Beyond the Supply & Use Tables: Water Ecosystem Capital Accounts & the Use of Accounts in Water Economics Jean-Louis Weber Special Adviser Economic Environnemental Accounting European Environment Agency GDP growth and the need to account for natural resource use and the ecosystem capital at the global scale Resource efficiency = spare materials & energy (technology, consumption patterns) GDP at 3% = "sustainable growth" 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 GDP 800 600 400 4.7 17 Mio Miokm2 km3 12.5 Miokm2 km3 22 Mio Available Use of accessible 200 20 10 20 '2 0 20 30 20 40 20 50 20 60 20 70 20 80 20 90 21 00 21 10 0 cropland resource freshwater (today 54%) Resource efficiency = ecological management of land, soil & water, ecosystem capital maintenance GDP: Concerns about meaning and measurement • Bertrand de Jouvenel 1968: “Because National Accounts are based on financial transactions, they account nothing for Nature, to which we don’t owe anything in terms of payments but to which we owe everything in terms of livelihood.” • Early “green GDP” adjustments: how to maintain national income when natural resource are depleting (“the weak sustainability”)? What are the “good” and “bad” components of GDP? (the first SEEA1993 – no implementation) More recently: • Beyond GDP Conference, Brussels 2008: keep GDP but supplement it with indicators • TEEB, 2008, GDP of the Poor • Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (“Stiglitz report”), Paris 2009: National Income is more important than Gross domestic Product; Social distribution of Disposable Income still poorly addressed; “dual” issue of sustainability: overconsumption/ underinvestment • Capital approaches: – – – Early attempts at the World Bank: “Genuine or Adjusted Net Savings” Multi-capitals approaches of sustainable development: man-made, financial, natural, human, social Ecosystem approaches: Green Accounting for Indian States Project, Simplified Ecosystem Capital Accounts (EEA), SEEA revision... UN manual for environmental-economic accounting: SEEA2003 Enlargement of SNA1993 (now 2008) Revision SEEA2012/13 Impacts on ecosystem capacity of Natural resources Ecosystems delivering services/benefits Economic Non-economic assets (SNA) assets Opening stocks SNA transactions and other flows Changes in stocks Closing stocks Volume Opening stocks1 Volume 2 Opening State The SNA satellite Ecosystem approach accounts for theEconomic to accounting Changes activities, Changes environment in stocks natural Ecosystem stocks in state and processes, quality, valuation options… expenditure, taxes, etc. hybrid accounts, physical flows, sub-soil, energy, water land, Closing economic assets depletion stocks Closing state Described in SNA Negative feedbacks of ecosystem degradation on production and wellbeing RM HASSAN - UN The System of Environmental and Economic Accounting (UN 2003) RANESA Workshop June 12-16, 2005 Maputo Natural and Man-Made Capital(s) Land Water Biomass, carbon Fauna-Flora Functional Services Biodiversity Natural Resources ECOSYSTEM CAPITAL Inputs & Residuals Production & Trade of Commodities & Assets Fossil energy and materials NATURAL CAPITAL MAN-MADE CAPITAL Remark : Ecosystem Capital = inventories of resources RESOURCES STOCKS, SUPPLY & USE + functional systems FUNCTIONS & STRUCTURES, HEALTH Ecosystem capital: structures, processes, functions & services Ecosystem biophysical structures & processes [landscapes, biodiversity, Net Primary Production...] Ecosystem functions [nutrient cycling, water regulation, habitats, biomass...] Ecosystem services [provision, regulation, socio-cultural services] Socio-economic benefits from ES [private & collective well being] Weber, J.