Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.

Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Master Stress
Use the intelligence of your mind, heart, body, and soul to
transform your stress reaction.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Copyright Notice
Copyright 2012-2013 ©, Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, without written permission by the author.
Book Cover Design by Special Forces Art Department,
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD
Stress is an epidemic and has caused so much damage to health,
relationships, and workplaces and has cost billions in lost productivity.
I am so happy you have chosen to change your reaction to stress.
As a nurse, I asked myself why so many nurses do not take care of
themselves despite knowing what to do! I pursued graduate education
to find the answers. I have a PhD in Human Development and a MA in
Clinical Psychology. My focus has been on the stress reaction and the
negative and limited thinking that often follows it.
Stress changes normal and sets up a vicious cycle of tension, fatigue, poor choices, more
fatigue, and more poor choices. To help people live a more vibrant life, I opened an Integrative
Health practice and provided natural solutions to many health challenges along with quick,
effective, and lasting change to the problem of overwhelm and the stressed-out feeling.
My mission is to energize, engage, and empower healthcare professionals to live an
exceptionally full life.
We have gotten used to quick fixes, and many are still looking for the magic bullet. I understand
the desire for a quick resolution and have mastered many breakthrough techniques that
provide this rapid and effective shift. This program provides you with many different techniques
you can integrate into your day to change your reaction to stress. I understand the powerful
connection between what we feel, think, believe, and do. I have a system to quickly release
your internal struggle and open you up to understanding and insight.
I recognize that feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and behavior are the source of your success and also
the source of your blocks. Our programs will help you shift your perspective.
I look forward to hearing how this program has helped you master your day.
Let’s connect
Feel free to contact me at
To your success!
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Our Intention for You .................................................................................................................................... 7
Module 1: Master Your Habits. Master Your Life. ........................................................................................ 8
Modules 2 & 3: Tune Out the Inner Critic and Turn On Your Inner Genius ................................................ 11
Module 4: Recognize Your Stress and Relax ............................................................................................... 13
Module 5: Recharge by Mastering Your Energy and Your Time ................................................................. 16
Energizing Water ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Module 6: Reframe Your Thought Awareness ............................................................................................ 19
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems) ..................................................................................... 21
ABC Chart ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Module 8: Tapping Techniques— 5-Minute Relief ..................................................................................... 25
Module 9: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy....................................................................................... 27
Module 10: Be Present Using Mindfulness ................................................................................................. 30
Module 11: Making Healthy Choices .......................................................................................................... 31
Module 12: Build Your Support Network.................................................................................................... 32
Set Up Your Daily Plan................................................................................................................................. 35
Your Daily Plan ........................................................................................................................................ 36
What is Next? .............................................................................................................................................. 37
1:1 Professional Coaching ....................................................................................................................... 38
Resilience Recovery Retreats ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Recognize · Recharge · Reframe = Resilience
Recognize: Identify your stress and relax.
Recharge: Master your energy and your time.
Reframe: Emotional Awareness.
Resilience: Making connections.
This program is based on the 4 R’s. Your modules include strategies for
relaxation as well as action-oriented approaches to stress management like
changing your perception and the way you think about things.
Practice the suggested approach for the week, and develop a variety of
strategies you can use to transform your reaction to stress.
Objective of this program:
The main objective of this program is to provide strategies (choices) to interrupt the stress response.
Practice one of the strategies 15 minutes per day. Every day.
Our goal is to help you build AWARENESS and then engage in deliberate action to change your reaction
to stress. The ripple effect will impact:
Your relationships
Your self-confidence
Your motivation
…on and off the job!
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Are you tired? Do you have more “day” left than energy to get through it? Are you in the cycle
of crash and burn? In this program, we help you shift that pattern and learn effective and
POWERFUL tools to change your reaction to stress.
In my private practice, I have noticed that when people feel good, they make good choices. In
today’s world of chronic stress, daily choices are compromised for convenience. This makes it
difficult to sustain energy and focus.
I believe it is important to master your day in order
to master your career, business or life. When you
have the energy you need to focus, you will
accomplish so much more. The stress reaction sets
up a false sense of urgency and the tendency is to
speed up to try and catch up.
This frenetic pace filled with distractions and multitasking disconnects people from their heart and soul,
leaving many sarcastic, empty, hungry, tired, angry,
and frustrated.
This program offers 12 modules with a proven track
record of effectively shifting the stress reaction.
