The History of Wildlife Management in America

Chapter One
Mr. Schanbacher
Troy Area High School
 You will know how wildlife management in America
You will be able to list the specific actions that led to
modern wildlife management.
You will understand the role that wildlife has played in
the development of America.
You will describe the era of exploitation of America’s
You will understand the role outdoor enthusiasts have
played in the conservation movement in America.
 What was America like before 1700?
 What was PA like before 1700?
 Who lived in PA before 1700?
 What did they use wildlife for?
 Food
 Clothing
 What did the Europeans use wildlife for?
Because they could
 Key Terms:
 Wildlife Management:
 Habitat:
 Species:
 Inexhaustible:
 Closed Season:
 Fauna:
 Exploit:
 Predators:
 Detrimental:
 1800- BILLIONS of Passenger Pigeons In US
 1810: Alexander Wilson witnessed a flock estimated at
2,230,272,000 in Kentucky
Read Quote from Wilson
Birds were netted, clubbed, and shot by the millions by
market hunters through the 1870’s
Deforestation from western expansion led to the
extinction of passenger pigeons.
Last passenger pigeon died in the Cincinnati Zoo in
 1830’s: The beaver trade was declining and the Bison
trade was beginning
 1840: Rocky Mountain Fur Company shipped 65,000
skins down the Missouri River
 1869: Transcontinental RR was completed
 Split herd in two
 Brought hunters with “modern” rifles and ammo
 Shipped Hides, Tongues, and Bones East
 1870’s: Hides $1.25 Tongues $.025
 1872 and 1873: 1.25 million hides shipped out of Kansas
 What eventually ruined the Bison’s HABITAT?
 Victim of:
 Fences
 Steel Plows
 Modern Rifles
 Wilderness:
 Environment:
 Migration:
 Incubation:
 Prodigious:
 Girdled:
 Market Hunters:
 Conservationists:
 1870’s: Sport Hunters led an effort to protect and
preserve America’s wild fauna
 Worked to change American views on
 Sport Hunting utilizes a species’ SURPLUS to manage
the population
 Commercialization is essentially the same as a bounty
 Created by avid fisherman and hunter John F. Lacey
 1900: Ended market hunting and interstate shipment
of wildlife
 Created in 1872 under President Grant
 Was not until the late 1890’s that there was anyone to
control poaching on park land
 National Parks are now wildlife and wilderness
 Most restocking efforts have used animals from
National Parks
 President 1901-1909
 Considered the “Father of American Conservation”
 LOVED to hunt
 Created 50 Wildlife Refuges, 5 National Parks, and 17
National Monuments
 Protected Forests and Wildlife
 Avid outdoorsman and hunting enthusiast
 1933: Game Management still considered the definitive
work on wildlife management
 Census
 Home Range
 Managing Population
 Control Predators
 Food, water, cover, and other factors
 Migratory Bird Conservation Act
 1929 between Canada, USA, and Mexico
 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act (Duck Stamp Act)
 1934 has provided millions of dollars for waterfowl
 Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-
Robertson Act)
 1937 created a 10% EXCISE TAX on firearms and ammo
(now 11% and includes archery and handguns)
 Has provided over $1 billion for wildlife management
 PA Game Commission 1895