-L., 2010, adapted from Haines-Young, R. & Potschin, M. Ecosystem Services: Draft Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) Theme Class Group Terrestrial plant and animal foodstuffs Nutrition Freshwater plant and animal foodstuffs Marine plant and animal foodstuffs Potable water Provisioning Materials Energy Regulation of wastes Biotic materials Abiotic materials Renewable biofuels Renewable abiotic energy sources Bioremediation Dilution and sequestration Air flow regulation Flow regulation Water flow regulation Mass flow regulation Regulation and Maintenance Atmospheric regulation Regulation of physical environment Water quality regulation Pedogenesis and soil quality regulation Lifecycle maintenance & habitat protection Regulation of biotic environment Pest and disease control Gene pool protection Symbolic Cultural Intellectual and Experiential Source, CICES proposal, Roy Haines-Young and Marion Potschin, eds, EEA, 2010 Aesthetic, Heritage Religious and spiritual Recreation and community activities Information & knowledge Ecosystem capital: systems & services, benefits & costs Expenditures for environmental protection & resource management Non paid Degradation Ecosystem biophysical structures & processes Non-sustainable use of ES [landscapes, biodiversity, Net Primary Production...] Maintenance & restoration costs non paid by the economy Ecosystem functions [nutrient cycling, water regulation, habitats, biomass...] Ecosystem services [provision, regulation, socio-cultural services] Physical flows Monetary benefits Monetary costs Weber, J.-L., 2010, adapted from Haines-Young, R. & Potschin, M. Non valued private and collective benefits Socio-economic benefits from ES [private & collective well being] (mostly public goods) Sustainable macro economic benefits (sector functional income) Primary benefits, externalities & rents (mostly private) The ecosystem capital accounting circuit Additional cost needed to restore ecosystems from degradation (€) Non-sustainable use Sustainable use Real Net National Income Final Consumption at Full Cost Healthy ecosystems Ecosystem capital ( j) Use of natural resources, ecosystem services ( ) j Economy (€) Ecosystem capital accounts • Physical accounts of ecosystem capital degradation – Data collection and assimilation: Earth Observation by satellite, in situ monitoring, socio-economic statistics – Targets identification: • The accounting target: the same potential at the end of the year that at the beginning = capital maintenance • The policy target: the stated objectives of regulations, conventions and laws – Integration of simplified accounts: • International standards, classifications (SEEA...) • Multi-criteria diagnosis and quantification • Monetary accounts of ecosystem capital depreciation (consumption) – – – – Mean prices of restoration and valuation of degradation Ecosystem degradation embedded into international trade & concealed capital transfers Adjustment of National Income to Real Net National Income and of Final Consumption (full cost) Recording of ecological debts • Monetary accounts of sustainable ecosystem-based macro-economic benefits – Generation of Value Added from sustainable ecosystems (agro-system, forest, fisheries, tourism…) – Distribution of VA between beneficiary sectors – Valuation at the macro scale of selected regulating services (carbon sequestration, flood regulation, pollution mitigation) – International transfers of sustainable benefits embedded into trade Ecosystem Account Water basic balance Water Ecosystem Capital Accounts Opening stocks by ecosystems/water bodies • • Precipitations Natural Inflows • • • • • • Withdrawals by activities Net transfers between ecosystems/water bodies Returns to the water system from activities Imports/Exports and return to the sea Storage in the user system Consumption/evaporation in the use system • • • Real evapotranspiration Changes due to natural & multiple causes Natural outflows Final stocks by ecosystems/water bodies Water ecosystem health accounts • • • • Sector Accounts Supply & Use, MFA, NAMEA • • • • • • Withdrawals by activities Net transfers between ecosystems/water bodies Returns to the water system from activities Imports/Exports and return to the sea Storage in the user system Consumption/evaporation in the use system In situ water usage • • • • Returns of waste water