Our multimedia program introduces strategies you can integrate every day to build resilience
and support healthy daily decisions. It is time to break up with sabotage and kick those old
habits to the curb.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Our Intention for You
Our intention for this program is for you to:
Identify the person you want to be
Build awareness of your stress reaction and learn new strategies to deal with it
Go through your day more relaxed and aware
Connect with your Inner Genius and tune out the Inner Critic
Increase your capacity to accept yourself and others
The strategies we are sharing with you WILL change your reaction to stress. Use the strategy for the
week every day; build a new habit of doing something (15 minutes) every day to manage stress.
By using one of these techniques every day for 15 minutes, you will move beyond OVERWHELM and
master stress.
Let’s get started…
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved| Our
Intention for You
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Life is lived BEST by DESIGN, not by accident.
Module 1: Master Your Habits. Master Your Life.
Making change is hard and often met with resistance. This is because people focus on the end result and
the BIG changes that have to happen to achieve the goal. Successful change happens because of
consistent choices made every day.
I often say success boils down to what you eat, what you drink, and what you think. These small daily
choices make or break your success.
Do you want to lose weight? Then mastering your habits related to movement, drinking more water,
and eating more vegetables is key. If you want to be a powerful Manager or Director, then managing
your stress reaction and developing your ability to actively listen will help you become that person. Do
you want to start a business? Then what are the daily tasks; contact Small Business Association, call the
Chamber of Commerce, learn about business planning?
What do you want to accomplish?
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 1: Master Your Habits. Master Your Life.
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Who is the person you need to be to achieve that?
This helps you look beyond your
current self-image that is probably too small to include your goal.
Complete the sentence:
capable & strong
fit & active
innovative & a problem solver; I am an entrepreneur
What are the daily choices you need to make to become that person?
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 1: Master Your Habits. Master Your Life.
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
On this page, identify those DAILY CHOICES to help you become the person you need to be…..
1. Practice speaking in the mirror to develop poise and comfort
2. Walk 10 minutes a day
Your turn:
Master your daily choices, and you will MASTER SUCCESS!
Great! Now let’s move on to discovering your Inner Genius…
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 1: Master Your Habits. Master Your Life.
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Modules 2 & 3: Tune Out the Inner Critic and
Turn On Your Inner Genius
This is a powerful section. When you tune out the loud and critical voice in your head, you have the
chance to listen for the quieter and more powerful voice of your Inner Genius. Increase your selfacceptance, and you will more easily achieve your goals and your relationships will improve. We are
going to share a powerful system to help you achieve greater self-acceptance. Using these tools, you will
build new habits.
Do the exercise below. Listen to the audios in this section. ALLOW the change to happen, and
immediately shift your disapproval to a mindset of approval. Let yourself feel this shift fully. Enjoy it.
Self-acceptance is a natural state of being. You were born knowing you are amazing. At some point,
your Inner Critic took over and silenced the voice of your Inner Genius. Isn’t it time you let go of your
barrier to loving yourself more?
Love = positive, happy, successful, abundant. This is your Inner Genius’
natural state.
Go through and fill in with all the things your mind wants you to believe will make you happy, and
reflect: did they really do it for you?)
Your Inner Critic in your mind says:
“I will be happy when…”
1. I lose weight.
Okay, if this was true, why did you gain the weight
2. I make more money.
When you love yourself more, you will feel worthy
of more.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Modules 2 & 3: Tune Out the Inner Critic and Turn On Your Inner Genius
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
“I will be happy when…”
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Modules 2 & 3: Tune Out the Inner Critic and Turn On Your Inner Genius
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 4: Recognize Your Stress and Relax
Yes, this is easier said than done, and that is what we are going to share with you in this module. Go
through the following self-assessment and identify how stress shows up in your body. Then, listen to the
audios on relaxation strategies.
The following represents ways that stress can show up. Check all that apply. Knowing what your body
talk is communicating to you will help you also know what to do next.
Physical Reaction to Stress
1 Minimum
10 Severe
Joint Pain
Rapid Heart
Colds, Flu
Sinus Trouble
Heart Rate
Neck Pain
1 Minimum
10 Severe
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 4: Recognize Your Stress and Relax
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
If you checked three or more boxes, there are lifestyle changes needed to avoid more serious health
challenges. Chronic, unchecked stress contributes to premature aging. We want you to set up a self-care
program to address these and other signs of chronic stress.
