Murray-Darling Basin – A Living Landscape Lawrie Kirk Manager Communication MDBC 02 6279 0107 Presentation to Geography Teachers Association of Victoria December Conference Murray-Darling Basin 15% of Australia Over 2 million people Murray-Darling Basin A Snapshot › The Basin covers 1 million sq. km (equivalent to the size of South Africa) › Major river system by world standards Charleville Warrego QUEENSLAND Brisbane Border Barwon Moree Bourke SOUTH AUSTRALIA Darling Meninde Lakes » River Murray 2530 km » River Darling 2740 km Balonne Morgan Macquarie Dubbo Menindee NEW SOUTH WALES Forbes Lake Vi ctoria Lachlan Mildura » Basin produces 40% of total gross value of Australia’s agricultural production – including 70% of irrigation production Adelaide Murray Sydney Murrumbidgie Murray Bridge Canberra Swan Hill Albury VICTORIA Melbourne 200 km Average Annual Rainfall in Murray-Darling Basin Global water resources Australia Africa South America Asia Oceania North-central America Europe FAO AquaStat Data Flow Variability River Murray Inflows (Gigalitres/year) Natural Inflows to Hume Dam (GL/Year) 12000 Historical Inflows Mean Inflows 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Ratio of maximum annual flow to minimum annual flow for selected rivers COUNTRY RIVER RATIO BETWEEN THE MAXIMUM and the MINIMUM ANNUAL FLOWS BRAZIL AMAZON 1.3 SWITZERLAND RHINE 1.9 CHINA YANGTZE 2.0 SUDAN WHITE NILE 2.4 USA POTOMAC 3.9 SOUTH AFRICA ORANGE 16.9 AUSTRALIA MURRAY 15.5 AUSTRALIA HUNTER 54.3 AUSTRALIA DARLING 4705.2 Murray-Darling Basin Ministerial Council Charter “to promote and coordinate effective planning and management for equitable, efficient and sustainable use of land, water and other environmental resources” SIX GOVERNMENTS Aust. Govt NSW Vic SA Qld ACT MURRAY-DARLING BASIN MINISTERIAL COUNCIL Up to 3 Ministers from each Government representing land, water and environment Community Advisory Committee 21 expertise based representatives MURRAY-DARLING BASIN COMMISSION 1 Independent President 2 Commissioners from each Government Commission Office Technical and administrative secretariat River Murray System Menindee Lakes Lake Victoria SA Redbank Weir 2 3 4 5 6 7 Weirs/Locks 8 9 10 11 Maude Weir NSW 15 Interface with Snowy Mountains Scheme Euston Weir Hume Reservoir 1 Vic Torrumbarry Weir BarmahMillewa Forest Barrages DARTMOUTH DAM – On the Mitta Mitta PHOTO: Michael Bell LAKE HUME – Mitta Mitta Arm PHOTO: Michael Bell LAKE MULWALA – Yarrawonga Weir PHOTO: Michael Bell DARETON - Photo Credit: Michael Bell DARETON – On the Murray Photo: Michael Bell LOCK & WEIR NINE – Kulnine PHOTO: Michael Bell LAKE VICTORIA PHOTO: Michael Bell MURRAY MOUTH - Dredge PHOTO: Michael Bell MURRAY MOUTH PHOTO: Michael Bell Water trading From this .... To this …. Turning water into wealth (by Commodity) 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Gross Margin $ / ML Water used (GL) Gross value of irrigated agriculture $7.3 billion per annum Source: ABS 2000 Murray Mouth Barrages MURRAY MOUTH – Goolwa Barrage PHOTO: Michael Bell The six ecological assets Murray Mouth, Coorong and Lower Lakes Healthier lower lakes and Coorong estuarine environment › Open Murray mouth › More frequent estuarine fish spawning › Enhanced migratory wader bird habitat in the Lower Lakes River Murray Channel • Increase the frequency of higher flows in spring that are ecologically significant • Overcome barriers to migration of native fish species between the sea and Hume Dam • Maintain current levels of channel stability The Challenges Water Flow Murray mouth - Flowing Murray mouth - Closed, April 1981 Photos: Courtesy SA Govt Commissioner, Sir Ronald East straddling the River Murray at Nyah, Victoria during the drought of 1923 Our youth our future..