National Apprenticeship Week 2015 runs from 9 – 13 March 2015.
What is National Apprenticeship Week?
National Apprenticeship Week is co-ordinated by the National Apprenticeship
Service and is designed to celebrate apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.
What are the objectives of the week?
The objective of National Apprenticeship Week 2015 is to increase awareness and take-up of apprenticeships and traineeships by:
Promoting small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) apprenticeships – highlighting the support available;
‘Myth-busting’ by addressing misconceptions about apprenticeships and demonstrating the breadth of apprenticeships that are on offer;
Celebrating the work of apprenticeships and the businesses that employ them.
Themes for each day
Each day during the week there is a different main theme – use these to inform which case studies, pictures and stories you want to share each day using the hashtag #NAW2015.
There are secondary sectoral themes. If you have content from these industries please join in on the day specified below, using #NAW2015. Finally, throughout the week @apprenticeships will be sharing facts and stats as part of a ‘Did you know…?’ series to challenge preconceptions and myths around apprenticeships.
Day Main theme Sector theme Overarching throughout the week
Launch of the week
Small businesses
Wednesday Traineeships and access to professions
Thursday Higher apprenticeships and Trailblazers
Friday Regional and local events
Trailblazer sectors
Food and drink
Cross-cutting regional and local sectors
Did you know…? facts and stats. Find facts to share:
Celebrating apprenticeships
How can you get involved
Using social media is an ideal way for apprentice, employers, colleges, stakeholders and colleagues to help spread the word about apprenticeships.
Twitter is a fantastic way of sharing news, links, pictures of any events, videos and discussing the importance of apprenticeships with other Twitter users (in
140 characters).
Follow @Apprenticeships, @TraineeshipsGov and @AppVacancies;
Retweet @Apprenticeships tweets to your followers;
Always use the hashtag #NAW2015 when talking about apprenticeships;
Tweet any images/videos that you have to promote apprenticeships;
Tweet about the training and progress of your apprentices.
On Facebook you can:
‘Like’ the National Apprenticeship Service page;
Share the page with your networks and encourage others to ‘like’ the page;
Post updates on apprenticeships and National Apprenticeship Week;
Share our news and updates;
Share photos and videos on our wall to promote the Week – please be aware that if you do this, we may use the photos and videos in our own materials.
Share pictures, videos and podcasts
If you have any photos, videos or podcasts of your apprenticeship work, please share them on social channels, tagging them #NAW2015, or you can email
If you have video content please upload it to YouTube and then email the link so that we can add it to our National
Apprenticeship Week playlist.
If you are hosting an event please take photos and share them through twitter and facebook, tagging them #NAW2015. Why not feature the words National Apprenticeship Week 2015 or #NAW2015 in the photo?
Go to the Campaign Resources site to download posters, etc.
Please follow our LinkedIn group for updates about the Week, as well as other apprenticeships news. We also have a YouTube channel (ApprenticeshipsNAS),
Flickr (Apprenticeships) and Instagram (@apprenticeshipinstagram) accounts.
You can subscribe to these, comment on our videos and photos, and share the links through your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
If you are an apprentice you can send a picture to our Pinterest selfie map. Email the selfie, with your full name, age, apprenticeship level, role, company and why you love working there to
Not sure what to say?
If you don’t know where to start, have a look at some of these example posts and tweets to get inspired.
“Apprenticeships worked for me because… #NAW2015”
“Our @apprenticeships are great for our business because... #NAW2015
“Read about my experience on @[company] blog [LINK] #NAW2015”
“Did you like [INSERT PRODUCT OR SERVICE]? It was
#MadeByApprentices #NAW2015”
Find out more about National Apprenticeship Week 2015 at: .