK) • TCP header length • Reserved • Flags • Sliding-window size (or window) Network + 14 TCP/IP (continued) • Checksum - Allows the receiving node to determine whether the TCP segment became corrupted during transmission • Urgent pointer - Indicate a location in the data field • Options - Used to specify special options Network + 15 TCP/IP (continued) • Padding - Contains filler information to ensure that the size of the TCP header is a multiple of 32 bits • Data - Contains data originally sent by the source node and the size of the Data field depends on how much data needs to be transmitted Network + 16 TCP/IP (continued) • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) • A connectionless transport service • UDP offers no assurance that packets will be received in the correct sequence Network + 17 TCP/IP (continued) • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) • Provides no error checking or sequencing • More efficient for carrying messages that fit within one data packet Network + 18 TCP/IP (continued) • Internet Protocol (IP) • Provides information about how and where data should be delivered, including the data’s source and destination addresses • IP is the sub protocol that enables TCP/IP to internetwork Network + 19 TCP/IP (continued) • Internet Protocol (IP) • IP datagram acts as an envelope for data and contains information necessary for routers to transfer data between different LAN segments • IP is an unreliable, connectionless protocol, which means that it does not guarantee delivery of data Network + 20 TCP/IP (continued) • Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) • An Internet layer protocol that reports on the success or failure of data delivery • ICMP announcements provide critical information for troubleshooting network problems Network + 21 TCP/IP (continued) • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) • An Internet layer protocol that obtains the MAC (physical) address of a host, or node, then creates a database that maps the MAC address to the host’s IP (logical) address Network + 22 TCP/IP (continued) • Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) table • Dynamic ARP table entries are created when a client makes an ARP request that cannot be satisfied by data already in the ARP table • Static ARP table entries are those that someone has entered manually using the ARP utility • ARP can be a valuable troubleshooting tool Network + 23 TCP/IP (continued) • Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) • Allow the client to send a broadcast message with its MAC address and receive an IP address in reply • RARP was originally developed as a means for diskless workstations Network + 24 TCP/IP (continued) • Addressing in TCP/IP • Two kinds of addresses: Logical or physical Network + 25 TCP/IP (continued) • Logical (or Network layer) can be manually or automatically assigned and must follow rules set by the protocol standards • Physical (or MAC, or hardware) addresses are assigned to a device’s network interface card at the factory by its manufacturer • Addresses on TCP/IP-based networks are often called IP addresses Network + 26 TCP/IP (continued) • IP addresses are assigned and used according to very specific parameters • Each IP address is a unique 32-bit number, divided into four octets, or sets of 8-bits, that are separated by periods • An IP address contains two types of information: network and host • From the first octet you can determine the network class • Three types of network classes are used on modern LANs: Class A, Class B, and Class C Network + 27 TCP/IP (continued) • IP Addresses specific parameters continued • Class D and Class E addresses do exist, but are rarely used • Class D addresses are reserved for a special type of transmission called multicasting • Multicasting allows one device to send data to a specific group of devices Network + 28 TCP/IP (continued) • IP Addresses specific parameters continued • Some IP addresses are reserved for special functions, like broadcasts, and cannot be assigned to machines or devices • 127 is not a valid first octet for any IP address • The range of addresses beginning with 127 is reserved for a device communicating with itself, or performing loopback communication Network + 29 TCP/IP (continued) • The command used to view IP information on a Windows XP workstation is ipconfig Network + 30 TCP/IP (continued) • Binary and Dotted Decimal Notation • A decimal number between 1 and 255 represents each binary octet (for a total of 256 possibilities) • The binary system is the way that computers interpret IP addresses • In this system every piece of information is represented by 1s and 0s and each 1 or 0 constitutes a bit Network + 31 TCP/IP (continued) • Subnet Mask • A special 32-bit number that, when combined with a device’s IP address, informs the rest of the network about the segment or network to which the device is attached • A more common term for subnet mask is net mask, and sometimes simply mask • Subnetting is a process of subdividing a single class of network into multiple, smaller logical networks, or segments Network + 32 TCP/IP (continued) • Assigning IP Addresses • Every node on a network must have a unique IP address • If you add a node to a