Death of a Salesman

Death of a Salesman/The Great Gatsby Essay
In the literary movement of modernism, and in contemporary times in general, there are
many aspects of society that are examined and subsequently critiqued. Specifically,
modernism comments on the downsides of certain areas of American life (competition,
technology, urbanization, alienation, materialism, etc.).
In a well-organized and interpretive essay, discuss the American Dream and how it
relates to the characters in Death of a Salesman and The Great Gatsby. Compare and
contrast the authors’ depictions of the American Dream, their commentary/message about
society and the uniqueness of the American experience in modern times. Be sure to relate
to the overall theme of these texts.
Concepts to think about:
-Jay Gatsby and Willy Loman’s:
 Expectations
 Goals/motivations
 Relationships
 Funerals
 Deaths
This essay is worth 50 points and is due Thursday, May 28th.