A.G.B.U High School – Pasadena World History TWS Mr. Wang

A.G.B.U High School – Pasadena
World History TWS
Mr. Wang
Standard: 10.4 Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following
regions or countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America, and the Philippines, in terms of:
2. Discuss the location of the colonial rule of such nations as: England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Russia,
Spain, Portugal and the United States.
3. Explain Imperialism from the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized and the varied immediate long-term responses by
the people under colonial rule.
M 9.22
Discussion/ Lecture/ Activity
No School, Armenian Independence Day Celebration
T 9.23
Warm-Up: Why did Europeans seek the new world? Give specific
Direct Instruction: Chapter 4.3: The Atlantic Slave Trade
Teacher Guidance/Student Application: The Columbian
Exchange, Page 138: Do you see some of your favorite
foods?/Analyzing Key Concepts: Mercantilism, pg 140 Skillbuilder
Closure: Post Study Guide & Permission slip for Roots
Warm-Up: Why did Europeans seek the new world? Give specific
Direct Instruction: Chapter 4.4: Colonialism
Teacher Guidance/Student Application: The Columbian
Exchange, Page 138: Do you see some of your favorite
foods?/Analyzing Key Concepts: Mercantilism, pg 140 Skillbuilder
Closure: Post Study Guide & Permission slip for Roots
Warm-Up: Why did Europeans seek the new world? Give specific
Direct Instruction: Chapter 4.5: Mercantilism
Teacher Guidance/Student Application: The Columbian
Exchange, Page 138: Do you see some of your favorite
foods?/Analyzing Key Concepts: Mercantilism, pg 140 Skillbuilder
Closure: Post Study Guide & Permission slip for Roots
DUE: Current Event
Students work in Study Groups on Study Guide Chapter 3 &4
Last 10 minutes: Please make down students who completed at
least half the study guide (or sign it off)
Student Review/Teacher Guidance: Chapter 3 & 4
Test: Chapter 3 & 4
W 9.24
TH 9.25
F 9.26
M 9.29
T 9.30
W 10.1
Teacher Guidance: Warm-up: What are the benefits and
drawbacks of having an absolute ruler? (see pg 154)
Chapter 5.1: Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
Student Application: Guided Reading: Spain’s Empire
&Absolutism (WS)
Lesson Objectives
Students summarize
competing European
claims in North America;
Identify English colonial
activities in N.A.; Describe
the Native American
response to land claims
made by Europeans
Students Identify the
causes of African slavery;
trace the spread of slavery;
Explain the triangular
trade; Describe the life of
enslaved Americans;
Identify the consequences
of the Atlantic slave trade
Read Chapter 4
Blog post +
worksheet assigned
Students Identify the causes of
African slavery; trace the spread of
slavery; Explain the triangular trade;
Describe the life of enslaved
Americans; Identify the
consequences of the Atlantic slave
Students Identify the causes of
African slavery; trace the spread of
slavery; Explain the triangular trade;
Describe the life of enslaved
Americans; Identify the
consequences of the Atlantic slave
Chapter 4 Test
Blog post
Student Assessment
Worksheet due
Read Chapter 5
Students will describe
Spanish power under King
Philip II; Explain the origins
of absolute monarchy
Closure: IntroduceQ2 Tech Project
TH 10.2
F 10.3
Teacher Guidance: Warm-up: Analyzing Key Concepts:
Absolutism (pg 160)
Chapter 5.2: Louis XIV of France, interactive lecture
Read: The Sun King’s Grand Style (pg 165)
Student Application: Handout: Louis XIV Advice to his son
DUE: Current Event/ Q1 tech Project 1st Check
Teacher Guidance: Warm-up: As a class: Read Introduction to
Central European Monarchs (pg 169)
Chapter 5.3: Central European Monarchs Clash, interactive lecture
Student Application: Exit Slip: What was the main reason for the
Thirty Years War?/ Based on Fredrick’s assumption about Maria
Theresa at the beginning of the war, what are your conclusions
about how men viewed women in 1700s Europe?/What tactics
might a ruler with a very diverse population take to establish
Closure: HW reminder
Students will describe
conflicts in Europe;
Explain Louis XIV’s
policies and disastrous
Students will describe the
30 years war; Students will
explain the growth of
central European states
Primary source
assignments Due
NHD Tech Project
2nd phase due.