AP GOVERNMENT POLITICAL PARTIES Chapter 7 What is a political party? • A group of persons who seek to control government through the winning of elections and the holding of public office Two Major Political Parties: • Republican • Democrat What do political parties do? 1. Connect citizens to their government • Linkage institution • Increases political efficacy 2. Running members for office • Nominating the party’s candidate 3. Unify the Electorate • Moderate Conflict by bringing together different viewpoints under one party Extreme Liberal Extreme Conservative 4. Help Organize Government • Not as cohesive or “vital” in the US as in Europe • CONGRESS-Chamber officers and committees are usually majority party members • Same with state leg except Nebraska 5. Enact policies and implement campaign promises (effectively changing government with legislation) • • No guarantee that candidates will follow party platform Soft Money usually means candidates follow party platform 6. Provide opposition to the party that controls the White House or Congress • Honeymoon period 7. Inform the public of the party’s policies • Convey an image to get the electorate to support their side 8. Raise Money! • Know the following terms: • Party Column Ballot • Favors Straight Ticket Voting • Office Block Ballot • Nonpartisan How do parties nominate a candidate? • Caucus - closed meeting to pick candidate • Party convention - candidates chosen by party members • Direct primary - elections to determine candidates (mostly used today!) Different types of Primaries: • Open Primaries - any voter can participate in elections (no matter the party affiliation) • Crossover voting • Closed Primaries - only voters registered as that party can vote Party System • Know the following terms: • Two-party system • Multiparty system • Presidential system • Parliamentary system • Coalition gov’t • Proportional representation • Winner-take-all system Minor Parties • Third parties • Grouped by ideology • Examples: Bull Moose Party, American Independent Party, Reform Party, Green Party