identifying the gaps and defining priorities for NSS in Africa

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
African Centre for
Data for managing development
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
African Centre for Statistics
United NationsStatistics
Economic Commission
are key for
scientific decision-making (1)
African Centre for
Part 1
The importance of statistics in
everyday life in a democratic society
Statistics are key for
scientific decision-making (1)
Statistics are about measuring various real-world
phenomena and translating the observations
into numbers.
As a measurement tool for socio-economic
phenomena, statistics are indispensable for
planning and result-based management.
There are used in economic planning, business
management, marketing, industry process
control, and in various social sciences.
African Centre for
Statistics are key for
scientific decision-making (2)
Statistics is an art and also a science of
information gathering and decision making in
an environment with uncertainty.
Decisions based on sound statistics have been
scientifically proved to be more likely to
lead to the desirable outcomes”.
African Centre for
The importance of statistics has been
recognized at the highest level (1)
“Statistics permeate modern life. They are the basis
for many governmental, business and
community decisions. They provide information
and insight about the trends and forces that
affect our lives. Collected in surveys and
censuses, statistics affect the planning of
schools, hospitals, roads and much else.”
United Nations Secretary General message on
World Statistics Day 2010
African Centre for
The importance of statistics has been
recognized at the highest level (2)
“The effectiveness of national planning
systems hinges largely on the quality
and availability of data. Data informs
the setting of priorities and facilitates
the tracking of performance.”
Dr. Carlos Lopes, UN Under Secretary-General and Executive
Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa
African Centre for
The importance of statistics in a
democratic society (1)
“Reliable and available statistics can foster awareness
and knowledge on a country’s social, demographic,
economic and environmental conditions”*.
“Statistics can provide the evidence for people in all
spheres of society to make their case, to take decisions
and to design policies”*.
“Timely and reliable statistics can help governments
make policy decisions which have a positive impact
on people’s life”*.
(*)Statistics Denmark (2009) - The Importance of Reliable and
Available Information for Development.
African Centre for
The importance of statistics in a
democratic society (2)
“Easy accessible statistics can help citizens hold their
government accountable”.
“Independent and comparable statistics can help
stimulate the interest of the private sector investing in
developing countries”.
“Comparable statistics are needed to measure
progress towards the MDGs”.
(*)Statistics Denmark (2009) - The Importance of Reliable and
Available Information for Development.
African Centre for
Statistics are key for
scientific decision-making (1)
Part 2
International frameworks and
recommendations for improving
statistics for better development
Historical perspectives
African Centre for
The International Conference on
Financing for Development (2002)
The International Conference on Financing for
Development was held from 18-22 March 2002 in
Monterrey, N.L., Mexico.
The conference called for:
– Improved policies and stronger institutions in developing
– Increase in the amount of the aid and improvement of its
use: call for better result-based management
African Centre for
The Marrakech Action Plan for
Statistics (2004)
Recommended set of actions addressing national
– 1. Mainstream strategic planning of statistics
– 2. Prepare for the 2010 population census round
– 3. Increase investment in statistics
Recommended also set of action for international
– 4. Set up an International Household Survey Network
– 5. Improve MDG monitoring
– 6. Improve international accountability in statistics
African Centre for
The Busan Action Plan for Statistics
Strengthen NSDS;
Implement standards for data documentation and
public access;
Develop programs to increase knowledge and skills
needed to use statistics effectively;
Monitor outcomes of all global summits;
Ensure financing is robust and funding mechanisms
African Centre for
Some frameworks developed by pan
African institutions
• The Reference Regional framework for
Statistical Capacity Development in
Africa (RRSF).
• The Strategy for the Harmonization of
Statistics in Africa (SHaSA).
• The African Charter on Statistics.
African Centre for
Statistics are key for
scientific decision-making (1)
Part 3
identifying gaps and setting priorities for
the development of national
statistical systems
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at national level: NSDS as a strategic
planning tool
• The approach recommended by the
international community is the design
and implementation of a National
Strategy for the Development of
Statistics (NSDS).
• RRSF is a reference framework for the
development of NSDSs.
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at national level: the RRSF/NSDS
approach (1)
• NSDS should be demand focused and
integrated within national development
• NSDS recommends assessing all
statistical sectors and users’ needs
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at national level: the RRSF/NSDS
approach (2)
• Assessing the national statistical system:
– Collecting and analyzing existing
– Identifying user needs and data gaps
– Assessing the quality of statistics
– Taking stock of existing capacity
– Reviewing the legal and institutional
– Conduction a SWOT analysis of the system
African Centre for
Example of tool for identifying gaps –
Users-Producers workshops
African Centre for
Setting priorities in the RRSF/NSDS
• NSDS is meant to give the national
statistical system a vision and strategic
• The steps recommended after identifying
the gaps in the national statistical system
– Define a mission and a vision
– Reach an agreement on expected results
– Set priorities and strategies
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at sub-regional and regional levels :
Institutional framework
• Several sub-regional, regional and
international organizations are active in
statistical development on the continent:
African Union Commission, African
Development Bank, AFRISTAT,
Economic Commission for Africa,
Paris21, Regional Economic
Communities, etc.
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at sub-regional and regional levels :
The Statistical Commission for Africa
• The Conference of African Ministers of
Finance, Planning and Economic
Development held in Addis Ababa in
April 2007 endorsed the creation of the
subsidiary body in charge of statistics:
the Statistical Commission for Africa
(StatCom-Africa), as the apex entity in
statistical development on the continent.
African Centre for
Identifying gaps and setting priorities
at sub-regional and regional levels :
StatCom-Africa working groups
Data Management
Development Indicators
Gender Statistics
Informal Sector
National Accounts
Environment Statistics
Statistical Harmonization
Statistical Training
African Centre for
ACS activities in identifying gaps and
setting priorities for national
statistical systems (1)
ACS mandate: To strengthen the availability and
utilization of quality statistical information for
evidence-based policy formulation and tracking
progress towards the achievement of national and
international development targets, including the
Millennium Development Goals in Africa, within
the framework of the Reference Regional Strategic
Framework for Statistical Capacity-Building in
Africa in support of African integration processes.
African Centre for
ACS activities in identifying gaps and
setting priorities for national
statistical systems (2)
ACS priorities:
– Advocate for statistical development in African
National Statistical Systems
– Build a data hub for African socio-economic
– Support the implementation of 2008 SNA
– Support statistical training programmes
– Advocate for Population and Housing Censuses
– Implement Africa CRVS programme
African Centre for
Identified gaps and challenges in
African National Statistical Systems(1)
• Domestic under funding
• Conflicting donor priorities
• Limited institutional capacity
• Low demand for quality statistics
African Centre for
Identified gaps and challenges in
African National Statistical Systems(2)
• Data availability problems
• Data comparability problems
• Inconsistency between national and
international data
• Insufficiencies in data periodicity and
African Centre for
Some ECA publications for identifying
gaps and challenges in African
National Statistical Systems(1)
African Centre for
Some ECA publications for identifying
gaps and challenges in African
National Statistical Systems(2)
African Centre for
Some ECA publications for identifying
gaps and challenges in African
National Statistical Systems(3)
African Centre for
Thank you!
African Centre for