Physical Education Lesson Plan: Fitness Circuits & Juggling

Fall 2011
Teacher Education Candidate:
Date of Implemented Lesson Plan: September 7, 2011
Specific Lesson Topic:
Grade Level: 3-5
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Georgia Physical Education
Specific Learning Objective(s)
Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement
patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self and others in physical activity settings.
Standard 6: Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression, and/or social interaction.
The student will practice physical activity by learning the concept of
fitness circuits.
Objective: Hopscotch builds endurance, promotes muscle strength,
and targets gross/fine motor skills and coordination.
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment(s) Strategy (tied to
objective(s) above)
Peer observation
Materials Needed:
Rope(5 pieces)
Hula Hoops(5)
CD player
Class Formations/Student
X X X X X <Cones
x x x x x < Students in groups
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
Stage 3 Learning Plans
X(Station 1) X(Station 2)
X(Station 3) X(Station 4)
X(Station 5) X(Station 6)
Sequence of Teacher Actions:
*Motivation/Attention Getter/Set
Teacher One:
Time: 3-5 minutes total
The teacher will:
1. instruct students to get in rows behind the cones
2. lead students in stretching
3. explain/demonstrate fitness circuits
*Significant Teacher Actions to
Guide the Focal Activity
Teacher Two:
Fitness Circuits:
The teacher will:
1. instruct students to their assigned circuit
2. begin music
3. lead each group in their assigned circuit for 30 seconds
4. guide students during transition
5. have students complete all 6 circuits
Fall 2011
Endurance Stations:
Jump The Line: A line (masking tape or jump rope) is to be placed
on the floor. Students are to stand on one side of the line and jump
back and forth over the line to the beat of music, or to a count done
by the instructor. The students will be jumping back and forth over
the line until instructed to change stations.
Objective: “Jumping the line” builds endurance, strengthens
muscles, and is a great form of cardio.
Hop Scotch: Hop scotch is a hopping game that can be played
indoor or outdoor. For this activity, students will be hopping
between hula hoops. The first player stands behind the starting line
to toss her or his marker in square 1. Hop over square 1 to square 2
and then continue hopping to square 8, turn around, and hop back
again. Pause in square 2 to pick up the marker, hop in square 1, and
out. Then continue by tossing the stone in square 2. All hopping is
done on one foot unless the hopscotch design is such that two
squares are side-by-side. Then two feet can be placed down with one
in each square. A player must always hop over any square where a
maker has been placed.
A player is out if the marker fails to land in the proper square, the
hopper steps on a line, the
hopper looses balance when bending over to pick up the marker and
puts a second hand or foot
down, the hopper goes into a square where a marker is, or if a player
puts two feet down in a
single box. The player puts the marker in the square where he or she
will resume playing on the
next turn, and the next player begins.
Strengthen Stations:
Wall Push-Ups:
1. Hands shoulder width apart, feet together.
2. Maintain plank position throughout.
3. Lower body towards wall while maintaining plank posture until
chest is close to wall.
4. Do as many as possible in 30 seconds
Front Kick with Squat:
Lower into a squat and, as you press up, kick out with the right leg.
Repeat, squatting and kicking with the left leg. Continue alternating squats
and kicks for 1 minute.
Straddle Stretch: Sit on the floor with your legs spread apart in a
straddle like position. Touch your right leg bending over, touch the
center, and then touch your left leg. Hold each stretch for about 10
Fall 2011
to 30 seconds without doing any bouncing.
Objective: This stretching exercise helps with the lower back, the
inner thighs, and the hamstrings.
Butterfly Stretch: While seated on the floor, put the soles of both
of your feet together and hold them together with both of your
hands. While on the floor, press your knees down together to
increase the stretch. You can also bend your upper back forward and
reach towards your feet if you want to try something different.
Objective: Doing the “butterfly stretch” helps to increase your
flexibility in your hamstrings.
Hamstring Stretch: For this stretch, you are going to start seated on
the floor with both of your legs facing forward. Next, you are going
to stretch your left leg facing forward with your toes pointing up
towards the ceiling. With your right leg bended, you are going to
place the sole of your right foot along the knee or the inner thigh.
You are then going to reach your hand towards the left foot until you
feel the stretch happening in your hamstrings. Hold for about 10 to
30 seconds without bouncing.
Objective: This exercise works your hamstring muscles.
*Technology enrichment (Select a
website pertinent to your activity
that parents/students may access.)
Sequence of Student Actions:
*Student Engagement During
(What will students actually be
doing? This is where you describe
the actual activities in greater
* Student Demonstration of
Meeting Objective(s)
Teach/Student Actions:
*Lesson Closure/WrapUp/Transition
The teacher will:
1. instruct students to go back to cones and rows
2. give awards for the best at each station
3. TOTD:
“How did that station help make your body better?”
“What were the three abilities that we practiced in our circuits?”
Standard 1: Demonstrates
competency in motor skills and
movement patterns needed to
The student will:
1. show understanding of fitness circuits
2. participate in basic stretching.
3. go to assigned circuit
4. complete each circuit in 30 seconds
5. quietly move to next circuit
6. continue each circuit till they have completed all 6
7. go back to cones and sit in rows
8. receive award for the best at each station
9. answer TOTD:
Fall 2011
perform a variety of physical
activities Teacher Three:
Adaptationsfor Exceptional
Students(How will you modify for
students withdisabilities?)
Related Activities/Extensions:
(How could students take what they
learned from the lesson to apply at
home or elsewhere?)
The teacher at each station will provide help to those students depending on each
Integration or Connection to
Other Content Areas:
(Try to think of ways to bring in
course content to the lesson
Math: Time(changing every 30 seconds)
Lesson Plan Agenda:
1. Warm-up and Stretching
2. 6 Circuits
3. Rewards for best workout
4. Closure
Students could practice these circuits at home by setting them up and playing with
their friends.