Storage in dams Rainfed agriculture Evapotranspiration by irrigation Water net availability Water bio-chemical quality Ecological quality of river basins Multicriteria diagnosis/ water Linkage tables & integrated diagnosis • Landscape ecological potential • Carbon/Biomass productivity & storage • Biodiversity • Water • Multicriteria diagnosis/ ecosystem degradation Consumption of ecosystem capital/ water • Additional Maintenance Costs/ water Sustainable benefits from ecosystem services/ water • Sustainability coefficients Virtual water embedded into Import-Export, footprint • Virtual water by products, j • Water footprint by products, € Water Actual Transactions and Costs (€) • Supply and purchase of water • Taxes and subsidies • Water Protection and Management Expenditures Sustainable benefits from ecosystem services/ water • Input-Output analysis (“hypothetical extraction”) Joan Escriù Water Agency of Catalunya Monetary accounts: Cost of water supply and environmental cost REMAINING RESOURCE COST (CRR) Cost of the hypothetical measures of restoration of the degradation that will be left in water bodies with respect to the natural state of reference (IN) once reached the objective of the WFD (EO). EO Integral cost of replacement EN CRR CAA CA EA COST OF WATER SUPPLY (CAA) Costs of resource procurement, distribution and return. The acquisition cost must be the optimal combination of resource generation and resource reassignment of the uses based on the quality required. EE Cost of services ENVIRONMENTAL COST (CA) Cost of partial restoration to meet the objective of the WFD in 2015 (EO) from the maximum state of deterioration (EE) generated by the human activities before applying any measures of mitigation. A part of the same one (EA-EE) corresponds to the cost of the measures applied until now. The rest (EO-EA) corresponds to the cost of the measures necessary to reach the objective of the WFD. Example of full cost accounting : physical and monetary Joan Escriù Water Agency of Catalunya Environmental Cost of the WFD = CAR1 + CAR2 + CAR3 Cost of the “effective measures” for meeting the objetive of the WFD considered in the Programe of Measures of River Basin Management Plan PHYSICAL ACCOUNTS Impacts on water use Degradation of water quality DA3 DA1 restoration MONETARY ACCOUNTS Cost of measures for resource procurement CAR3 Physico-chemical objectives Cost of measures for mitigating impacts of uses CAR1 over the water bodies Biological & hydro-morphological objectives Impacts on ecosystems DA2 Cost of measures of ecosystem restoration CAR2 The benefits side: first step of the calculation of „inclusive sustainable benefits“ from the services of an ecosystem (e.g. agro-systems, forests, fisheries...) TE GVA = < g > * TE GVA-TE1 GVA-TEj GVA-TEn Forward effects F ∑o F ∑j F ∑o + F∑j GVA-TE1 GVA-TEi GVA-TEn Forward GVA/GDP effects by sector: Total quantity of Gross Value, which cannot be added by itself and by the users of the products of sector i, if sector i reduces or ceases its production B ∑o B ∑i B B ∑o + ∑i Backward GVA/GDP effects by sector: Total quantity of Gross Value, which cannot be added by itself and by the product suppliers of sector j, if sector j reduces or ceases its production Interpretation of „Total GVA-Effect Matrix“ resulting of the linkage of the „Total Effects/Flows Matrix“ of hypothetical extraction with the national Gross Value Added Wuppertal Institut: José Acosta Fernández 02.06.2010 - EEA workshop Water Accounts, Ecosystem Services & Human Wellbeing: Example of integrated water accounting by Artois-Picardie Basin Agency - France • 20 000 Km2 • 4,7 Millions inhabitants • GDP: 98 billions € • GPD/inhabitant: 21 107 € • GPD/inh France: 25 978 € • Unemployment rate: 12,7% • France: 9,9 % • 96% of drinkable water come from groundwater Courtesy Arnaud Courtecuisse, Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie, France, 2006 Risk of not meeting WFD quality objectives by 2015 Courtesy Arnaud Courtecuisse, Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie, France, 