Art Lessons Gr.8, March, April, May 13





{Art Through the Ages - created by the 8th grade}

Students learned about art history as they painted a piece of fruit from different art eras -

Realism, Impressionism, Cubism, Fauvism, Surrealism and Abstract.


How to draw the Eye

Lesson: Plaster Masks; plaster formed on student faces or plastic mask *when dry, students research a Master artist to use as a reference on mask and canvas

*draw out art from resources, students may change the colors and design in some way to make it their own *colors are mixed using temperas *students will incorporate other media to enhance colors/texture *mask will become a part of the art work looking for an area that has more form inference in art

Lesson: Art Report; students will research and write a 1 page report about the artist whose work inspired them, as well as the specific art work.

“Exploring Master Artists”

“Plaster Mask and Canvas Painting”:

Student name__________________ Grade () *______


5 pts____ *Typed; At least 3 paragraphs (5-7 sentences each) _____

5 pts____ *Title Page/Cover design; *Art work you referenced, or one similar –your artist *Artist’s name

>may be printed or drawn (drawn, extra credit).

5 pts____*Research the artist who you referenced for your painting _____

*History of their life, places they lived and worked. *Who influenced their work. *What Artistic style (an

“Ism”) they mostly used. *List colors, use of line, shapes, materials used in this work. *What is the subject matter in this art work.

5 pts _____ *In your own words, report on the artist: _____

*Why you chose this art work. *How did you paint using that style? *How did you add to and change the original to make it your own? *How did you incorporate the “Plaster Mask”? *Do you like the results of your work. *How would you create this differently?

5 pts ______ *List references.

5 pts ________ *Due date: Thurs., Feb. 28 th _______


Total points _______

30pt.=A 25=B 20=C 15=D 10=D-

Thank you for your work!

Mrs. Miller

Lesson: Warhol Inspired Portraits

POP ART *bl/wt photo of each student, shoulders up *photo shop, contrast

*filter, posterize *trace over black lines/shapes with sharpie

*** Trace major lines on photograph print out *cover with acetate paper *make

6 copies of ea face

Lesson: 1)Collage of Words; Describe yourself, magazine, written words, *glue stick to 8x10 white paper


- Acrylic Paint

- Paintbrushes

- Acetate

- Computer & Printer

- Student Photographs

- Warhol References

- Sharpies

Discuss Pop Art, Warhol, and specifically Warhol's portrait work. We discussed his use of color and strong emphasis on shadows and silhouettes.

* demonstrate the effect of color:

*lay acetate over collage of words and make 1 copy

*Paint Portrait:

4. Paint in black shadows. Mandatory black areas: eyes, nose and outline of face.

Lips, hair, clothes and background were optional. Anywhere that is painted black needs to be two coats. You can see how translucent one coat is below.

5. Paint in remaining spaces, leaving any area that is skin blank. Mount free write behind portrait.

*students collect at least 30 words/phrases describing themselves, save in envelope.

*collage on to 8x11 white paper with glue stick

*take acetate paper and trace over photo, major lines of face

*glue to collage *make copy

2) Cubist Portraits


- Tempera Paint

- Paintbrushes

- Pencils

- Student Photographs

- Sharpie Markers

- Picasso References

Key Ideas:

- Cubism

- Pablo Picasso's Blue and Rose Period

- Monochromatic

Review Key Ideas. Students outline major lines of their face on a print out of their photograph. Trace onto "good paper." Break up into spaces.

Choose one color and add tints and shades, painting each section one color.

Outline shapes with sharpie marker.

My students were a little hesitant making "cubist" and abstract shapes because they felt that it did not look like them. Overall though, I think they were pretty successful.