Emotional/Spiritual Signs of Stress
1 Minimum
10 Maximum
Loss of
Weight Gain
Food Cravings
Call Out Sick
Can’t Fall Asleep
Can’t Stay
Racing Thoughts
Want to Run
Isolated from
Never Enough
Could Jump Out
of My Skin
Addicted to
Increased Alcohol
Wake Up
Tired Even
After 8 Hours
Work Shifts and
Rotate Day and
Night Shift
1 Minimum
10 Maximum
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 4: Recognize Your Stress and Relax
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Stress changes what’s normal. Before long, without stress intervention, the rushed and frantic pace of
stress sets up a new tempo in your life. Most people speed up to try and catch up when, in reality, to get
more done, you need to do less.
Listen to the relaxation audios. Practice these skills during the week.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 4: Recognize Your Stress and Relax
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 5: Recharge by Mastering Your Energy
and Your Time
Here is a quick self-check:
Are you always running late?
Are you overwhelmed with clutter?
Do you procrastinate?
Are you hooked on junk food?
Do you put off planning because you run out of time?
In this module, we want you to tune into how you manage your time and your energy. You will learn in
this section that managing your energy is most important.
The above questions may help you recognize the need for better planning, prioritization, and delegation.
Chronic stress sets up a false sense of urgency, keeping you focused on “emergencies” and distracting
you from what is most important. As you put out fires, you may begin to feel overwhelmed, because you
get behind in what you are supposed to be doing.
Do you manage your energy and time well? What habits are you guilty of and what will you agree to
3 Habits that Cost Time & Energy
3 New Habits to Save Time & Energy
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 5: Recharge by Mastering Your Energy and Your Time
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Your Checklist to Master Your Energy and Your Time:
To what will you
1. Drink at least 8 8oz glasses of water a day—More if you drink coffee, tea,
2. Get up and move 15 minutes a day.
3. Wean yourself off of sugar. Get into the habit of eating an apple a day.
Gradually add in more fruits and vegetables.
4. Spend time (10 minutes) before you read and open emails or social
media to plan your day. End your day (10 minutes) with planning for the
next day.
5. Get 8-9 hours of sleep.
6. Take a look at what you are doing during your day and re-evaluate it;
delegate when possible, and schedule your tasks.
7. When planning, schedule your most difficult tasks FIRST. Spend your
best energy on solving problems and important tasks rather than easy,
repetitive tasks. When you tackle the easy more repetitive tasks, you end
up with a false sense of accomplishment without feeling like you have
accomplished anything. You wear your energy down with little left for what
is most important.
What change will you make to more effectively master your energy and your time?
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 5: Recharge by Mastering Your Energy and Your Time
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Energizing Water
Water, more than coffee or Red Bull, will give you sustainable
energy and help your body detox and burn fat. Here is a great
6 cups fresh water
1 T grated ginger
1 cup sliced cucumbers
1/3 cup mint leaves
Optional: Lemons, peppermint essential oil vs mint
Let infuse over night
Drink it all the next day
Make a habit of drinking water. If there is one single thing you can do to
support healthy energy and vitality, it is water. Water keeps your
tissues and joints plump; when dehydrated, your joints ache.
The same is true for your stomach lining. Having enough water on board
can help prevent burning in your gut.
Water is what tells your body to release toxic build up. It will support fat
burning and metabolism. It will help you focus and concentrate.
It helps you have beautiful glowing skin.
Drink up! Sips, every hour, are better for you.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 5: Recharge by Mastering Your Energy and Your Time
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 6: Reframe Your Thought Awareness
Stress is more often a problem because of what you tell yourself about what is happening. One of the
best ways to build resilience and master your energy is to master your thoughts. In this module, we
introduce techniques to help you tune into your thoughts and shift them if they are negative and
draining. Listen to the video on mindfulness, and follow the instructions to shift and reframe your
Develop Awareness of Your Thoughts
Negative and critical self-talk operates below your consciousness and contributes to stress and low selfregard. This exercise is going to help you identify your negative thoughts and help you shift them to
more realistic and positive thoughts.
Negative Thought
Reframed Thought
I am so stupid.
I missed the turn on the freeway It is okay if I make a mistake.
as I thought about the upcoming
I am overwhelmed.
I do not have a plan on how to I make the time to plan in the
complete my work.
morning and the evening to stay
I can’t take on this challenge. My boss believes in my ability to I face my fears and move
I am not capable.
complete this project. I am afraid through it to accomplish more
I will let her down.
than I thought.
