The Great ______________________________

The Great ______________________________
The Great Gatsby: American Dream or American Nightmare?
1. Define the term American Dream in your own words.
2. Articulate Gatsby’s American Dream. What is it that he wanted to achieve?
3. Did Gatsby achieve his dream? Yes or no . . . take a stand!
4. Brainstorm at least three scenes that support your answer to #3.
5. Go back to those scenes in the book and find a quotation that supports your point. Remember, a
quotation can be dialogue or narration. Be sure to note page numbers!
6. Explain, in at least one sentence, how your chosen quotations support your point in #3.
7. Choose one of the critical articles that supports your assertion. Read & highlight key quotations.
8. Choose at least two quotations from the critical article that you could use to support your
9. Write a paragraph in which you prove your claim about Gatsby’s American Dream citing
quotations from the novel and from the critical article.