2006 Comparison of water bill vis à vis household’s available income Mean Water bill (all services) / Mean available income per household Mean available income per household (A) Mean Water invoice per household (120m3/year) (B) B/A Aisne 23 499 455 1,94% Nord 24 314 Pas de Calais 23 194 428 1,85% Somme 23 796 382 1,61% Courtesy Arnaud Courtecuisse, Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie, France, 2006 366 1,51% Water bill / mean available Income: social discrepancies • several groups of municipalities with ratio>3% (2-3% is a guidance value – see OCDE, EU, Académie de l’eau) • these groups of municipalities combine high water price and low mean available income (and sometimes household’s expenses to buy bottled water are equivalent to the annual water bill) Comparison with unemployment 2004 • the commonly used value of annual consumption of 120 m3 per household hides important differences of mean consumption per region • mean available income per municipality hides also various situations (and the real part of the population facing major difficulties to pay water bills) Courtesy Arnaud Courtecuisse, Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie, France, 2006 Green National Accounts & Ecosystem Services Valuation National Accounts = the macro-economic picture adjusted for natural capital depreciation Benefits & Costs Assessments = inclusive accounts for projects, sectors… Ecosystem capital Stocks & flows Health Land cover Biomass/Carbon Soil Biodiversity Water catchments Sea Atmosphere Vigour Organisation Resilience Autonomy Healthy populations 1 2 3 4 5 n Ecosystem services valuation Bottom-up, individual preferences, market and shadow prices, Costs-Benefits Analysis, General Equilibrium model Service n Service n value ?? Operation costs E.S n Service 5: e.g. existence Service 5 value ? Operation costs E.S 5 Service 4: e.g. water regulation Service 4 value Operation costs E.S 4 Service 3: e.g. eco-tourism Service 3 value Operation costs E.S 3 Service 2: 2: e.g. e.g. fish fish provision provision Service Service 2 value Operation costs E.S 2 Service 1: e.g. timber provision Service 1 value Operation costs E.S 1 Ecosystem / public good protection (all services) Ecosystem restoration costs Top-Down, collective preferences, multi-criteria decision (economic & social values, long term targets…), Consumption of Ecosystem Capital Jean-Louis Weber, CBD Conférence, Libreville, 16 Septembre 2010 Ecological Taxes, Subsidies, Tradable Offset Certificates / Depreciation... Simplified ecosystem capital accounts • All ecosystems: land/sea/atmosphere, and for land: urban, agriculture, forest, inland water, other natural and soil. • Focus on ecosystem degradation • Feasible NOW – keep it simple • Don’t miss important issues: need a good checklist • 6 indexes for 1 diagnosis: – 1-Land // 2-Biomass // 3-Water // 4-Biodiversity // 5-Dependency // 6-Healthy populations – Diagnosis (instead of mere additions) and quantification: the “ecosystem distress syndrome” approach combined with basic accounts • Physical accounts firstly, followed by valuation The “fast tract implementation of ecosystem capital accounts” in Europe, based on land accounts. Jean-Louis Weber, CBD Conférence, Libreville, 16 Septembre 2010 Importance of accounting by relevant functional units (e.g. catchments) West The total water resource of the country 10 lakes distributed over 2 catchments. The western catchment with 2 lakes is close to a scarcity threshold while water resource is abundant in the eastern catchment (8 lakes). East Scenario A: 1 lake is lost in the east Scenario B: 1 lake is lost in the west. x x Resource loss of 1 lake in the eastern catchment (a) Aggregated national loss (without catchments): (10-9)% = 10% (b) National average of loss by catchments: (2-2)% + (9-8)% = 5.5% 2 Resource loss of 1 lake in the western catchment (a) Aggregated national loss (without catchments): (10-9)% = 10% (b) National aggregation of loss by catchments: (2-1)% + (9-9)% = 25% 2 