network and its IP address is already in use by another node on the same subnet, an error message will be generated on the new client Network + 33 TCP/IP (continued) • A manually assigned IP address is called a static IP address • Most network administrators rely on a network service to automatically assign them Network + 34 TCP/IP (continued) • Two methods of automatic IP addressing: BOOTP and DHCP • Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP), an Application layer protocol, uses a central list of IP addresses and their associated devices’ MAC addresses to assign IP addresses to clients dynamically Network + 35 TCP/IP (continued) • An IP address that is assigned to a device upon request and is changeable is known as a dynamic IP address • BOOTP has the potential to issue additional information, such as the client’s subnet mask and requires administrators to enter every IP and MAC address manually into the BOOTP table Network + 36 TCP/IP (continued) • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) • An automated means of assigning a unique IP address to every device on a network • DHCP does not require a table of IP and MAC addresses on the server • DHCP does require configuration of DHCP service on a DHCP server Network + 37 TCP/IP (continued) • Terminating a DHCP Lease • A DHCP lease may expire based on the period established for it in the server configuration or it may be manually terminated • Sockets and Ports • Every process on a machine is assigned a port number and the process’s port number plus its host machine’s IP address equals the process’s socket Network + 38 TCP/IP (continued) • Port numbers range from 0 to 65,539 and are divided by IANA into three types: Well Known Ports, Registered Ports, and Dynamic and/or Private Ports • Well Known Ports are in the range of 0 to 1023 and are assigned to processes that only the operating system or an Administrator of the system can access Network + 39 TCP/IP (continued) • Registered Ports are in the range of 1024 to 49151. These ports are accessible to network users and processes that do not have special administrative privileges • Dynamic and/or Private Ports are those from 49152 through 65535 and are open for use without restriction Network + 40 TCP/IP (continued) • Addressing in IPv6 • Known as IP next generation, or Ipng is slated to replace the current IP protocol, IPv4 • IPv6 offers several advantages over IPv4, including a more efficient header, better security, better prioritization allowances, and automatic IP address configuration • The most valuable advantage IPv6 offers is its promise of billions and billions of additional IP addresses through its new addressing scheme Network + 41 TCP/IP (continued) • Addressing in IPv6 (continued) • The most notable difference between IP addresses in IPv4 and IPv6 is their size • IPv4 addresses are composed of 32 bits, IPv6 are eight 16-bit fields and total 128 bits • IPv4 address contains binary numbers separated by a period, each field in an IPv6 address contains hexadecimal numbers separated by a colon Network + 42 TCP/IP (continued) • Host Names and Domain Name System (DNS) every device on the Internet is technically known as a host and every host can take a host name Network + 43 TCP/IP (continued) • Domain Names every host is a member of a domain, or a group of computers that belong to the same organization and have part of their IP addresses in common • A domain name is associated with a company or other type of organization • Local host name plus its domain name is a fully qualified host name Network + 44 TCP/IP (continued) • A domain name is represented by a series of character strings, called labels, separated by dots • Each label represents a level in the domain naming hierarchy • In the domain name,, “com” is the top-level domain (TLD), “novell” is the second-level domain, and “www” is the thirdlevel domain • Domain names must be registered with an Internet naming authority that works on behalf of ICANN Network + 45 TCP/IP (continued) • Domain Name System (DNS) • A hierarchical way of associating domain names with IP addresses • “DNS” refers to both the Application-layer service and the organized system of computers and databases Network + 46 TCP/IP (continued) • The DNS service does not rely on one file or even one server, but rather on many computers across the globe • These computers are related in a hierarchical manner, with thirteen computers, known as root servers, acting as the ultimate authorities Network + 47 TCP/IP (continued) • DNS service is divided into three components: resolvers, name servers, and name space • Resolvers are any hosts on the Internet that need to look up domain name information Network + 48 TCP/IP (continued) • Name servers (or DNS servers) are servers that contain databases of associated names and IP addresses and provide this information to resolvers on request • The term name space refers to the database of Internet IP addresses and their associated names Network + 49 TCP/IP (continued) • Resource record is a single record that describes one piece of information in the DNS database • An address resource record is a type of resource record that maps the IP address of an Internetconnected device to its domain name • Approximately 