GEF CSP Sub-Regional Workshop: presentation of Russia's experience Contents • GEF Portfolio in the Russian Federation • GEF Biodiversity Portfolio in the Russian Federation: Partners and Regions • Current GEF/Russia Strategic Priorities for Biodiversity • Approaches to GEF Biodiversity programming • Results and Achievements in Biodiversity Management • Constrains and Challenges • Lessons Learnt • Integrated Approaches to Global Environmental Challenges GEF Portfolio in the Russian Federation Since 1991, GEF allocated project grants and project preparation grants for approved national projects in the Russian Federation for a total sum of US$226.6 million (Total cofinancing US$789.78 million) Overall participated in 33 approved GEF national projects in Russia, mainly in Biodiversity and Climate Change Grants allocated by GEF to the 23 regional and global projects for Russian Federation totaled US$114.23 million (Total cofinancing US$639.78 million) In 2007, US$25.65 million were allocated from RAF GEF-4 resources to national projects in Biodiversity and US$87.10 million to national projects in Climate Change. Approved projects in RF since 1991 (US$ million) Utilized RAF GEF-4 Allocations in Biodiversity by 2008: US$15.46 million (3 Full Projects) 2 new Biodiversity projects under development for US$10.19 to be submitted to the GEF in 2009 Total GEF Grant Total cofinancing National projects 226.550 789.763 Regional projects 114.237 639.776 National projects Biodiversity 59,37 93,08 RAF GEF-4 Biodiversity Allocation and Utilization in Russia in 2008 30 25 10,19 US$ million 20 Allocations remaining to be programmed Allocation utilized 15 10 15,46 5 Total BD GEF-4: US$25.65 million 0 Biodiversity GEF Biodiversity Portfolio in the Russian Federation Partners and Regions GEF projects in Biodiversity in Russia by GEF Implementing Agency: • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): 8 national projects (full and medium size) • United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP): 1 national full size project, 4 regional/national enabling activities • The World Bank : 2 national projects (full and medium size) Key project implementing partners, national/regional levels: Government: Institutes/NGOs: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation and its regional branches Ministry of Agriculture State Committee for Fisheries and its regional branches Regional Governments Regional governmental authorities responsible for ecological control WWF-Russia Biodiversity Conservation Center (BCC) Environmental Educational Center "Zapovedniks“ Coverage of GEF Biodiversity Portfolio in Russia since 1991 National Siberia Kamchatka Oblast Khabarovsky Kray Kamchatka Peninsula Lower Volga Altai-Sayan Taymir Kamchatka Oblast Arctic Marine and Coastal Areas Komi Republic Steppe PAs Eco-regions covered by GEF Biodiversity projects in Russia GEF/Russia Strategic Priorities for Biodiversity Catalyzing Sustainability of Protected Area Systems -Demonstrating Sustainable Conservation of Biodiversity in Four Protected Areas in Russia's Kamchatka Oblast (UNDP 2003-2010) - Biodiversity Conservation in the Russian Portion of the Altai-Sayan Ecoregion (UNDP 2006-2010) -Conservation of Wetland Biodiversity in the Lower Volga Region (UNDP 2006-2010) -Strengthening Protected Area System of the Komi Republic to Conserve Virgin Forest Biodiversity in the Pechora River Headwaters Region (UNDP, FSP: 2008 – 2013) - Strengthening the Marine and Coastal Protected Areas of Russia (UNDP 2009-2014) - Improving the Coverage and Management Efficiency of Protected Areas in the Steppe Biome of Russia (PPG on-going, FSP: UNDP 2010-2014) Mainstreaming Biodiversity Conservation in Production Landscapes/Seascapes and Sectors -An Integrated Ecosystem Management Approach to Conserve Biodiversity and Minimize Habitat Fragmentation in Three Selected Model Areas in the Russian Arctic (ECORA) (UNEP 2003-2009) - Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in Russia’s Taymir Peninsula: Maintaining connectivity across the landscape (UNDP 2006-2010) -Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Salmonid Biological Diversity in Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula (UNDP 2003-2009) - Mainstreaming biodiversity conservation into Russian energy policies and operations (under development, endorsed by OFP, UNDP, 2010-2014) - Joint Actions to Reduce PTS and Nutrients Pollution and Protect Biodiversity in Lake Baikal through Integrated Basin Management: Russia, Mongolia. Multifocal BD/IW (under development, UNDP 2010-2013) Approaches to GEF Biodiversity programming • Ecoregional/ecosystem approach addressing gaps in Protected Areas coverage (representativity): Arctic, marine and coastal, steppe, forest, freshwater and wetland ecosystems, etc. • GEF assistance helps expand national protected areas system and improve its management effectiveness • Partnership with key sectoral and regional agencies to embed biodiversity conservation concerns into decision-making and strategic planning • Building capacity of local and regional stakeholders • Mainstreaming biodiversity into various development sectors: fishery, energy, etc. Results and Achievements in Biodiversity Management • Enhanced protected area management effectiveness (management-plans for individual PAs, enhanced technical capacities for protection and monitoring, improved capacities of PA staff): at least 30 federal and regional PAs covering an area of more than 15 million hectares of utmost global and national biodiversity value 1400 1200 Federal budget 1000 • Increased funding for PA system management 800 Extra budgetary 600 400 GEF funding 200 0 2000 2005 2006 2007 • Better cooperation between protected areas and local communities (SME funds, co-management, sustainable livelihoods, eco-tourism) • Interagency tools and partnerships for biodiversity conservation and PA management (anti-poaching teams, technical advisory boards, steering committees) Constrains and challenges • On-going administrative and regulatory reform; legal barriers • Staff turn-over in regional administrations and protected areas; capacity constrains • Lack of project management expertise in the regions • Integrated multifocal programmes require interagency and sectoral coordination Lessons Learnt • Project interventions are most effective when designed to complement and build on the existing baseline activities and provide key incremental assistance to national/regional initiatives • Successful exchange of experience among the projects allows better synergies and enhanced quality of interventions in the following fields: PA management tools Alternative livelihood demonstrations(SME activities in Kamchatka and Altay-Sayan) Institutional strengthening and capacity building Public awareness activities • Active and thoroughly planned stakeholder involvement process is a prerequisite for successful incremental intervention Integrated Approaches to Global Environmental Challenges • - • - • Biodiversity and Climate Change: Cross-focal area initiative in Altay-Sayan Ecoregion and in Komi Republic aimed to expand regional protected area networks so as to build resilience to climate change induced threats and protect carbon sinks (GEF + German Climate Change Initiative): Designation of PAs to a) reduce ecosystem vulnerability and b) increase the carbon storage Fire management strategies to a) benefit in emission reduction and b)increase climate change adaptation capacities of local institutions Biodiversity and Energy: New pipeline initiative on mainstreaming biodiversity conservation priorities into Russian energy sector development policies and energy production sectors (under development, endorsed by OFP): Addressing potential threats to biodiversity from the new and planned energy projects Reducing impacts from existing energy production and transportation infrastructure on globally important ecosystems Biodiversity and Water: Multifocal UNDP/GEF Regional project to conserve biodiversity and reduce contamination in the Baikal Lake Basin: Russia, Mongolia (under development) Thank you