During mitosis a cell with 16 chromosomes produces____________

1. During mitosis a cell with 16 chromosomes produces____________ SC-07-3.4.2
2 cells with 16 chromosomes each
2. Which of the following occurs during meiosis but not during mitosis? SC-07-3.4.2
The chromosomes are reduced by half
3. Which of the following is an example of sexual reproduction in plants? SC-07-3.4.2
Sperm combines with an egg
4. How is a skin cell from a mouse similar to an amoeba? SC-05-3.4.2
They both need energy
5. What is the primary advantage of sexual reproduction when compared to asexual
reproduction? SC-07-3.4.2 they have more genetic variety
6. Mitosis is defined as division of a(n) _________ nucleus
7. A male chimpanzee has 48 chromosomes in his regular body cells. How many
chromosomes would be found in each of his sperm cells? 24
8. Which process is represented by the series of diagrams above?
Which diagram below most correctly represents the process of mitosis? SC-07-3.4.2
10. If a sex cell has eight chromosomes, how many chromosomes will there be after
fertilization? SC-07-3.4.2 16