20 types of resource records are currently used Network + 50 TCP/IP (continued) • Some TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols • Telnet • A terminal emulation protocol used to log on to remote hosts using the TCP/IP protocol suite • Using Telnet, a TCP connection is established and keystrokes on the user’s machine act like keystrokes on the remotely connected machine • Telnet is notoriously insecure Network + 51 TCP/IP (continued) • Some TCP/IP Application Layer Protocols (continued) • File Transfer Protocol (FTP) • Used to send and receive files via TCP/IP • FTP commands will work from your operating system’s command prompt • Many FTP hosts accept anonymous logins Network + 52 TCP/IP (continued) • Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) • Enables file transfers between computers, but it is simpler (or more trivial) than FTP • TFTP relies on UDP at the Transport layer • TFTP is useful when you need to load data or programs on a diskless workstation • TFTP does not require a user to log on to a host Network + 53 TCP/IP (continued) • Network Time Protocol (NTP) • Used to synchronize the clocks of computers on a network • NTP depends on UDP for Transport layer services • NTP is a protocol that benefits from UDP’s quick, connectionless nature at the Transport layer • NTP is time-sensitive and cannot wait for the error checking that TCP would require Network + 54 TCP/IP (continued) • Packet Internet Groper (PING) • A utility that can verify that TCP/IP is installed, bound to the NIC, configured correctly, and communicating with the network • PING uses ICMP services to send echo request and echo reply messages that determine the validity of an IP address • By pinging the loopback address,, you can determine whether your workstation’s TCP/IP services are running Network + 55 IPX/SPX • Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) is a protocol originally developed by Xerox • Modified and adopted by Novell in the1980s for its NetWare network operating system • Microsoft’s implementation of IPX/SPX is called NWLink Network + 56 IPX/SPX (continued) • The IPX and SPX Protocols • Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) operates at the Network layer of the OSI Model and provides logical addressing and internetworking services, similar to IP in the TCP/IP suite • IPX is a connectionless service because it does not require a session to be established before it transmits, and it does not guarantee that data will be delivered in sequence or without errors Network + 57 IPX/SPX (continued) • Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) belongs to the Transport layer of the OSI Model • A connection-oriented protocol and therefore must verify that a session has been established with the destination node before it will transmit data Network + 58 IPX/SPX (continued) • Addressing in IPX/SPX • IPX/SPX-based networks require that each node on a network be assigned a unique address to avoid communication conflicts • IPX is the component of the protocol that handles addressing, addresses on an IPX/SPX network are called IPX addresses • IPX addresses contain two parts: the network address and the node address Network + 59 NetBIOS and NetBEUI • NetBIOS (Network Basic Input Output System) is a protocol originally designed for IBM to provide Transport and Session layer services for applications running on small, homogenous networks • NetBEUI can support only 254 connections, however, and does not allow for good security • Because NetBEUI frames include only Data Link layer (or MAC) addresses and not Network layer addresses, it is not routable Network + 60 NetBIOS and NetBEUI (continued) • Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) Provides a means of resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses • A computer’s NetBIOS name and its TCP/IP host name are different entities, though you can have the same name for both Network + 61 NetBIOS and NetBEUI (continued) • WINS has the same relationship to NetBIOS as DNS has to TCP/IP • WINS does not assign names or IP addresses, but merely keeps track of which NetBIOS names are linked to which IP addresses Network + 62 Appletalk • The protocol suite originally designed to interconnect Macintosh computers • An AppleTalk network is separated into logical groups of computers called AppleTalk zones Network + 63 Appletalk (continued) • An AppleTalk node ID is a unique 8-bit or 16-bit number that identifies a computer on an AppleTalk network • An AppleTalk network number is a unique 16-bit number that identifies the network to which a node is connected Network + 64 Binding Protocols on a Windows XP Workstation • Binding is the process of assigning one network component to work with another • You can manually bind protocols that are not already associated with a network interface Network + 65 Summary • Characteristics of TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBIOS, and AppleTalk • Network protocols correlate to layers of the OSI Model • Core protocols of the TCP/IP suite and their functions Network + 66 Summary (continued) • The most popular protocol addressing schemes • Purpose and implementation of the domain name system • Install protocols on Windows XP clients Network + 67