ALfTL overview 2013 14 - Somerset Learning Platform


Programme Information: 2013-14

1. Participants:







Sky College

Aspiring Leader

Lydia Lister

Lucy Rowe

Ivana Hodgkinson

Adrian Simmons

Helen Price

Nancy Mills


Sarah Ashford

Kat Burgess

Mel Marshall

Diana Denman

Gill Heighway

Richard Berry

2. Programme Facilitator and Tutor: Jacky King. Jacky will be happy to help if you have any queries about the programme content or the project.

Contact Details:

Mobile: 07786 288 659

Home: 01963 34409

SkypeMe!: jacky.king1

3. Programme Co-ordinator: Harry Dicks.

Harry will be happy to help if you have any organisational queries.

Contact Details:

4. Session Dates and Outlines

Session 1 (full day): Launch Day for all aspiring leaders (AL) and coaches (C)

Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Long Sutton Golf Club

Date: Monday 21.10.13 (9.30am – 4.30pm)

Session Objectives

• Introduction to the Aspiring Leaders for Teaching and Learning Programme

• Reflective Practice: Reflective diary, CPD plan and Learning Journal

• Community of Learners

• Introduction to core skills and qualities in coaching

• Aspiring Leader and Coach meet in pairs and discuss the focus for the first term based on key areas for development as identified with headteacher.

Session 2 (afternoon) Leading Change and developing the team and individual

Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Selworthy School

Date: Wednesday 27.11.13 (1.30pm – 4.30pm)

Session Objectives

• Been introduced to ways of making best use of team meetings to support improvement; getting the link between team performance and pupil outcomes

• Begun to develop an understanding of how to evaluate and lead teams

• Carried out a Performance Analysis of a real team

ALfT&L 2013-14 Dates and Session Outlines 1

• Considered strategies for Coaching an improving or underperforming individual / team

• Reflected on focus for development and support strategy

Session 3 (afternoon): Managing and monitoring the performance of the team and individual

Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Fiveways School, The Bradbury Centre

Date: Monday 27.01.14 (1.30pm – 4.30pm)

Session Objectives

• Motivating change

• Managing teams through change

• Principles of effective change process

• Rational, Emotional and Political aspects of Change

• Mobilising desired change

• School Change Teams

• Emotional responses to Change

• Barriers to Change

• Managing Difficult Conversations

Session 4 (afternoon): How to get AfL & Inclusion to make the difference to

Personalised Learning

Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Fiveways School, The Bradbury Centre

Date: Wednesday 19.03.14 (1.30pm – 4.30pm)

Session Objectives

• Been introduced to the concepts of for , as , and of Assessment

• Begun to gather ideas for different ways of assessing pupils formatively.

• Considered the link between formative assessment and personalisation of lessons.

• Considered the importance of tackling teacher underperformance.

Session 5 (afternoon): Linking Data to High Performance (CASPA, Performance

Guidance and Target Setting)

Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Fiveways School, The Bradbury Centre

Date: Monday 19.05.14 (1.30pm – 4.30pm)

Session Objectives

• Considered a range of data used in schools

• Discussed how data sources in schools can support the holistic evaluation of pupil progress.

• Had an opportunity to consider CASPA data

• Discussed how data links to High Performance

Session 6 (Whole day): Moving to mostly good and outstanding (please note that the content of this day will be driven by the earlier sessions and may not reflect the agenda below)

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Facilitator: Jacky King, Venue: Long Sutton Golf Club, Wednesday 02.07.14 (9.30am –


Session Objectives

• Considered Leadership styles

• Considered personal Leadership style

• Presented feedback on Key areas for Development

• Given feedback on the programme

• Celebration!

5. School Improvement Project

As part of the programme Aspiring Leaders are expected to carry out a school improvement project. The aim is for Aspiring Leaders to lead on an aspect of whole school improvement taken from the School Improvement Plan. As a result, it is important that this has been discussed and agreed with Headteachers or senior leaders, prior to the project launch day.

Time will be provided on the Launch day for Aspiring Leaders to meet with their coaches to discuss the project further. Time will also be set aside during each of the afternoon sessions to continue to have coaching conversations around the development of the projects. The final day of the programme culminates in the Aspiring Leaders sharing the outcomes of their work with the whole group.

Last year’s projects were:

Marking and Feedback at Fairmead – Tracey Felstead

Investigate strategies to enhance reading – Emma Gilbert

Setting up and running a successful class in a non-school setting – Matt Godwin

Enhancing Physical Education and Sport across the Elmwood/Penrose Federation –

Matt Henderson

Improving Science provision at Selworthy – Andy Holden

Developing an International Ethos at Avalon School

– Megan Moon

6. Commitments

Schools will make their individual decisions about how to manage the time commitment of this project. Outside of attending face-to-face sessions, working on their project focus and associated coaching sessions, Aspiring leaders should have opportunities to visit other schools to observe exemplary practice and to work alongside other Aspiring leaders.

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Original Project Brief

Aspiring Leaders for Teaching and Learning: 2010 –2011

Strategic Vision

Through leadership development building towards consistently good and outstanding learning and teaching

Collaboration to secure the highest quality aspirational and creative learning and teaching for the whole school community

All schools are judged to have good or outstanding learning and teaching by 2012.

