Intro to Musical Theatre

All about the Stage
The Stage
 The stage is a very large platform with some areas that
can be seen from the audience and other areas that
can’t be seen by the audience
 ONSTAGE-standing where the audience cans see you
 OFFSTAGE-outside the view of the audience but still
on the actual stage
 An actor might be asked to wait offstage and run on
when they hear a gunshot or a cue word
 The area on the sides of the stage but out of the
audiences view is called the WING
The Stage
 Out of the view of the audience
 The area where preparation takes place, such as actors
waiting to come on stage or the crew getting props ready
 The word backstage is a general term used for anywhere
the audience doesn’t go
Wardrobe rooms
Carpentry shops
Wig rooms
Offstage on the wings
The Stage
 Stage Directions are used when rehearsing to help the
actors know where to go during the musical
CENTER STAGE- the center of the stage
DOWNSTAGE- the front of the stage
UPSTAGE- the back of the stage
STAGE RIGHT- when facing the audience, this is the
area to your right
STAGE LEFT- when facing the audience, this is the
area to your left
The Stage
 A TRAP- a hole in the floor that you can enter the
stage from, exit through, or bring scenery and props
 Used to create simple illusions
 Used to bring up scenery
 Some traps have lifts to magically make actors or props
appear or disappear
What goes on the Stage
 Curtains- many different types, but some theatres
don’t use them at all
Lights- many different types and colors
Props- any object held, used or carried by a performer
during a performance
Special Effects- visual elements such as fog, smoke,
lightening, breaking furniture or snow
Pyrotechnics- the illusion of fire or explosions
Opened in 1977 and ran on Broadway for 7 years
Based on a comic striped called Little Orphan Annie
Takes place in 1922
 Annie lives in an orphanage for girls where they are treated
horrible by Mrs. Hannigan
 Annie is always very hopeful that her parents will be back
someday to get her and decides to escape to find her
parents but is caught and brought back to the orphanage
 Grace, the assistant to the Billionaire Oliver Warbucks,
come to the orphanage to ask an orphan to live with them
for the Christmas Holiday
 She selects Annie and the go to the mansion where
Warbucks is never in a good mood or too fond of children
 Annie wears a locket that her parents left with her and
tells Warbucks she believes they will be back to get her
 Warbucks decides he wants to help Annie find her
parents and puts out a reward for her parents to come
 Mrs. Hannigan and her cousin, Rooster, decide it
would be a good way to get rich and want to try to fool
Warbucks because Hannigan has the missing piece of
the locket Annie thinks her parents have
 Hundreds of couples show up claiming to be her parents
but none no about the lockets so they know they are fake
Warbucks decides to adopt Annie and then Rooster shows
up claiming he is her father and they are shocked he knows
about the locket
Warbucks still thinks he is lying so asks to keep Annie one
more night for the Christmas party
FDR comes to the party and reveals who Annie’s parents are
and that they died in a fire right after Annie was born
Warbucks adopts Annie
Annie- Tomorrow
 The sun'll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!
Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!
 When I'm stuck with a day
That's gray,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,
The sun'll come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may
Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
I love ya Tomorrow!
You're always
A day
A way!