The following page is for you to identify your negative thoughts and reframe them.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 6: Reframe Your Thought Awareness
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Negative Thought
Reframed Thought
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 6: Reframe Your Thought Awareness
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems)
What you believe drives your behavior. Stress changes your perception and can set up a skewed
reaction to what is happening around you. This next process will reframe “stressed-out” reactions and
highlight beliefs that may be sabotaging you, giving you the opportunity to do it differently next time.
We have a few blank pages in this section to help you write out the scenarios that have you stuck in
negativity or despair.
Use this chart to work through some of the reactions you would like to change. This process works if you
work the process. It is well worth it!
Here is an example of starting with a consequence and then working back to see what happened.
Activating Event
Feel sad, hopeless,
hungry, and
worried. I crave
What may be a trigger for these feelings?
Activating Event
Seeing my ex and
not having a date
for the party.
Feel sad, hopeless,
hungry, and
worried. I crave
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems)
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
The key aspect of this exercise is to identify the BS—your belief system responsible for setting up the
chain reaction. Tune in to your self-talk.
Activating Event
Seeing my ex and
not having a date
for the party.
I can never trust
men again. I
don’t need a
date. I don’t
need anyone.
Feel sad,
hopeless, hungry,
and worried. I
crave sweets.
This part of the exercise is to dispute your beliefs and discard those that are no longer true. Rigorously
debate every aspect of your self-talk.
Activating Event
Seeing my ex and
not having a date
for the party.
I can never trust
men again. I
don’t need a
date. I don’t
need anyone.
Feel sad,
hopeless, hungry,
and worried. I
crave sweets.
1. One man is not
all men. I can trust
2. I do not need a
3. I do need
people in my life.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems)
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
1. Where is the proof of your belief? List the factual evidence in support of your belief. Emotional
storms may capture all of your attention and “feel” real. However, feelings are not facts.
2. List the “logical” explanations to explain the activating event. In the case of this example, seeing
the ex and not having a date for the party were paired together as if one caused the other. They
are two separate events. Your ex may make you feel like you can never get a date, although they
are not really related.
3. If you were to give advice to someone about this event, what would you tell them? This forces
you to be objective.
4. Have you been in a similar situation before only to find out that it was also a skewed
perception? If you are prone to “awfulize,” dramatize, or “catrastrophize,” you may have a
pattern that is worth breaking up.
5. What have you learned from previous situations?
In the final phase of this process, complete the Evaluation column and write out how the process of
debating and disputing A, B, C shifted your perception and or attitude.
This process is empowering and helps break through the BS—your belief systems that have had you
stuck or derailed.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems)
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
ABC Chart
Activating Event
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 7: Breakthrough Your BS (Belief Systems)
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 8: Tapping Techniques—
5-Minute Relief
Tapping is based on the Chinese Meridian system that says your life force, your chi,
flows through your mind, body, and spirit. When this energy is blocked, symptoms
occur. The symptoms can be physical or emotional. Tapping will release the emotional
charge associated with the stressful event and free up your blocked energy. This can
quickly and immediately release the problem.
You have gone through this program identifying habits you want to change or
thoughts you want to shift. Use Tapping to further release any emotional overtone
associated with these stressful events.
Here are the steps for Tapping:
1. Identify a problem. Make it specific, and measure the distress you feel using a
1-10 scale with 10 being the worst.
2. Rub the sore spot (place your hand on the left side of your chest as if you were
doing the pledge and curl your fingertips in. Press and find a tender spot.)
3. Once you have the sore spot, rub that spot and repeat:
“Even though I have this problem, I deeply and completely accept
Say this 3 times while rubbing the sore spot.
4. Then, start tapping on the points as you repeat the name or the feeling
associated with the problem. Make four rounds of tapping through all the
5. Take a deep breath, and release tension. Now, check in with yourself and
measure your level of distress as it relates to the initial problem you identified.
The diagram of points to tap on is on the next page.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 8: Tapping Techniques—
5-Minute Relief
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 8: Tapping Techniques—
5-Minute Relief
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 9: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy
Olfaction and the Brain
Research in olfactory perception has shown that it only
takes a few molecules to have a significant effect such as
recreating memories and bringing up past associations.
Smell has an effect on your central nervous system.
Fragrance researchers are discovering that odors can and
do influence mood, evoke emotions, counteract stress,
and even reduce high blood pressure.
It has only been in the last 20 years that research into the
olfactory system has begun to reveal the mysteries of
how aromas are processed and interpreted by the body.
The sense of smell is highly developed in animals and is
important to detect food, identify enemies, mark
territory, and identify the opposite sex. This sense of
smell is a form of communication.