Strategic Intentions

Secure good progress in all schools

Progress in lessons and over time is at least good

Staff are more confident and are consistent in their understanding of learning and progress

Leaders support and enable confidence of staff to build capacity and embed developments for sustainability

Target Audience

Leaders, and Coaches to be decided by individual schools

The Aspiring Leader

In this flexible programme, we are bringing aspiring leaders the latest insights on leadership thinking and helping them to:

develop learning and teaching across the school

develop and fulfil their leadership potential.

The programme is also designed to support those who may aspire to undertake the National

Professional Qualification for headship (NPQH) in the future.

The course aims to:

 Increase the aspiring leaders’ ability to lead and manage learning and teaching across the school

 Increase the aspiring leaders’ ability to lead innovation and change in the key area of learning and teaching

Deepen their knowledge and understanding of their role in leading learning and teaching

Build their self-confidence and competence as leaders

Show how the effective management of people and resources can build capacity

Provide a trained coach who will work with and support the aspiring leader

The Coach

The coach will not be from the same school as that of the aspiring leader. Coaches should be successful leading professionals who have the commitment and desire to coach and support the aspiring leader. There will be training and through coaching we aim to build capacity in order to further improve the quality of learning and teaching across the family of schools within SAHSP.

The line manager for each aspiring leader should be aware of and support this programme and keep an overview of the teacher’s development over the year.


From each school 1 aspiring leader plus (optional) a coach

course lasts one year; the project runs for three years

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by the end each school will have three teachers and may have a coach developed through the project

heads may opt to be the coach

each aspiring leader undertakes to support the development of teaching and learning in school

all schools aim for all teaching to be at least good with significant elements of outstanding


Schools will make their individual decisions about how to manage the time commitment of this project. A guide is that:

aspiring leaders should be allocated a half day per week dedicated time

coaches two days per term (6 term year)

each school will conduct an audit of skills to identify where there are areas of exemplary practice

each school should have as a minimum a computer with web cam set up for skype

Time Frame

By the first SAHSP meeting of the autumn term each head will have identified the aspiring leader and coach

At that meeting heads will agree pairing of aspiring leaders and coaches

The first whole day launch will take place immediately before the autumn half term break

Training sessions will take place each half term – two full and four half days

Programme Structure:

Sessions 1 and 6 will be full days. Sessions 2-5 will be afternoons, 1.30 – 4.30pm.

Coaching sessions will also take place in the afternoons. Both Aspiring Leaders and

Coaches will be allowed additional non-contact time in which to undertake this.

Session 1 (full day): Launch Day for all aspiring leaders (AL) and coaches (C).

Introduction to the CPD project

Reflective Practice: Reflective diary, CPD plan and Learning Journal

Community of learners

Introduction to core skills and qualities in coaching

Development activities in core skills

Leading and Managing learning and teaching

Aspiring Leader and Coach meet in pairs and agree the focus for the first term based on key areas for development as identified with headteacher

Session 2 (afternoon): Linking Data to High Performance (CASPA, Performance

Guidance, And Target Setting)

Using data within the wider vision in individual schools

Aspirational targets

Why is it important that Leaders understand data?

What is important to measure and what do we need to know?

CASPA, Performance Guidance, Target Setting

How to create a simple and transparent explanation of core data for team members

How do you use data management to impact on learning and teaching?

Data is great! So What! Intervention Strategies that work!

AL and C agree focus for development and support strategy

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Session 3 (afternoon) Leading Change and developing the team

Managing classroom teams

Making best use of team meetings to support improvement; getting the link between team performance and pupil outcomes

Coaching the improving or underperforming team

Performance Analysis of current team

AL and C agree focus for development and support strategy

Session 4 (afternoon): Managing change and monitoring performance

Motivating change

Managing teams through change

Leading and evaluation learning – current debate ensuring theories of learning link to practical learning in the Coaching the improving or under-performing individual

Making lesson observations developmental

Managing difficult conversations

AL and C agree focus for development and support strategy

Session 5 (afternoon): How to get AfL & Inclusion to make the difference to

Personalised Learning

Outstanding uses of AFL

Assessment and moderation

Outstanding Inclusion Practice

Supporting the teaching and learning agenda in classrooms.

AL and C agree focus for development and support strategy

Leading and managing personalised learning and the role of the teacher

Session 6 (Whole day): Celebrating our Aspiring Leaders

The content of this session will be shaped by the previous sessions and to will deal with issues that the Aspiring Leaders have raised.

In addition, this session will include:

Feedback on individual Projects

An opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the Aspiring Leaders

Provide feedback on the ALfT&L Programme

So that impact can be measured, prior to the launch meeting heads/senior leadership teams need to:

Establish a baseline of the quality of teaching and learning in school

Set a target for improvement – SMART and data evidenced

Agree an area for school development (eg literacy; augmentative communication)

Ensure that the aspiring leader comes to the launch meeting knowing the school target for improvement and area for development

Heads will:

Contribute to a mid-year review conducted through SAHSP

Monitor and evaluate the programme as part of the SIP meetings

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