Need relevant time frame for monitoring impacts on ecosystems: e.g. water resource/demand Mean annual values may tell the same stories for very different conditions (e.g. no water shortage in this river in both cases) 100 100 80 80 Ressource 60 Ressource 60 Demande Demande Moy. Ressource 40 Moy. Demande Moy. Ressource 40 20 20 0 0 0 3 6 9 12 Moy. Demande 0 3 6 9 12 Quality matters as much as Quantity Other countries have similar maps ??? Ex. FR, mid-1990,s, fast track computation river quality from maps (Source: Crouzet, Le Gall and Germain, IFEN) Europe in the Global Ecosystem Virtual water embedded into trade vs. water footprint (virtual water from non-sustainable origin) Evolution of the hydrological footprint per capita of the Community of Madrid (m3 per inhabitant per year) Source: José Manuel Naredo Pérez (Coordinador) et. al., El agua virtual y la huella hidrológica en la Comunidad de Madrid” © Canal de Isabel II - 2009 Need for thematic integration of water accounts with land, bio-carbon & biodiversity Example from southern Spain: NPP increase in dry region • • • Much of the increased NPP in semi-arid Spain is due to new irrigations (water taken from fossil reservoirs or directly taken from nature/rivers …) And so more NPP brings also some functional simplification of the ecosystem If such causal relations exist they should be reflected in some “biodiversity account” (but the species responses are usually delayed due to nature’s buffering capacity) (from Emil D. Ivanov, EEAETC LUSI) Geographical integration of ecosystem accounts Arable land & Artificial areas permanent crops Pastures & mosaics Forested land Semi-natural vegetation Open spaces/ bare soils Water bodies Wetlands Corine Land Cover Economy Ecosystems PHYSICAL BALANCES Rivers Lakes, dams Economy Ecosystems Stock Natural production USE OF ECOSYSTEM RESOURCE C Natural production USE OF ECOSYSTEM RESOURCE Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Returns/ Formation (sectors) Returns/ Formation Returns/ Formation (sectors) Returns/ Formation Final Consumption (sectors) Final Consumption Final Consumption (sectors) Final Consumption Natural consumption USE OF FOSSIL RESOURCE … Storage/Accumulation From fossil resource Vigour Stability, integrity Resilience EXPENDITURES Taxes, voluntary payments To land accounts W Natural consumption Storage/Accumulation EMISSIONS, RESIDUALS From resource QUALITY/HEALTH INDEXES LINKAGE TABLES IMPORTS-EXPORTS Stock QUALITY/HEALTH INDEXES Vigour Stability, integrity Resilience LINKAGE TABLES USE OF FOSSIL RESOURCE … EMISSIONS, RESIDUALS From resource From fossil resource EXPENDITURES Taxes, voluntary payments To land accounts IMPORTS-EXPORTS To water accounts Actual To water accounts Actual To biodiversity indexes Virtual (embedded) To biodiversity indexes Virtual (embedded) Economy Ecosystems PHYSICAL BALANCES Economy Ecosystems PHYSICAL BALANCES Stock Stock Natural production USE OF ECOSYSTEM RESOURCE Natural production USE OF ECOSYSTEM RESOURCE Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Extraction/ harvesting Returns/ Formation (sectors) Returns/ Formation Returns/ Formation (sectors) Returns/ Formation Final Consumption (sectors) Final Consumption Final Consumption (sectors) Final Consumption L Natural consumption Storage/Accumulation Stock QUALITY/HEALTH INDEXES Vigour Stability, integrity Resilience LINKAGE TABLES Groundwater PHYSICAL BALANCES Stock Stock Coastal water USE OF FOSSIL RESOURCE … Storage/Accumulation EMISSIONS, RESIDUALS From resource From fossil resource EXPENDITURES Taxes, voluntary payments To land accounts Bdv Natural consumption IMPORTS-EXPORTS USE OF FOSSIL RESOURCE … EMISSIONS, RESIDUALS Stock QUALITY/HEALTH INDEXES Vigour Stability, integrity Resilience LINKAGE TABLES From resource From fossil resource EXPENDITURES Taxes, voluntary payments To land accounts IMPORTS-EXPORTS To water accounts Actual To water accounts Actual To biodiversity indexes Virtual (embedded) To biodiversity indexes Virtual (embedded) E C R I N S • Thank you!