In humans, the sense of smell is highly sophisticated. However, it is not relied on for survival, except
when the smell of gas, smoke, or decaying food alerts one to danger.
Smell is actually important in flavor perception; much of what you might taste is actually smell. In a
research study where smell was inhibited, things like coffee and chocolate, which are identified over
90% of the time, were not correctly identified by any of the subjects!
Our sense of smell is more sensitive than any other part of the nervous system. We can distinguish
between over 10,000 different odors, with many odors having only minor differences. The most
common smells are actually a mixture of odors.
Smell is the only sense in which the receptor nerve endings are in direct contact with the outside world.
The olfactory bulb does not require the higher centers of the brain like the cortex to process the
information. Olfactory nerve cells are also the only nerve cells that repair themselves if damaged.
Smell begins in the nasal cavity and proceeds to the olfactory bulb where “messages” are initially
processed. Then, it is off to the higher centers of the olfactory system, where perception and memory
are triggered. The second target is the limbic system, where emotions and behaviors are triggered. You
can see how smell can bring up familiar memories!
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 9: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Because of the proximity to the hypothalamus, essential oils may also influence hormonal response.
Together with the limbic system, the hypothalamus governs primitive drives—thirst, sex, hunger—while
also invoking gut feeling reactions such as fear, rage, sadness, attraction, and affection.
Using essential oils can be a powerful way to reset your stress point. Inhale the oils directly from the
bottle, put them on a cotton ball, or use a diffuser.
Absorption of Oils
It is taken for granted that essential oils are absorbed through the skin. There is little research to study
this absorption. However, the absorption of drugs and cosmetics through the skin has been studied in
great detail.
A study involving lavender diluted in peanut oil and massaged over the stomach area for 10 minutes
revealed traces were detected in the blood after 10 minutes. After 90 minutes, most of the lavender oil
had been eliminated.
Hydration of your skin enhances absorption
Metabolized and absorbed into capillaries
Eliminated through the kidneys, lungs, and/or bowels
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 9: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Use your essential oils regularly. Inhale them from the bottle. Check out our diffusers and diffuse the oils
in the air.
Depending on the oil, essential oils will lift your spirits, improve your
concentration, support your immune system, support healthy
digestion, heal the skin, fight fungus, and so much more.
Check out our oils at
Essential Oils You Can Use Every Day:
One of the most famous oils and great for muscles aches, tension
and to heal the skin
Peppermint is also one of the oldest used oils and is great for concentration, soothing digestion, and
relieving headaches
Tea Tree:
This oil is great to relieve fungus, apply to bug bites, and to soothe and heal the skin
The citrus oils are uplifting. Lemon is anti-septic and can replace all of your toxic cleaners. Grapefruit oil
is known to support weight loss.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 9: The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 10: Be Present Using Mindfulness
Mindfulness means being fully present to what you are doing without judgment, your mind wandering,
or thinking of other things. It means being fully aware of what is happening in each moment without
trying to change it.
We live in the Age of Distraction and rampant mindlessness! Sound familiar?
Zoning out in front of the TV or the computer
Failing to notice tension and/or stress in your body
Eating in front of the TV or while reading or driving without paying attention to what you are
Rushing through your activities to get to the next place without fully experiencing what is
Unplug for 10 minutes every 2 hours or for a whole day or weekend.
Bring yourself into full focus with your activities. If you are talking to
someone, fully listen; if you are eating, pay attention to your food.
Spend the weekend without checking texts, emails, or social media.
You will be surprised to see how much MORE energy you have.
The point of power is in the present moment.
Spending time worrying in the future or regretting in the past robs you of your LIFE RIGHT NOW.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 10: Be Present Using Mindfulness
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 11: Making Healthy Choices
Do you struggle with your energy?
Caught up in a food rut?
Stuck in a fast food loop?
Many people do not make the connection between what they eat and how they feel until certain foods
are eliminated from their diets.
We have provided a download for you in this module. The Food Mood Journal will help you track how
food makes you feel.
Watch the video in this section several times and drive in new ideas about your food choices.
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 11: Making Healthy Choices
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Module 12: Build Your Support Network
Having a network of people you can talk to or feel comfortable with is one of the best ways to minimize
the effects of stress. In reality, relationships can also be the source of your greatest stress. It is critical to
choose your support network wisely so that you have people who are positive and you can trust.
When your thoughts are exaggerated and irrational, it can be so helpful to get another opinion to help
you shift to a more realistic view and reframe those negative thoughts. This exercise will help you focus
on your support network.
