DOCX - Murray-Darling Basin Authority

European Settlement
of the Murray–Darling Basin
Student worksheet
Play: 1905
1. List the things you can see in in the river catchment in the 1905 era? (eg. Dams, farms,
2. Name three of the things that use water in this level.
3. What effect does rainfall have on the volume of water flowing through the river.
4. Observe your end of level ‘report card. Describe how water consumption and rainfall
compared to each other over the course of the era.
Play: 1936
5. List the things you can see in in the river catchment in the 1936 era? (eg. Dams, farms,
European Settlement
of the Murray–Darling Basin
6. Name three things that the town used water for.
7. What does the dam enable you to do?
8. What happens to downstream water users if upstream users take lots of water?
9. What happens to the river mouth (where the river meets the sea) if water does not flow out
to sea?
Play: 1955
10. What features could you see in in the river system in the 1955 era? (eg. Dams, farms,
11. What kinds of things does the farm use water for?
European Settlement
of the Murray–Darling Basin
Research and find out more
1. In November 1824, Hume and Hovell became the first Europeans to see the River Murray,
near what is now Albury. Research Hume and Hovell’s journey and prepare a brochure or
miniature booklet on their explorations.
Draw a ‘mud map’ outlining where they went. On your mud-map, indicate the start and finish
dates of their journey, and up to ten other dates they reached locations along the way, if you
can find them.
2. Imagine that you were one of the first European explorers to reach the River Murray. Write a
short narrative describing what you saw and felt when you reached the River.
3. Name three of the irrigation districts located within the Basin.
4. Why was the development of irrigation systems so important for the establishment of farms
and communities in the Murray – Darling Basin
5. What is meant by the term working river?
6. Name one working river near your home.