Rocks Tell Stories Records of Geologic Past Rock Classification – 3 major groups based on their methods of formation or origin 1. Igneous rocks … from cooling and solidification of lava or magma 2. Sedimentary rocks … from compacted and cemented sediments, or chemical precipitates or evaporites 3. Metamorphic rocks … meta (change) morphic (form) … rocks changed by heat and pressure –but remain solid IGNEOUS ROCKS Formation of Igneous Rocks COOLING AND SOLIDIFICATION OF MAGMA/LAVA INTERGROWN OR INTERCONNECTED SILICATE CRYSTALS IN A RANDOM PATTERN – NOT ORGANIZED INTERGROWN SILICATE CRYSTALS - RANDOM PATTERN MAGMA VS. LAVA Magma – molten material BELOW the surface of the Earth Lava – molten material AT OR ABOVE earth’s surface ENVIRONMENT OF FORMATION COOLING HISTORY MAGMA LAVA Intrusive – below the surface Extrusive - above the surface A pluton is a body or chamber of magma deep inside the crust. Ejected from volcano Rocks formed when magma Rocks formed when lava cools and solidifies are called cools and solidifies are called INTRUSIVE (PLUTONIC) EXTRUSIVE (VOLCANIC) IGNEOUS ROCKS ARE CLASSIFIED BASED ON 2 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS • TEXTURE – MINERAL GRAIN SIZE • MINERAL COMPOSITION (COLOR) Classification of Igneous Rocks by Texture • WHAT IS TEXTURE? It is NOT how it feels! It’s the SIZE OF MINERAL CRYSTALS What controls texture? How fast an igneous rock cools. What controls how fast an igneous rock cools? Where the rock is formed. slower cooling coarser crystals deep in ground ESRT – TOP OF THE IGNEOUS ROCK SCHEME TELLS THE TEXTURE / GRAIN SIZE Classification of Igneous Rocks – Texture or Grain Size Extrusive Extrusive Intrusive Intrusive Volcanic LAVA VolcanicLAVA Plutonic MAGMA Plutonic MAGMA Extremely fast cooling Fast Cooling Slow Cooling Extremely slow cooling NonFine-grained crystalline Glassy vesicular (gas pockets) Coarsegrained Very Coarsegrained EXTRUSIVE – VOLCANIC - LAVA • When lava cools extremely fast crystals have no time to form – JUST FROZEN IN PLACE RANDOMLY WHEN LAVA ENTERS ATMOSPHERE OR WATER • GLASSY – NON-CRYSTALLINE Non-vesicular Vesicular gas pockets EXTRUSIVE – VOLCANIC - LAVA Lava that cools fast at or near the Earth’s surface Produces small crystals FINE-GRAINED TEXTURE not easily seen with the naked eye. INTRUSIVE – PLUTONIC - MAGMA Magma that cools slowly deep underground produces large crystals COARSE-GRAINED TEXTURE easily seen with the naked eye. INTRUSIVE – PLUTONIC - MAGMA EXTREMELY SLOW COOLING HAS ABNORMALLY LARGE CRYSTALS AND IS VERY COARSE. CHARACTERISTICS OF IGNEOUS ROCKS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE IGNEOUS ROCK CHART ARE CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON WHICH MINERALS ARE IN EACH ROCK. NOTICE 2 NEW WORDS FELSIC AND MAFIC FELSIC VS. MAFIC FELSIC MAFIC “FEL” = FELDSPARS “MA” = MAGNESIUM “SIC” = SILICA “F” = IRON High % of quartz, feldspars, mica “IC” = SILICA High % of pyroxene, feldspars, amphibole DARKER IN COLOR MORE DENSE LIGHTER IN COLOR LESS DENSE Continental FELSIC mixed oceanic MAFIC mantle ULTRAMAFIC THE BOTTOM OF THE IGNEOUS ROCK SCHEME TELLS YOU THE COMPOSITION TEXTURE + COMPOSITION CAN NAME ROCK FELSIC COMPOSITION COLUMN + COARSE TEXTURE ROW INTRUSIVE EXTRUSIVE Granite Rhyolite Figure 4.7 A MINERAL COMPOSITION THE SAME – TEXTURE ONLY DIFFERENCE Intrusive vs. Extrusive INTRUSIVE EXTRUSIVE MINERAL COMPOSITION THE SAME ---- TEXTURE ONLY DIFFERENCE Andesite Diorite Intrusive vs. Extrusive INTRUSIVE Gabbro EXTRUSIVE Basalt MINERAL COMPOSITION THE SAME – TEXTURE ONLY DIFFERENCE