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The Great Gatsby Literary Analysis Essay
I. Introduction:
Over the course of this unit, we’ve discussed the American Dream. In particular, we’ve
focused on the following Essential Questions:
What’s the American Dream?
What strategies do people practice in order to achieve the American Dream?
How does the American Dream affect/influence people?
Journal entries, homework assignments, and the Socratic Seminar have helped you
develop your opinions on this topic, and now you will formally share your thoughts in a
literary analysis essay.
II. Writing Prompt:
Respond to the following prompt: How does The Great Gatsby characterize, or
describe, the American Dream? How does the American Dream influence or
affect characters in the novel? Be specific, and provide compelling examples
from the text. Whenever possible, reference DDIST.
Reminder: Remember to define the American Dream in your introductory paragraph. If
you mention any other relevant terminology, also define those words at the beginning of
your essay.
III. Specifics:
When completed, your paper will fulfill the following requirements:
1. Your paper will have five paragraphs and be approximately 550 to 800 words in
2. Your paper must have an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
3. Your paper will have a separate Works Cited page with two entries: The Great
Gatsby and another source which defines the American Dream.
4. Each of your body paragraphs will contain two quotations from The Great Gatsby
for a total of six quotations in the entire paper.
5. Your paper will be typed in Times New Roman twelve point font and doublespaced.
6. Your paper will be in MLA format and have excellent spelling and grammar.
7. Your paper will be written in a mature, academic voice.
IV. Due Dates:
Outline due:
Rough Draft due:
Peer Edit due:
Final Draft due:
**Note: Late essays will be marked down 10% for each day late.**