
Progress in Aviation
Through Aircraft
Engineering and
Presented by Louis J. Bottino
Federal Aviation Administration
William J. Hughes Technical Center
November 2, 2005
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
 The Aircraft Engineering and Modification Concept
 Aircraft Engineering and Flight Test
 Aircraft Engineering Methodologies and Project
 The Economic Feasibility and Economic Necessity
 Conclusions
 Acknowledgements
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
 The Aircraft Engineering and Modification
- Commercial Aircraft Engineering and
Modification Services
- Partnerships With Academic Institutions
- Aerospace-Related Government Agencies
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
The Aircraft Engineering and Modification Concept
Improvements in Civil Aviation Have Evolved From The Combined
Efforts Of The Aerospace Industry, Research and Development Institutions
and the Military
(1) Changes In Aerodynamic Thinking Have Inspired New Design Techniques,
Tools, And Fabrication Methods
(2) Research and Development Institutions Have Received Grants To Explore
and Study New Technologies
(3) The Airline Industry Has Invested Capital and Human Resources Over Time
to Promote The Success of New Technologies
(4) Aeronautical Technology Usually Advances After The Success of Each
Space Program.
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
The Aircraft Engineering and Modification Concept
To Advance Aviation Using Aircraft Modification These Companies Have
Gone Into Collaborations, Agreements and Long-Term Research Programs
(1) Modification Efforts Are Sometimes Long Range And Part Of A Larger
(2) The Modification Process Is Similar In Each Case Since A Set Of Rules
Prescribed By The FAA Code Of Federal Regulations Are Followed.
(3) Government Agencies Involved In Aviation And Aerospace-Related
Activities Have Expanded Their Roles Beyond The Regulatory Mission
Associated With Them.
(4) The National Aeronautics And Space Administration ( NASA ), The National
Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ), The FAA And Certain
Parts Of The DOD Have Initiated Agreements And Beneficial
Arrangements With Aerospace Companies And The Airline Industry.
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Commercial Aircraft Engineering And Modification Services
A Modification To An Aircraft Can Be Complex Or Basic. This Usually
Depends On The Purpose And Goals Of The Modification
(1) Demands For These Desired Changes Have Increased The Number Of
Companies That Provide Specialized Services In Aircraft Engineering And
(2) Aircraft Engineering & Installation (AEI) Services Is A Florida-Based
Corporation Serving The Air Transport, Regional Airline, And Heavy
Corporate Jet Markets.
(3) Orion Technologies Is An Aerospace Design And Engineering Firm Located
In Snohomish, WA. Services Include :
1 ) Changes To Experimental Aircraft And Development
2 ) Important Parameters - a ) Market-Oriented Aesthetics
b ) Optimized Performance
c ) Structural Integrity
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Commercial Aircraft Engineering And Modification Services
Aircraft Technical Service (ATS) In Van Nuys, California Is A Professional
Modification Service That Handles Complex Modification Programs
(1) The ATS Application Pro / Engineer Gives The Designer More Flexibility
In Routing Systems Such As : a ) Ducting b ) Piping c ) Wiring
(2) Their Engineering Capabilities Are Structural And Electrical
(3) The Company Has Successfully Engineered Programs For The :
(a) DC-10 Flying Test Bed
(b) Boeing 720 Flying Test Bed
(c) DC-9 And Boeing 7
(4) The ATS Modification Of The DC-10 Was A Complex Task. Interior
Reconfigured To Install : (a) Over Eighteen 6 Ft Tall Equipment Racks
(b) Twelve Operator Workstations
(c) Customer Presentation Area In The Rear Cabin
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Commercial Aircraft Engineering And Modification Services
Dependent On The Type Of Modification And Desired Functionalities InDepth Studies Are Performed Using A Staff Of Scientists And Consulting
(1) Aerocon ( Aerospace Consulting ) Engineering Delivers Full Range Of
Engineering Support And FAA Interface Services For Small And Large
Transport Aircraft.
(2) Aerocon Has Scientists Specializing in : (a)
Structural Analysis
Materials Research
(3) Design, Analysis And Installation Interface For Propulsion And Fuel
System Analysis Is Another Service Provided By Aerocon.
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Commercial Aircraft Engineering And Modification Services
Demands For Large And Small Aircraft Repairs Have Created A
Specialized And New Marketplace
(1) Instead Of Test Bed Configurations, There Are Market-Oriented Aesthetics
Or Avionic Enhancements That Require Repair Services.
(2) Associated Air Center Is Located In Dallas, Texas Repairs And Modifies
Aircraft Structures, Electrical And Avionic Systems.
(3) General Dynamic Advanced Information Systems (AIS) Sensor Flight Test
Center Is Dedicated To The Installation And Integration Of Remote
Sensing Equipment.
(4) Northwest Aerospace Technologies (NAT) Is An Aerospace Services
Company Specializing In Commercial Aircraft Modification Programs.
(a) Interior Reconfigurations Are The Specialty Of NAT
(b) Experienced With Airbus, Boeing, Regional Jets And Cert Processes.
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Commercial Partnerships With Academic Institutions
Universities And Research Learning Centers Receive Grants Each Year From
Aerospace Companies And Government Agencies Involved In Aviation-Related
(1) The Avionics Engineering Center (AEC) At Ohio University Demonstrates
The Partnership Between Academic Institutions And The Government.
(2) The University Of Washington School Of Aeronautics And Astronautics Is An
other Premier Facility Known For Research.
(a) The Aerospace And Engineering Building Was Funded By NASA
(b) The Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory Was Built With Support
From The Department Of Energy
Faculties Of The Georgia Institute Of Technology Have Professors
Involved In Aeronautical And Aerodynamic Research.
(a) Investments With The Air Force Of Scientific Research
(b) The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
(c) NASA And The National Science Foundation (NSF).
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Aerospace-Related Government Agencies
Aerospace Companies Have Started New Business Relationships And
Continued Old Ones With Many Aerospace-Related Government Agencies
(1) To Provide Maintenance And Mod Services For Part Of NASA’s Fleet, A
Contract Was To DynCorp Technical Services LLC In Fort Worth.
One Of NASA’s Modification Projects Was The Creation Of The
Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA).
(a) Largest Observatory In The World
(b) L-3 Communications Integrated Systems Provided :
i. Design Engineering
ii. Airframe Structural Modification
iii. Telescope Design Integration and
iv. Flight Test Activities To Deliver An FAA-Certified SOFIA
Progress in Aviation Through
Aircraft Engineering and Modification
Aerospace-Related Government Agencies
There Are International Aviation Authorities That U.S. Government
Agencies Have Recognized As Leaders In The Aviation Community.
(1) These Authorities Have Contributed To Establishing International
Standards In Aviation.
(2) One Representative International Body Is The Joint Aviation Authorities
(JAA), Which Is Part Of The European Civil Aviation Conference
(3) Since 1987 The JAA Has Extended Their Interest To Operations,
Maintenance, Licensing And Certification / Design Standards For All
Standards Of Aircraft.
(4) The JAA Has Placed Much Emphasis On Equating Their Regulations
With Those Of The FAA.