Make a list of people who are supportive and you can trust. Also, make the list of people currently in
your life who drain your energy or are negative.
Support Network: People I Can Trust
People Who are Draining My Energy
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 12: Build Your Support Network
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Support Network
Use this chart to evaluate your support relationships. Consider your contribution carefully, and make
changes as needed to give more if it looks like you have not been reciprocal. If the relationship is oneway and draining, then it is time to reconsider this relationship as part of your support network.
Name & Relationship
Support Provided
Is this relationship reciprocal?
By them:
By you:
By them:
By you:
By them:
By you:
By them:
By you:
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 12: Build Your Support Network
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Building Meaningful Relationships at Work
One way to cultivate relationships at work is through a Mentor. A Mentor can help you develop skills,
plan for your progression through the organization, and navigate professionally. This relationship also
should be receiprocal with you providing something in return to your Mentor.
Mentor Relationship
Name of Potential Mentor:
Goal Statement:
Action Plan:
Reciprocal Activities:
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Module 12: Build Your Support Network
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Set Up Your Daily Plan
You have been exposed to a variety of ways to move beyond the stress reaction. First, we explored
“relaxation,” which helps stress in the moment. The more you practice using a relaxation technique like
Progressive Muscle Relaxation, heart-focused breathing, or mindfulness, the more you build up your
ability to handle future stresses.
We also talked about managing your energy and time in order to minimize your stress. Changing your
habits requires time and commitment. We hope you will make the shifts in your daily schedule and
choices to include planning and prioritization, whole fresh food, and exercise.
In this section, we want you to set up your long-range plan for stress management. What will you
REGULARLY integrate into your day to build your resilience?
Long-term plans for stress management include supportive relationships, an attitude of gratitude, and
an open heart. Using these techniques and increasing your awareness of what you are feeling and then
taking action to deal with the stressed out feelings will increase your resilience and ability to keep going
despite the challenges.
Here is an example of a daily plan to manage your stress:
Heart-Focused breathing for 5 minutes
Sips of water every hour
Apple every day
Tune in: mindfulness
Attitude Breathing
Smile more, worry less
Gratitude Journal
Cultivate good relationships
Before getting out of bed
Driving to and from work
At the end of the day
Use peppermint essential oil, lemon or cucumber
to flavor
Increase whole fresh food in diet, wean off sugar
Set a timer for every 4 hours, deep breathe, tune
Do this every hour: breathe in peace, breathe out
Connect more with people around you, express
gratitude and appreciation
Make entries every day of things you are grateful
for. All things…
Invite people to coffee or lunch and get to know
more positive people
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved| Set Up
Your Daily Plan
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
Your Daily Plan
How did it go?
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved| Set Up
Your Daily Plan
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
What is Next?
Now that you have the tools and have learned to relax, have you gotten in touch with what is important
to you?
What would you like to do?
Maintaining the enthusiasm and focus for change can be tough in a world that is constantly seeking to
distract you with the next bright and shiny object.
Let’s talk.
I provide a complimentary Strategy Session so you can see the power in working 1:1. Did you know
Coaching is the single greatest accelerator to change?
Please keep in touch. I look forward to your success!
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved| What
is Next?
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
1:1 Professional Coaching
Coaching is the single greatest accelerator of change!
Working with Dr. Cynthia offers you a lasting change in a short period of time. Known as a Master
Coach, Cynthia will help you get beyond your barriers to success.
The majority of clients experience a shift after one session. Sessions can be used in 30-, 60-, or 90minute intervals for the best results.
Schedule a complimentary session, and let’s talk specifically about what you need!
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|
Master Your Stress. Master Your Day.
HEAL: The Book & Retreat
If you have been surviving rather than thriving and want to
breakthrough this pattern, this book will help you
Are you stuck in same patterns over and over?
Burned out? Lost your motivation?
What if you could shift your perspective…NOW?
Check out the book, HEAL: Healthy Emotions. Abundant Life. It is written for nurses and
healthcare professionals who want to end the love hate conflict with nursing. The book and the
2 day retreat will help you with:
inner peace
freedom from negativity
focus, clarity, renewed purpose
Embrace your mind, body, heart and soul with road-tested, proven strategies to QUICKLY shift
your perspective, eliminate the past, and learn on four levels (mind, body, heart, and soul) for a
complete transformation…
© Cynthia Howard RN, CNC, PhD, All Rights Reserved|