Western Civ II/AP Euro Unit 2 Terms & Names and Reading

AP European History Unit 3 Terms
On the Brink of a New World, pp. 413-415
“God, glory, and gold”
What motives drove the Europeans to begin voyages of discovery and expansion at the
end of the fifteenth century?
What technological advances made exploration possible?
New Horizons: The Portuguese and Spanish Empires, pp. 416-425
Prince Henry the Navigator
Treaty of Tordesillas
Bartholomeu Dias
Vasco da Gama
Hernán Cortés
Christopher Columbus
Francisco Pizarro
Amerigo Vespucci
Vasco Nuñez de Balboa
Bartolomé de Las Casas
Ferdinand Magellan
How did Portugal and Spain acquire their overseas empires and how did they differ? Be
familiar with the areas acquired by both nations.
What advantages did Europeans have that made colonization possible?
New Rivals on the World Stage, pp. 426-436
Triangular trade
British East India Company
Middle Passage
Francis Xavier
Dutch East India Company
What were the origins of the slave trade? What impact did it have?
What were the major features of European expansion and colonization in Asia?
What were the major features of European expansion into the Americas?
The Impact of European Expansion, pp. 437-441
Columbian Exchange
How did European expansion affect both the conquerors and the conquered?
Toward a World Economy, pp. 442-443 and Life in the 16th and 17th Centuries
Price revolution
Joint-stock company
*Development of commercial banking
*Enclosure movement
Commercial capitalism
*”Long 16th Century
Why, how and where did commercial banking develop?
How was mercantilism practiced by the European nations in their colonies?
What major social and economic changes occurred during the late 16 th and early 17th
Big Ideas:
What was the relationship between European expansion overseas and the political,
economic and social developments in Europe?
*Terms that are not in your textbook or not in the section listed