Australia Economic System Analysis

6th Grade SS Australia Economic System Analysis
Put students in small groups of 2-3
Each group should be given the Australia Economic Systems
Analysis sheet with economic facts about Australia and an
economic continuum.
Each group should read the Economic Facts about Australia and
write where they believe Australia is located on the Economic
Continuum based on the information. Groups should then
explain their decision.
The teacher should walk around to facilitate the process, as well
as, check group responses
Australia Economic System Analysis
Name(s) ________________________ Date ________
Directions: Read the economic facts about Australia below. Then label the economic
continuum (pure market, pure command, and mixed) and write where Australia belongs on
the continuum based on the economic facts provided. Explain your reasoning.
Economic Facts about Australia:
What to produce? Australia's economy is dominated by its services sector [accounting
for about 70% of GDP and 75% of jobs] yet it is the agricultural and mining sectors that
account for the bulk of Australia's exports.
How to produce? Since the 1980s, Australia has undertaken significant structural
reform of its economy and has transformed itself from an inward-looking, highly
protected, and regulated marketplace to an open, internationally competitive, exportoriented economy. The overall freedom to start, operate, and close a business is
strongly protected under Australia's regulatory environment.
For whom to produce? Australia is an open market with minimal restrictions on imports
of goods and services. The process of opening up has increased productivity,
stimulated growth, and made the economy more flexible and dynamic. Australia is a
significant exporter of natural resources, energy, and food. Australia's abundant and
diverse natural resources attract high levels of foreign investment and include
extensive reserves of coal, iron, copper, gold, natural gas, uranium, and renewable
energy sources.
1. Describe location on continuum ______________________________________________
2. Explain your reasoning _____________________________________________________
3. Identify Australia’s system of government. ______________________________________
4. Describe how Australia’s system of government is related to Australia’s economic system.