Intrusive vs. Extrusive WHAT GRAPH BELOW SHOWS AS TIME INCREASES THE SIZE INCREASES? A B SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Sedimentary Rocks • 80 % of Earth’s surface is covered with sediments and Sedimentary Rocks (only a thin layer on top) What is sediment???? Broken pieces of rocks called Sediments Chemical precipitates ( dissolved solids come out of solution) Organic fragments – shells, decayed plant matter – this is called BIOCLASTIC Source of Sediment When Igneous, Metamorphic Rocks, and Sedimentary Rocks are uncovered and exposed to the atmosphere and hydrosphere they start to break down Weathering is the general term for all actions that break down or wear away rock Erosion is the moving/transport of the sediment Sedimentary Rocks form when sediments are transported to large bodies of water and are … Deposited in horizontal layers called beds or strata Buried Compacted – particles forced extremely close together because of the pressure of the overlying layers and water Cemented – glued together Sedimentary Rocks Sediments that are eroded settle to the bottom of the rivers, lakes, and oceans Layer after layer of eroded earth is deposited on top of each other Most Sedimentary Rocks form under large bodies of water, such as lakes, seas, and oceans Horizontal layers deposited under water Classification of Sedimentary Rocks • We classify sedimentary rocks depending whether the sediments are LAND DERIVED (came from) CHEMICALLY - ORGANICALLY DERIVED INORGANIC LAND DERIVED ROCKS NAMED BY GRAIN SIZE Sediments are pebbles, cobbles, and boulders rounded Breccia angular Silt (0.006 to 0.0004 cms. SILTSTONE Sand (0.2 to 0.006 cms.) SANDSTONE Clay (less than 0.0004 cms.) SHALE 2 TYPES OF TEXTURE CRYSTALLINE FOR CHEMICALLY FORMED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS BIOCLASTIC FOR ORGANICALLY FORMED SEDIMENTARY ROCKS HOW USEFUL IS GRAIN SIZE???? CHEMICAL Sedimentary Rocks Sediment From Solution All liquid water contains dissolved minerals. These minerals precipitate (dissolved solids come out of solution/water) Usually happens because of evaporation Characteristics of Chemically Formed Sedimentary Rocks They are monominerallic – consisting of intergrown crystals of just 1 mineral. Form in shallow seas ROCK SALT Intergrown crystals of just 1 mineral DOLOSTONE ROCK GYPSUM ORGANIC Sedimentary Rocks Bioclastic Sediment LIMESTONE AND CORALS • Dissolved minerals taken out of solution by marine organisms for their hard parts (shells) can pile up on the seafloor when they die. • These fossil remains accumulate into a thick enough layer to form an “organic” sedimentary rock • Cement is commonly calcite ( bubbles with acid) COAL • Decayed plant remains BIOCLASTIC LIMESTONE COAL CHEMICALLY PRECIPITATED LIMESTONE Summary Inorganic Land-Derived Sedimentary Rocks are identified by Texture or Grain Size Chemically and/or Organically Formed Sedimentary Rocks are identified by Composition HIGH ENERGY LOW ENERGY Environment of Formation Ocean Derived Sedimentary Rocks Sedimentary Rocks help us understand our past geologic history There is evidence of climate change as well as lost species of plants and animals in Sedimentary Rocks During the Cretaceous Period (about 120 mya) a shallow inland sea split North America. We know this by the Sedimentary Rocks deposited in the former shallow sea SALT AND GYPSUM EVAPORATION Bedrock of Salt and Gypsum around Buffalo What type of environment would cause salt and/or gypsum to evaporate? Ocean environment with hot temperatures