COE FACULTY 101 January 9, 2014 OUTLINE 1. Teaching/student support (3:30-4:25) COE advising (15 min) Center for Teaching and Learning (30 min) Rubrics (10 min) 2. Course Development (4:25-4:40) 3. Assessment and Accreditation COE and OSU (4:40-5:00) ***Break (5:00 to 5:30)*** 4. Broader Impact Partners (5:30-5:50) ***Socialize*** ADVISORS ARE YOUR FRIENDS Summer 2015, all first-year COE students advised centrally What is advising? Professional verses Faculty advising Exploration, academic success, career, PIN, curricular, procedural MyDegrees COE CENTRAL ADVISORS Mary Chuinard COE Head Advisor Brett Jeter International and academic success advising Caine Francis and Nova Schauss COE Central Advising Sarah Kameron Kyllo Kadooka Michelle White SCHOOL ADVISORS Tyler DeAdder MIME Advising Carrie John Randall Barber NERHP Advising Joan Stueve Nancy Holman BEE Advising Roger Ely CBEE Advising Kristen Richard Rorrer Kerr SCHOOL ADVISORS Calvin Hughes Shannon Reed CCE Advising Janice Nave-Avebele Katie Whitehead EECS Advising Lizabeth Padma Marquez Akkaraju (Ecampus) Nicholas Malos (Ecampus) CENTER FOR TEACHING AND LEARNING CTL Website ( ) Winter Symposium Teaching Tools (Rubrics, etc.) Video Introduction to cognition ( 0_r wgtq59h) Rubrics and more…. ( 0_k6clrdif) RUBRICS EXAMPLE RUBRIC TO ASSESS DESIGN Performance 1 Indicators (unsatisfactory) Develop process PFDs are incomplete (missing unit flow diagrams Perform economic analyses 2 (satisfactory) 3 (good) 4 (excellent) PFDs incorporate appropriate unit operations), missing or operations and incorrect standard conventions, but not all elements (stream and minor elements (utility equipment #s, correct streams, pumps, etc.) symbols, flow information) PFDs accurate, thorough, incorporate conventions appropriately PFDs incorporate additional processing not explicitly defined in the description based on appropriate process considerations (e.g. minimizing waste Missing major aspects of costs (capital and manufacturing) or profitability analyses Complete and relatively accurate cost and profitability analyses Comprehensive and accurate assessment of costs, multiple measures of profitability with analysis of meaning, discussion of sensitivity Comprehensive evaluation of multiple alternatives (accurate calculation of costs, profitability) Consideration of multiple constraints Optimize design No recognition of given constraints constraints and no Considers capital costs and depreciation, manufacturing costs and determines profitability. Substantially complete and somewhat accurate Consideration of constraint(s). Attempt to alternatives considered evaluate multiple alternatives EXAMPLE RUBRIC TO ASSESS DESIGN Performance 1 Indicators (unsatisfactory) Develop process PFDs are incomplete (missing unit flow diagrams 2 (satisfactory) PFDs incorporate appropriate unit operations), missing or operations and incorrect standard conventions, but not all elements (stream and minor elements (utility Set of criteria equipment #s, correct that streams, pumps, etc.) symbols, defineflowand describe information) Perform economic analyses the important components of the Missing major aspects Considers capital costs ofwork costs (capital and depreciation, beingandevaluated manufacturing) or profitability analyses Optimize design No recognition of given constraints constraints and no manufacturing costs and determines profitability. Substantially complete and somewhat accurate Consideration of constraint(s). Attempt to alternatives considered evaluate multiple alternatives 3 (good) 4 (excellent) PFDs accurate, thorough, incorporate conventions appropriately PFDs incorporate additional processing not explicitly defined in the description based on appropriate process considerations (e.g. minimizing waste Complete and relatively accurate cost and profitability analyses Comprehensive and accurate assessment of costs, multiple measures of profitability with analysis of meaning, discussion of sensitivity Comprehensive evaluation of multiple alternatives (accurate calculation of costs, profitability) Consideration of multiple constraints EXAMPLE RUBRIC TO ASSESS DESIGN Performance 1 Indicators (unsatisfactory) Provides clear Develop process PFDs are incomplete targets of (missing unit flow diagrams proficiency to students Enables unambiguous assessment Perform of qualitative economic tasks analyses Promotes consistency between Optimize design multiple given constraints evaluators 2 (satisfactory) 3 (good) 4 (excellent) PFDs incorporate appropriate unit operations), missing or operations and incorrect standard conventions, but not all elements (stream and minor elements (utility equipment #s, correct streams, pumps, etc.) symbols, flow information) PFDs accurate, thorough, incorporate conventions appropriately PFDs incorporate additional processing not explicitly defined in the description based on appropriate process considerations (e.g. minimizing waste Missing major aspects of costs (capital and manufacturing) or profitability analyses Complete and relatively accurate cost and profitability analyses Comprehensive and accurate assessment of costs, multiple measures of profitability with analysis of meaning, discussion of sensitivity Comprehensive evaluation of multiple alternatives (accurate calculation of costs, profitability) Consideration of multiple constraints Considers capital costs and depreciation, manufacturing costs and determines profitability. Substantially complete and somewhat accurate No recognition of Consideration of constraints and no constraint(s). Attempt to alternatives considered evaluate multiple alternatives VALUE RUBRICS Developed by the Association of American Colleges and Universities Creative Thinking Critical Thinking Ethical Reasoning Global Learning Inquiry and Analysis Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Foundation and Skills for Lifelong Learning Oral Communication Problem Solving Quantitative Literacy Teamwork Written Communication PROBLEM SOLVING RUBRIC COURSE DEVELOPMENT So….you want to offer a new course. 1. Review plans with School’s curriculum committee 2. Develop a syllabus with the required content 3. Options Offer under a blanket course # New course # 4. Online Curriculum Proposal System OSU COURSE PROPOSAL Visit “Course Proposals” from right menu of APAA ( programs/home ) Checklist for proposals Common problems Syllabus template Blooms taxonomy Select “Curriculum Proposal System” from top menu of APAA ACCREDITATION By Program (ABET) 6 year cycle Single self-study report due at year 6 by University (NWCCU) 7 year cycle Reports every 2 years with different content Effect on you (typical faculty)? Course outcomes (on your syllabus) must map to specific program outcomes Must complete course reflection after each course During year 5 and 6 collect graded student work BROADER IMPACT PARTNERS WILL… Help with proposal project description and budget Work with PI to develop integration Implement, administer and assess broader impact project Deliver material for final reports