Form 4 Careers Talk 12 March 2015 Over the years… ECA 3 Things today! SLP OLE APL SLP STUDENT LEARNING PROFILE SLP What is it? Summary record Achievements Participations of activities Whole person development during SENIOR secondary years Provide supplementary information Competencies Specialties Document to demonstrate personal qualities and competence Tertiary education institutions Future employers SLP NOT something NEW Report cards Testimonial ECA Records SLP YOU are responsible for your OWN SLP. School will assist you. SLP What to put? You may consider: Academic performance in school OLE Awards/Achievements outside school Student’s Self-account SLP Awards/Achievements outside school Examples: Grade 8, ABRSM, Piano Examination Band Score 7.5, IELTS 2nd Runner-up, 10km Challenge, Junior Section (Men), Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2014 SLP Awards/Achievements outside school FAQ: English or Chinese? Purpose / Target reader Record every activity / award? For the time being – YES! Select significant ones to display your all-round development in F.6 When do I do it? 1st time POST-exam period Afterwards: anytime SLP Awards/Achievements outside school Sample: Programmes (with description) School Year Role of Participation Organization Awards / Certifications / Achievements* (if any) Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Piano Examination 20142015 Candidate Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Piano Examination, Grade 8 The ABRSM examinations are the most popular music examinations in Hong Kong SLP Self-account What? Addition information highlight any aspect of your learning life and personal development during or before senior secondary education English: 1000 words 中文: 1600字 SLP Self-account Sample~ ……我喜歡與人相處……在過去參與的活動中,我印象最深刻的是文化藝術 義工計劃。透過這項活動,我不單只可擴闊視野,同時,我體會到協作的重 要性,尤其是與不同文化的朋友共同努力,締造更美好的將來。這項活動鼓 勵我應多了解別人及他們的需要,並促使我立志將來從事有關市場分析和服 務性行業的決心…… …I enjoy very much to get along with people… Among the activities I joined previously, the most impressive one was the Cultural Services Volunteers Scheme. It provided a chance for me to broaden my horizons and realize the importance of collaboration with people of different cultures to make a better world in future. This has encouraged me to know more about people and to cater for their needs. Therefore, I have set a career goal to engage in marketing research and service business… OLE OTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE OLE What? Activities within school hours Activities outside school hours Activities held in school Activities held outside school OLE What? Moral & Civic Education Community Services Career-related Experiences Aesthetic Development Physical Development OLE Moral & Civic Education Community Services Examples: Ethics Lessons / Religious Activities All-round Schemes EQ Ambassador Schemes Volunteer Work: Hand-in-Hand Peer Counselling Scheme Uniformed Groups Scouts / Girl Guides / St. John OLE Career-related Experiences Examples: Visits Career Mapping Tertiary institutes Workplace Talks JUPAS Jobs Interviews Talks Form Period Work Experience OLE Aesthetic Development Examples: Music / Arts / Drama / Dance Shows & Concerts Museums Competitions Seminars Performances Lessons OLE Physical Development Examples of activities: Sports Competitions Training Sports Day OLE School Functions Services Assembly Form Period Open Day Post Examination Activities PTA Functions OLE Meetings OLE What? Moral & Civic Education Community Services Career-related Experiences Aesthetic Development Physical Development 5% = 135 Hours 5% = 135 Hours 5% = 135 Hours OLE YOU should… • • • • Take initiative to join activities Maintain a balance • Between activities and studies • Among various OLEs Keep a record Reflect on the experiences APL APPLIED LEARNING APL 6 Areas of Studies Creative Studies (創意學習) Media & Communication (媒體及傳意) Business, Management and Law (商業,管 理及法律) Services (服務) Applied Science (應用科學) Engineering & Production (工程及生產) APL Course Provider 香港專業進修學校 Hong Kong College of Technology 明愛社區書院 Caritas Institute of Community Education 香港城市大學專業進修學院 School of Continuing and Professional Education, City University of Hong Kong 香港科技專上書院Hong Kong Institute of Technology 香港中文大學專業進修學院School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 香港大學專業進修學院 School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong 嶺南大學持續進修學院Lingnan Institute of Further Education 香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 香港公開大學李嘉誠專業進修學院Li Ka Shing Institute of Professional and Continuing Education, The Open University of Hong Kong 職業訓練局 Vocational Training Council 香港浸會大學持續教育學院 School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University 大學 APL 應用學習 城市大學 作為額外的輔助資料 嶺南大學 浸會大學 若學生在有關科目成績取得「達標並表現優異」成績, 視覺藝術科會作考慮,若學生在有關科目成績取得「達 標」成績體育及康樂管理科會作考慮 中文大學 部份課程接納應用學習科目(學生必須取得「達標並表 現優異」成績)作為額外的選修科目Courses 教育學院 學生取得「達標並表現優異」成績則該科可視為一選 公開大學 修科達到入學要求 理工大學 部份課程接納相關的應用學習科目(學生必須取得「達 標並表現優異」成績)作為一選修科達到三級要求 科技大學 接納應用學習科目(學生必須取得「達標並表現優異」 香港大學 成績)作為額外的輔助資料 APL Application DEADLINE: 18/MARCH/2015 Fill in and submit the application FORM to Miss Karin Lam Requires approval from school Internal Interviews are to be held ON 26/MARCH Course providers choose students Course providers may arrange interviews ANY QUESTIONS ?