CHARACTERISTICS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 1. Horizontal layers called beds or strata 2. Clasts are rounded and sorted because they have been moved by water 3. Ripple Marks 4. Mud Cracks 5. Fossils 6. Interconnected mineral crystals of 1 mineral (monominerallic) HORIZONTAL LAYERS A. SHALLOW WATER B. LOW ENERGY C. DIRECTION OF FLOW MUDCRACKS ALTERNATING WET AND DRY CONDITIONS Limestone - FOSSILS SEDIMENTARY ROCK MANTRA 1.COMPACTED AND CEMENTED SEDIMENTS FOSSILS RIPPLE MARKS MUDCRACKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS METAMORPHIC ROCKS META = CHANGE MORPH = FORM Start with pre-existing rock and change to another rock – but these changes occur in the SOLID STATE METAMORPHISM Process by which igneous, sedimentary, or another metamorphic rock called the “parent rock” undergoes changes in minerals and texture METAMORPHISM Occurs in rocks due to the effects of • High temperature • High pressure HEAT EFFECTS Temperature increases with depth or contact with magma Recrystallization – a process that forms new mineral crystals because the mineral is no longer stable at the new temperature • Changes to a new (high temperature) mineral PRESSURE EFFECTS Pressure increases with depth – weight of overlying rock (see page 10 ESRT) Mineral crystals grow larger Mineral crystals are more dense Mineral crystals grow perpendicular to pressure Mineral crystals are arranged in parallel layers – PRODUCES FOLIATION FOLIATION Pressure actually rearranges the minerals into parallel layers. More pressure – minerals grow larger and recrystallize and separate into layers Even more pressure – alternating layers of light and dark minerals called Banding Random arrangement of minerals Organized arrangement of minerals - banding METAMORPHIC ROCK MANTRA • INTERGROWN CRYSTALS IN AN ORGANIZED PATTERN Granite Intergrown crystals random pattern Gneiss Intergrown crystals Organized Pattern 2 Types of Metamorphism 1. Regional Metamorphism – Occurs over large areas where there is active mountain building a) Convergent plate boundaries 2. Contact Metamorphism – areas in contact with magma intrusions and/or lava extrusions MOUNTAIN BUILDING Classification of Regional Metamorphic Rocks Composition is basically the same for all foliated rocks – parent rock is usually listed in comments section. Type of texture and grain size determined by the amount of heat and pressure GRADES OF METAMORPHISM LOW GRADE – LESS HEAT AND PRESSURE – SLATE HIGH GRADE – MORE HEAT AND PRESSURE - GNEISS Temperature Low-grade metamorphism: Occurs at about 2000 C to 5000 C. and pressure greater than 1,000 atmospheres High-grade metamorphism: Occurs at > 5000 C FOLIATED METAMORPHIC ROCKS MICA SCHIST WITH GARNET MICA CRYSTALS BECOME LARGE AND SPANGLY METAMORPHIC ROCKS WILL OFTEN BE DEFORMED BECAUSE OF INTENSE HEAT AND PRESSURE LOOK AT ROCK SYMBOL FOR GNEISS DEFORMED GNEISS A metamorphic rock exposed to too much heat will melt and become ??? MAGMA CONTACT METAMORPHISM Contact Metamorphic • Metamorphism means "changed form". • The Changes occur because of: • Heat from magma intruding on the surrounding rock • Very little pressure Near magma chambers (plutons) Rocks in “contact” with the magma are heated New minerals are formed – recrystallization Contact Metamorphism – heating the adjacent rocks Symbol for Contact Metamorphism is a line with tick marks When limestone undergoes contact metamorphism what rock will it metamorphose into? Sandstone?? PARENT ROCK IN THE COMMENTS LIMESTONE METAMORPHOSES INTO MARBLE SANDSTONE METAMORPHOSES INTO QUARTZITE