Science Teaching Plan, Group 2, Ms. Sompong

Science Teaching Plan
1. Unit Name: Atom and Molecules
2. Grade: 8th
3. About the Unit
► Ideas about teaching material
In the introduction part, a piece of cracker/picture of one dish of food will be used to
review about what the matter is. The salt will be used to get students brain storming on the
definition of atom definition by teacher’s demonstration. The periodic Table will be used to
get student imagine of it position on the table and its symbol, and explain how molecules are
made of. The colored circle papers will be used to make molecules’ structures with different
color. Each group will be asked to make molecule structures of element and compound
molecules and write down on the worksheets and present it in front of the class.
► Ideas about students
Before access to the new lesson, students will get to know what the matter is by
noticing picture of a piece of cracker/a dish of food. Then, when exploring today lesson,
students will get the knowledge about atom and its position on the Periodic Table by noticing
salt dissolving and its visual characteristic, and using Periodic Table. Students will get to
know the meaning of molecule by finding water molecule on the Periodic Table and listen to
the teacher’s explanation. Finally, students will be able to create molecule’s structures that
related to their daily life by using colored circle papers and then discuss to each other in the
group, and finally present their finding.
► Ideas about teaching
Today lesson plan, I will conduct about definition of atom and molecule, At this
point, the explanation, demonstration and discussion will be included. The definition of
molecule will be conducted by asking students to notice/find the water molecule on the
Periodic table and brain storming them to find how water molecule compose by looking at
that table and summarize in group. Finally, the group activity and discussion will be used to
conduct the lesson about molecule’s structures which related to their daily life. At this point,
student will get to know how to create molecule, and classify the difference between element
molecules and compound molecules.
4. Goals:
● To define the meaning of particles of mater (atom, ion and molecule).
● To explain the difference of Isotope, Isotone and Isobar.
● To give examples of substances that consists of ions.
● To explain the difference between the element molecule and the compound molecule.
● To mention some examples of simple molecules in daily life.
5. Class hours (..... hours in a total)
Sub-unit #1: 80 minutes
Sub-unit #2: 80 minutes, this period
Sub-unit #3: 80 minutes
6. Teaching on this period
6.1 Goals:
● To define the meaning of particle of atom and molecule.
● To practice student use Periodic Table basically.
● To explain the structure of molecule.
● To explain the difference between element molecule and compound molecule.
● To mention some examples of simple molecules in daily life.
6.2 Development
Concept of theme
(10 minutes)
1. Definition of
Atom (20
Activities of students
▪ Students willing to answer the
questions of review lesson.
▪ Get a volunteer to notice and
taste a cracker.
Activities of teacher
▪ Introduce to students
▪ Get them to the previous lesson by asking “Have you ever heard
about Matter before? What is the matter?
▪ Ask a volunteer come up the class to notice and taste a cracker,
and ask that he/she feels on the cracker. Or ask students in the
whole class to see a picture of a dish of food. Then, summarize that
cracker/food have many matters to compose a cracker/food, so
everything is composed with matter.
▪ Teacher summarizes that every matter are consisted of their
own particles that are very small parts called atoms and
▪ Teacher introduce purpose of today lesson that “Today we will
study about Atom and Molecule”
▪ Set students into the groups as appropriate.
▪ Students notice the salt
▪ Teacher ask students to do this activity:
molecule and how it absorbs.
1. Give the salt, spoon and a glass of water to each group of them.
▪ Students notice how the salt be 2. Ask them to notice that how big or small of that salt.
dissolved until it disappear.
3. Then, dip the salt into a glass of water, and notice that can find
▪ Students try to find the answer salt inside the water or not, and how it dissolves by asking questions
of what happen when dip the salt “What happen inside a glass of water after putting the salt? Can you
in to glass of water, and can they see the salt inside after a few minutes?
see the salt inside water in a few ▪ Ask represent of each group to show their ideas.
▪ Teacher summarizes that salt is composed by very small
▪Students discuss and show their particles that cannot divide easily, dissolve in the water, and
ideas to the class.
after dissolve that particle of salt will become smaller and
dissolve until cannot see by our own eyes. Those smallest parts
are called atom.
▪ Teacher summarize the meaning of atom that an Atom is the
smallest particle that cannot be subdivided anymore and cannot
see by eyes.
▪ Now we know that smallest parts of salt are called Atom. Formula
of salt is NaCl. So, salt is combine with Na and Cl.
▪ Show them the Periodic Table to the students and point where it is
▪ Students play
▪ See if there are
any other
elements that they
recognize and tell
them that
everything is
made of atoms
2. Definition of a
(15 minutes)
▪ Student find water on the
Periodic Table.
▪ Representation of students in
each group answer teacher’s
▪ Students find atom hydrogen
and oxygen on the table.
▪ Students take note the meaning
of a molecule.
3. Molecule
(30 minutes)
▪ Students prepare the colored
circle papers and follow the
instruction of teacher.
▪ Students show the structure of
water molecule, and then try to
practice other molecules.
▪ Students in each group make
structure of molecules, discuss
and present in front of the class.
▪ Students listen to the
explanation of teacher and make
▪ Get them to move/rearrange
the group of molecules.
Summarize (5)
▪ Students listen to the teacher
summarize and take note.
Na and Al on the table.
▪ Teacher stick a formula of water molecule.
1. Show students the Periodic Table again, and ask them to find
water on it.
2. Teacher asks them more when they cannot find water on the table
that “why water is not included there?” Because it’s not an atom.
3. Ask them that what is water made of?
4. Ask them to find hydrogen atom and oxygen atom on the table.
▪ Teacher explain to them that when you add two or more atom
together, it s called a molecule.
▪ Teacher summarize the meaning of molecule that a molecule is
formed when two or more atoms join together chemically.
▪ Teacher explores a worksheet to each group to arrange molecule
▪ Teacher ask this question to students “What are the structures of
the molecules below consisted of?
1. Distributes circle colored of papers
2. Ask them to make models of molecules with different colored
circle papers.
3. Start with a water molecule by choosing a color to be oxygen and
a color to be hydrogen.
4. Attaches the two hydrogen of circle papers to the oxygen
5. Then ask them to make other molecules, and filling on the
6. Then ask represent of each group to present and explain molecule
structure what they have made in front of the class with different
molecule structure.
▪ Teacher summarize the true answer and then explain how different
of those molecules to access the difference of element molecules
and compound molecules.
▪ Ask them to group those molecule’s structures that which is
element molecule, and which one is compound molecule.
▪ Teacher summarizes today lesson about definition of atom and
molecule, atomic and molecule structure, and the differences about
element molecule and compound molecule.
Water cannot find
in the table
because it’s not an
Water is made of
two hydrogen
atoms and one
oxygen atom
together make a
water molecule.